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EXPERT CARD MAKERS ONLY!!! Audition Card Required!!!


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1st = 3rep

2nd = 2 rep

3rd = 1 rep each

Alright, despite my rank, rep, and points, I am an expert at picking out the greatest cards. I critically examine cards on battle effectiveness, balance, presentation, diction, and overall appeal. since i have reached a road block in my own card making, i figured that i can only be the best by seeing the best. This is why i have decided to make this 1 on 1 8 man contest.


An audition card without restriction must be approved before entree.


There will be 3 rounds and the contestants will be paired by the rank of their audition cards. The better it is, the higher you rank. I will give everyone a score out of 10 for the rounds 1 and 2. round 3 will be judged by the responses and feedback collected from eliminated contestants and viewers.


Round 1 - Level 4 or Lower Monster


Round 2 - *** Change *** Gemini and Zombie


Round 3 - Ritual Monster over 3000 ATK OR a Synchro Monster under 1000 ATK


Cards for each individual rounds should not be submitted until the corresponding round begins, round 1 starts when all 8 contestants have been paired.


Good Luck.



1. Smeshee - 1st

2. merlincool12 - 3rd

3. zmuzik - 2nd






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ill join. heres my audition card

[spoiler=Audition Card]555168n.jpg

1 Machine-Type Tuner+ 1 or more non-tuner Thunder-Type monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, you must discard 1 card. If you cannot, this card is destroyed. After this card is Synchro Summoned successfully, your opponent must discard cards in their hand equal to the amount of cards in your hand, or take 1000 damage. Each time your opponent Tribute Summons a monster, they must discard 1 card or take 500 damage. When this card is destroyed, you take 1500 damage.


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Ok, I'll enter!


[spoiler=My Audition Card]





1 WATER Synchro Monster + 1 Fiend-Type Monster + 1 Machine-Type Monster

This card cannot be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck except by Fusion Summon. Once per turn, you can equip this card to a face-up monster your opponent controls, OR unequip it to Special Summon this card in face-up Defense Position. Halve the ATK of the equipped monster. Discard 1 WATER monster to inflict damage to your opponent equal to the equipped monster's Level x200. When the equipped monster is destroyed, send the top cards of your opponent's Deck equal to the Level of the equipped monster to the Graveyard. When this card is destroyed, you can remove from play 3 WATER monsters in your Graveyard to Special Summon this card in face-up Defense Position.






Thanks! :D

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Sorry about the awkwardness of the card. It was kind of an experiment (my new parasite set). It revolves around equipping to your opponent to cause negative side effects to them. If you're not satisfied with this card, I'll send in a "normal" card. :D

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Guest Dark-Azkrin666

K i'll join

[spoiler=*Audition Card* Cyber Gear E-92]221807.jpg[spoiler=Lore]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except when a monster your opponent controls ATK is decreased to 0 by the effect of "Miniaturize" and a "Cyber Gear" monster you control. When this card would destroy a monster by Battle, it does not (Battle Damage still applys normally). When a "Cyber Gear" monster you control decrease's the ATK and DEF of an opponents monster(s) place 1 Cyber Counter on this card (Max 4). You can remove Cyber Counters from this card to send cards from your opponents hand equal to the number of Cyber Counters removed to his/her Deck, the Deck is then shuffled, your opponent then draws cards equal to 1 less of the Cyber Counters removed.[spoiler=Image Credit]deviantart.com, NationalGeo




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