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The Golios Legacy - An original Fan Fic (Redone), Prologue Added


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Hey so this is a re-done version of my "Golios Legacy" story. At the moment only some Info on the story and Golios's has been added, however more will be added later on.


[spoiler=Info on Golios's]

[spoiler=What is a Golios?]

: A Golios, to put it simple is a blade that when used replaces the users right arm from the users elbow, to past their hand. Their shoulder to elbow is covered by a Tight sleeve that connects to the start of the blade, the colour is dependent on Tech style used.




[spoiler=Why a Golios?]

:A Golios is the strongest weapon in this creation. Many people use Golios's for different reasons, the most common reasons are, to sell (Golios's are worth a lot of money), to Fight or to Collect.




[spoiler=How a Golios?]

:There are 5 ways for a person to gain a Golios, Finding, Buying, recieving, inheriting it or creating it through ones own will power.




[spoiler=So everyones Golios is called "Golios?]

: No, although they are known as Golios's, each Possessor names theirs depending on their style.




[spoiler=Are all Golios's the same?]

Nope, in fact they are all different, every "Possessor" (term used to describe a Golios Weilder) has a certain "Tech" or Technician, there are many different Techs that serve also as an elemental style of fighting, atm these are:

-Generic-Tech:This Tech is as it is called generic, meaning their techniques that can be used by any possessor an example of this is: clones or enhanced actions performed by channeling Dios.

-Sky-Tech: Wind or Air, Possessors of this Tech are known to be incredibly fast.

-Pyro-Tech: Fire or Flame, possesors of this Tech are known to be explosive fighters, meaning their attacks are stronger and have a wide range of effect.

-Aqua-Tech: Water, known to be the skillful Tech-Type, often perform unique and a wide range of Techniques.

-Thunder-Tech: Electricity, Known to be the "shock" Possessors, meaning that theyr attacks are often have a long lasting effect on the person they attack.

-Terra-Tech: Ground or Earth, known to be the defensive Tech, meaning that they have a wide range of defensive techniques. They often like to attack from a distance.

-Spec-Tech: "Spec"= Special or a single possessors tech. Basically this person has been able to develop their own Tech style that allows them to perform irregular Techs eg: "Ivy Tech", which is Terra-Tech and a persons own ability to create a new tech from the existing terra-Tech. Spec Tech Possessor's are not uncommon.

-Light-Tech: A Powerful and Self Brought type of Tech that can't be given or inherited. Considered the strongest Tech to ever exist, (there has only ever been 2 possessors of Light-Tech in history)

-Dark-Tech: A Vengeful and hateful type of Tech. Although not as strong as Light-Tech, its power is the strongest among other Techs. It is said to have been created through the hatred and anger existing in a persons heart.




[spoiler=What makes Light-Tech so strong?]

: A possessor with Light-Tech can train and increase their skills 1000x the average person.




[spoiler=So everyone has 1 Tech?]

: No, in fact it's more common that people have 2 Tech-Types, these possessors are called "Duel-Technicians", they often are able to combine 2 Techs to make their own Spec Tech. If a person gets a Golios in any way, they are stuck with that Tech style. However some people inherit Tech styles so they can't simply be given a Golios that specialises in a Tech they didn't inherit.




[spoiler=What makes a Possessor strong?]

: A Possessor is no ordinary person they are naturally stronger, faster and skilled in battle as they gain a Golios. The Possesor's Strength is seen into 4 Categories, Strength, Speed, Intellect and Dios Capacity.





[spoiler=What is Dios]

: Dios is a possessors source of strength, if a possessor is out of Dios then they are unable to perform techs causing their Golios's to withdraw. When a person is completly out of Dios they either passs out or die.




[spoiler=How is a Golios Brought Forth?]

: A Golios is brought forth through the possessor simply channeling their Dios, without a Golios Elemental Techs cannot be performed. Although Generic Tech's can still be performed they require more Dios if the "Golios" isn't out.




[spoiler=Does every Possessor have the same amount of Dios?]

: No, a persons size has alot to do with it, the bigger they are the more they'll have, however a persons Dios, like strength, speed and intellect can be increased through training.




[spoiler=Are all tech moves equally strong in each tech?]

: no, each tech group has their own special trait for eg: Sky-Tech users are incredibly fast. This can better be described in three classes, class1, class 2 and class3.


A possessor increases their level of class through developing different high level tech skills, more experience with their Golios and through improving in the 4 dimentions of Training (Strength, Speed, Intellect and Dios Capacity)

Class 1: All Generic Tech

Class 2: Low level Elemental Tech, eg: enhanced pyro-tech clones, includes Golios increasing in size

Class 3: High Level elemental Tech moves eg: Engulfing Aqua-Tech Vortex, Golios increase in size.





[spoiler=A Golios Would look Like This]

Just a basic idea, had to use paint so can't expect to much i guess.







[spoiler=The Story]

:The main character, "Zakuro", is a 15yr old boy from the town of "Adro", Adro is a poor town that like a few other towns is under slavery by a possessor known as "Zakrilli", Zakuro aims to learn more about Golios's and overrule the town his father desperately tried to save.




Arthus the Seeker of Truth, the Tale of the Self-less man.



Thunder and lightning continued to light up the dark sky releasing piercing sounds that could be heard all over the land, the light drizzle of rain intensified as it drenched the area. On top of the highest peak of all mountains in the Prominence of Hadrigh, the fate of Adro, a slave driven poor town, is dependent on the result of an intense battle raged on the infamous mountain.


