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Endless War: A Club Nerd RP! (Started)(Accepting Members in OoC)


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IC: 'Screw this!' Dante swore, elbowing the Geek standing in front of him in the stomach.

'You worthless little Geeks are pathetic. You think you can withstand the Nerd Armies?!'

'We don't have to.' A voice drawled, from somewhere behind Dante.

'We just have to withstand a few ragtag Nerds who we haven't already destroyed.'

Dante spun around on his heel to find the owner of the voice, who was, of course, a Geek.

'And that won't be much difficult.' He smirked. 'Not if they're all as easy to defeat as you.'

Dante swore again, lunging at the Geek, only to be intercepted by several more of them.

'Out of my way.' He raged, shoving them off of him. 'You will die!' He stated, before elbowing one in the face and sprinting away form the group.


'May Ravax have your soul!' He called out behind him. 'Long Live Nerd Force!'

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Nick walked into the Cool People's Leader's lair. He looked around at the surroundings. He noticed the Leaders Xbox 360. It had Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 in the system. He had left it on Xbox Live. Except he wasn't in a game. "Leader! I'm here to figure out a plan to destroy the Nerds. It has to be perfect, so that the nerds won't see it coming. Because you and I were probably the only smart Cool People. The others would text in class. Well I have to admit I did too, I mean it wasn't that hard, the teachers didn't pay attention to us. So what's the plan?" Nick said finding the Leader upstairs.

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OOC: I'm gonna say his name for the Cool People is Cool-Z while his real is Zack XD


IC: Cool-Z threw Nick a card "Use this!" Cool-Z demanded "It's a card the Nerds would completely despise!" Cool-Z explained. The card was the coolest card ever created! Cool-Z threw a dart at a picture of a random nerd. Getting him right in the eye! Then again. Cool-Z then gave a maniacal laugh "The war will soon be over." Cool-Z stated in an evil voice. "Whew, laughing maniacally, not cool." Cool-Z stated "(Or maybe it is....)" Cool-Z thought.

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Dante finally arrived at his base. It was more of a hideout, but it worked. He entered through the hidden entrance, before freezing suddenly.


'Hello.' The Cool Person smiled. 'Found you. Now - we duel!'

Dante grinned. 'You do realize I'm one of the Force Fourteen? There's no way on earth a little Cool Person like you could ever beat me.'

'Care to find out?' Phoenix, the cool person, grinned. 'Let's duel!'


'I'll begin this,' Dante told him, 'By laying down a copy of Ground Collapse! That means your field can't hold up more than three monsters. I'll also summon Dark Resonator, in defense mode! Your move, Cool Person.'

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"Thanks Cool-Z. And yeah laughing maniacally isn't cool. It's nerdy." Nick said walking out of Cool-Z's Lair. He looked at his map. "Now where the hell are those nerds. They'll go down like when you have no feeling in your legs when I find them. Soon this war will come to an end with this card. Cool Blast. Cool Blast is the coolest card ever created. You know your cool when you use this card. "We'll start by going to Domino City."

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Phoenix snickered. 'You think you can beat Cool-Z's army? That's pathetic. I throw a card facedown, and activate Hand Destruction, so we both toss our our hands, and redraw them.' He grinned at the cards he drew.

'I summon the Stripling Phoenix, in attack mode! Wipe out his Resonator!!' [1600]

Dante chuckled. 'Dark Resonator's strong. It takes two hits to take him down. And now, it's my move! I summon Destiny Hero - Defender, and Synchro Summon! Rise, Ancient Fairy Dragon, in defense mode! Her ability lets me special summon the Numbing Grub in the Ice Barrier, also in defense mode, so now you can only have 2 monsters out at a time. And one of those spots is clogged up by your Phoenix.'

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Andy, the geek overlord was watching Dante's battle from a distance. "He's good", he snickered. "But not good enough. If he thinks beating pheonix makes him good enough to defeat us, he is poorly mistaken. Mabey pheonix can at least slow him down long enough to make a difference." And with that, he turned and walked away, off to resume his plans.

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Phoenix chuckled, drawing a card.

'Here's a lesson, kid. Pick off the weak before they can grow up to pick on you. I tribute Phoenix Stripling to summon, from my graveyard, the Phoenix Prodigy!!' [2000] 'I'll also activate Foolish Buriel, so I can search my deck and toss the Phoenix Infant to the grave. Your go, Nerd-boy.'

Dante scowled. 'Ancient Fairy Dragon, switch into attack mode! Same with you, Numbing Grub! Now I'll summon Don Zaloog! Fairy Dragon, destroy his Phoenix! Now you other two, direct attack!'

Phoenix smirked. 'Get real. You can't expect to wipe me out that easily. Whenever a Phoenix dies, they are reborn from the ashes. They are weaker, younger, and near-harmless. But they are alive. Phoenix Stripling, rise from the ashes of your forefather! I summon Phoenix Chick, now both of you, attack!' [1200/1200] 'Stripling, wipe out his Grub. Chick, kamikaze strike out Don Zaloog. And guess what? Phoenix Chick can bring out the Phoenix Infant I sent to the grave. I'll end my turn with that.'


'I wouldn't be too sure about that.' Ravax smirked, throwing off what looked vaguely like a bedsheet that blended in with the ground it was on, after Andy had left.

'Dante's stronger than any Geek. He's one of the Force 14. And what kind of Geek, Coolite, or whatever, could ever have something like this?'

He grinned, before picking up the sheet, and throwing it over himself again, as it slowly blended perfectly with the background, making him nearly invisible.

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Andy was walking through the cold countryside, returning to their hidden base of operations, when he heard a roar in the distance. The battle must be heating up he thought. I'll have to hurry if this is going to work. He picked up the pace, walking over a tall hill that hid their hideout. He ran inside, quickly, and ran to the garage where they kept their aircraft. He found a helicopter, got in, and then cursed as he realized that he had left his deck behind. He got out and ran to his quarters where he stayed, on the second floor. He ran in and got his deck, then was about to leave, when he was confronted by a strange man in a dark cloak. His face was obscured by a long hood made of hard hide. The man was no geek that Andy had ever seen, nor was he a cool person. "Who are you?" Andy demanded. "How did you get in here?"

"I am here to warn you of an upcoming battle", replied the man, with a deep calm voice. "I suggest you try to make peace with the nerds, for if you don't, many lives will be lost, including those of your beloved."

Andy could not help but burst out laughing. "You think we should make peace with the nerds?" He said. "Sure, and while we are at it, why not go out and have a few laughs with a pack of rabid coyotes? Listen you, I don't know who you are, but your insane if you think we would ever consider joining forces with the nerds, or Vice Versa. And what did you mean by an upcoming battle? How could you possibly know of this, when I, leader of the geeks, do not?

The man hesitated, then said, "This goes far beyond you and me. In the end, you will regret not making peace. Trust me, a bond between the nerds, geeks, and cool people will have to be made, else this war will go on forever. You have met your match Andy, you cannot win this war against the nerds, nor can they win against you or the cool people."

"Yeah, Yeah, I have met enough hooligans in my life to know when to believe, or not believe their stories. Now move aside." He quickly pushed the man aside and began to walk away, when he stopped, and said, "One more thing. How did you know my name?"

When he heard no answer, he turned to look at the strange man, but he had already disappeared. Gone with the wind, thought Andy.

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Hmm... Dante frowned slightly. 'I'll set a facedown card and activate Double Summon, so I can bring out both Cliff the Trap Remover, and then tribute him and Ancient Fairy Dragon for the Water Slayer of the Abyss!!' [2300/3200] 'Destroy Phoenix Stripling!'

Phoenix laughed. 'As if. Phoenix Chick, rise!'

3200/3300 Phoenix/Dante

'Now, then. Chick, Infant, grow stronger, and become Stripling and Chick! I'll swap the two of you into defense mode, and throw down the Vindictive Shield card, so it costs you 500 points to attack, each time. End turn with a defensive monster.'

Dante nodded. 'I get it. Each monster has a different level, and their Attack and Defense is four hundred times their level. But when they die, they summon a lower level version of themselves. When they level up, they summon a higher level version of themselves. But it has to be from the graveyard, either way. Which means that if Chick is on the field, it can't be in the graveyard, so you can't bring him out if I kill Stripling! Water Slayer, wipe him out!!'

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Andy walked out toward the helicopter, his mind still on the garbed stranger. Who was he?, he thought. And what did he mean when he said I would lose the lives of my beloved? He tried to get rid of the thought, but he couldn't. This is all like one huge puzzle. Argh! I hate mind games. Maybe this is a riddle to be solved another day. He got in the helicopter, initiated the controls that activated the shuttle doors in the hanger, and took off. It didn't take him long to reach the area where dante and pheonix were dueling. From above, Andy could see dante snarl with anger, which pleased him. "You weren't expecting that now were you?", he said to himself. With pheonix keeping him busy, there is no-one to stop me from going right into the nerds' territory. Hopefully, pheonix can give me enough time to finish my mission before dante beats him and comes after me. Although, I have been wanting another duel with him, he has always been a very powerful foe, but still, with my new deck and cards, I might be able to defeat him. Though I probably shouldn't stick around to find out. Andy heard another duel monster roar, but ignored it, and went on.

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Phoenix smirked, as Dante glanced skyward, seeing Andy's helicopter . 'You really think it's that easy? The level difference doesn't have to be one level, genius. Phoenix Infant, rise! Vindictive Shield, blast him!'


Dante cursed under his breath, which Phoenix seemed to find humorous.

'When my move begins, I level them each up a level. Now, I'll set a facedown card and activate my Solidarity card, so since the only monsters in my grave are Winged Beast Phoenix monsters, everyone on my field gets a total of 800 points. In addition, I'll throw down a facedown and flip up my facedown Needlebug Nest, so I can throw out the top five cards from my deck.' He placed them into his graveyard. 'And...' He checked the cards. 'That's lucky. I have another Chick in here now. There's no way you can take out my birdies. By the way, I'm also tributing them both to bring out the nice and mighty Phoenix Veteran, a level eight monster. Now go, Synchro Charge! I can boost the level of any non-tuner monster by 1 for every 500 points I pay. And I'm tossing out a thousand, meaning that he's level 10, so I can summon a level eleven Phoenix next turn.'

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Andy was flying his helicopter into an area he knew as Alpha Sector. It was said that a hidden nerd base lay somewhere in the area. He had finished the easy part of his plan, but now came the hard part: Finding the base. He knew that if he did, he could finally find out where the nerds were getting all of their strong cards, and finally give his army the edge they needed to win this war. Andy flew in, and landed his helicopter in a small clearing in the desert brush. He pulled out his duel disc, and started looking around. The nerds have always been known for their ability to hide when necessary, thought Andy. Hopefully this mission doesn't end up being for nothing. Andy spent the next hour searching under every rock, leaf, and log, searching for something that could give him a clue to the wherabouts of the nerd's base. He found nothing. Blast it! Where are these scrawny little nerds hiding?! They can't hide forever! Out of sheer anger, he kicked the stump of a nearby tree. The tree rattled, and the leaves pulled back to reveal a small nook, hidden in the branches. It was pretty high up, but he climbed the tree, and made his way to it. Once he was at the branch, he reached into the nook, and moved his hand around, trying to feel the inside, and find something. "Aha!", he exclaimed. His hand had come upon some sort of lever, which he immediately pulled. About twenty yards away, a metal door in the ground, disguised by grass that had grown from the dirt spread over it, opened. This must be the back entrance. It doesn't look like it has been used in a while. Andy walked over to the door, and examined the entrance. The tunnel seemed long, with no light, except at the very end, where a small room illuminated the darkness. Andy searched around, and found a ladder that leaded down. He started climbing down it, but it only went about half way down. Without thinking, he jumped the rest of the length, and landed swiftly, on his feet. At the bottom, he looked around. As he had thought, the room was small. It had no furniture, and many boxes. Andy assumed it was a storage area, and that the entrance he used, was for shipping supplies in and out. That would explain why it hasn't been used recently, he thought. The geeks had been stopping all of the convoys from getting in and out of geek territories, and since the geeks territories was where all of the nerd's supplies came in and out of, to send food and cards to their nerd forces on the front lines, nobody had been able to get the food and water they needed. Since the geeks were always just getting the supplies, the nerds finally just stopped shipping them at all. Andy left the room, and headed down one of the halls. He smirked as he saw, and recognized a guard that had spotted him. "Ah, if it isn't my old friend Brad", Andy said. Brad pulled out his duel disc, then grabbed his radio and tried to call for help, but Andy was too fast for him. In the blink of an eye, Andy grabbed what looked like a ninja star from his coat, and threw it, disabling the radio. Brad snarled, and engaged his duel disc, as did Andy.

Together they shouted, "Let's Duel!"

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'But don't forget that his sacrifices weren't forgotten.' Phoenix laughed. 'Next turn, I'll have my Chick and Infant back. Don't even think about fighting, since even if you somehow kill my mighty Phoenix Veteran, I can still bring out any other Phoenix, even himself, since he's a higher level than normal.'

Dante scowled. 'I activate Pot of Greed!' He drew two cards, and laughed. 'You're toast, Coolio. I throw down Ground Collapse! You can't revive your precious Phoenixes. Now, I'll summon the Warm Worm! Synchro Summon! The level eight tuner - Water Slayer of the Abyss- plus a level three Non-tuner - that's Warm Worm - let's my summon my all powerful level eleven Synchro Monster! The Forbidden Aidoxe, rise!' [4500/4700] 'His stats are the combined total of the monsters used to synch him up. Plus, he gets attack points equal to the points of the most recent defeated monster. You're toast.'

Phoenix smirked. 'Then hit me with your best shot.'

Dante grinned. 'I will. Aidoxe, wipe out Phoenix Veteran!!'

Phoenix laughed. 'Forgetting Vindictive Shield, are we? You take another 500 points of damage.'


'So?' Dante shrugged. 'I've still got thousands. But you, on the other hand... You aren't likely to surve this attack. Aidoxe, Obliterate him!'

2200 -> 1700/2300

Phoenix burst into laughter. 'You really think you can win? I activate my facedown card, Curse of the Phoenix. Now you're taking damage equal to 400 times my monster's level. I'm counting 4000, enough to wipe you out nearly twice over!'

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Andy and Brad picked up their first five cards, and Brad initiated the duel by saying, "I'll go first. I draw, then I'll summon my dark necro fiend! This activates his effect, allowing me to pay 500 life points, and summon one dark monster from my hand. I'll summon Chaos Dragon! With his 2800 attack points, and my fiend's 1500, I could wipe you out in one move! Lucky for you I can't attack on my first turn. So, I'll place two facedowns, and end my turn!"

Andy smirked. "If that's the best you can do, my cards are about to put you to shame. Now, I'll draw. I'll play barrier of the weak, which keeps any monster with less than 2000 attack from attacking! Next I'll place one card in facedown defense position. I end my turn. It's your move Brad. I reccomend that you use it wisely use it wisely, for it might just be your last."

"We'll see about that."

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Dante smiled grimly. 'Keep dreaming. I have my facedown Trap Stun negate it.'

Phoenix shrugged. 'I'll kill you another way, then. Phoenix Veteran, die in flames, so that you may be reborn in the form of the mighty Shadow Phoenix!!'


'But first, I'll toss out five more of my cards with my facedown NeedleBug Nest!


'Three more fallen Phoenixes means that he's up by another 1200 points. Face facts, nerd, even Aidoxe can't stop the undefeatable Shadow Phoenix!'

Aidoxe - 5900/4700

Shadow Phoenix - 4400/4400

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