A wounded man stood opposite to the mighty warrior known as Arthus, he was covered in a black robe that had the right arm sleeve of the robe cut off and a hoodie that hid his face, he held his right shoulder trying to prevent the pain being experienced. His shoulder however, was covered by a tight black sleeve that ran down to his elbow. From his elbow to where his hand should have been there was a sharp black blade instead that extended to 1.1m in length.


The black sword had light black mist circling it, little shards of black lightning were released at different times from the blade showing signs of power.


Arthus stood tall and proud, ignoring the water that slipped from his face, he pointed his right arm in the direction of the limping figure, like the other man his shoulder down to his elbow were replaced, instead by a dark red tight sleeve that connected to a 1m long blade from his elbow to past where his hand should be. The blade was orange and red and was constantly circled by flames.


The battle wounded figure hid his pain and stood tall. A slight chuckle was heard from inside his hoodie.


“Well Arthus…”, the wounded being began. ”Who would have thought…it would turn out…like this…”. His voice sounded cold and dark.


"My strength wasn't achieved just through training”, dictated the emotional yet aggressive sounding Arthus. “It came from those who plea for freedom, who would give their lives to protect others, I swore to Adro that their freedom would be assured!"


The man released his grip on his shoulder and pointed his black blade at Arthus, who was still pointing his glowing blade at the hooded man.


“You think I don’t know! You sold out your own country and for that, the world! You could have ended it all!” Arthus’s voice was gradually getting louder and more aggressive as he clenched his fist.


“So still you understand nothing…” He lowered his black blade and slowly walked to the edge of the mountain as he pointed his finger at a small town that could be seen beneath the mountain.


The figure doesn’t say anything then chuckles."You talk of saving Adro…but would you really be prepared to lose it all..”


“I would gladly give my life! Especially since it would mean taking you down with me.”


“Your life is nothing to me...but your child's life...", The man signalled the town below by pointing at 1 specific hut, Arthus is shocked by what the figure is doing.


The man’s finger starts glowing black and is circled by mist much like his blade. Suddenly at the opposite side of the town to the hut, 100’s of black ghost like creatures that hover in the air dashed rapidly at the little hut. Buildings got torn down as

they flew through at a rapid speed.


Inside the little hut being pointed at, a women looked out of a whole in the front of the hut panicked at the sight of the ghouls demolishing the town. There was a little 5 year old boy who was constantly looking out a small window like whole and up at the mountain where the fight was taking place. He seemed unaware and uninterested of the ghosts heading their way.


Many people on the streets fled to their houses in an attempt to hide from the ghosts.


"Make a choice...your town...or your son...", the stranger said giving Arthus a choice.


Arthus looked down at the ground shedding a tear, he lowered his blade and grinded his teeth full of rage at the dirty tactic that had taken place.


"The town...or my son...the choice is obvious...", Arthus immediately kneeled on one knee and held his left arm out in the direction of the hut, his arm suddenly glowed red and got engulfed in flames. An uproar of flames circled around the hut and into the air, the hut was not being touched by the flames but rather protected, as the ghosts like creatures approached they didn’t hesitate to hit the flames as one by one they crashed into the burning flames causing it to weaken slightly after each hit.


The man in black opened his palm extending his fingers. His whole hand was covered by black mist. An instant change was noticed by Arthus as more and more ghosts begin to appear. The flames began to weaken and decrease in size as more and more ghosts continued to weaken the flames.


“Now’s the time...to make your choice...do you stop me and lose the flames...or protect your family...leaving you defenceless... “


Arthus took one more look at the man shrouded in black, then at the hut. He quickly pointed his blade at the hut, the flames became more fierce as they soar higher into the air still protecting the little hut.


People watching from their own little houses were astounded by the occurrence being displayed.


The ghosts showed signs of fear as they held off from touching the flames fearing it’s might and heat, unable to penetrate it.


The man in black suddenly dashed at the kneeling defenceless Arthus, water sprayed behind the figure after each step he took. Arthus payed no attention to the man but rather continued to focus on maintaining the flames. The man approached Arthus and pierced his Black blade forward and through Arthus’s chest.


“ah...a...”,Arthus began to spit out blood, his eyes widened from the pain being experienced as the dark blade was pushed right thought his chest. The man stayed kneeling in front of him. Blood rans down Arthus’s chest and knees and onto the damp ground mixing with the water sitting on the ground.


The flames around the hut began to diminish and disappear leaving the house defenceless, as they completely disappeared the ghosts remained in front of the hut and began circling it. The women inside ran to the 5 year old boy and held him tight as she began to weep. The boy however seemed unphased by the occurrence and continued looking through the little window. Tears began to run down the boy’s eyes.


The hooded man put his hand on Arthus’s shoulder. “Was it worth it…saving a kid with no strength…”

Arthus was trembling his body unable to process most of it’s normal functions, slowly he lifted his left arm and gripped the covered in black man’s neck robe and brought him closer to his face.


Arthus’s expression of shock and pain, was now forced into one of satisfaction as he forced a light smile, his eyes only half open."Was.....it worth...it? ha...ha, I..I may not have...been able....to end...this, but my...my son...he, he will...end it all...I leave him...my Golios of Truth..”


Arthus pointed his blade out at the hut with the boy and mother in it. The blade from start to end began to let off little fragments of red sparks that flew to the hut and landed on the boy slowly entering his body, again the boy payed no attention to this.


His mother noticed this and began to cry, understanding that the fragments came from Arthus.


The black covered man slowly took his blade out of Arthus and stood up straight. “You can’t escape the Gods…” The man then Kicked Arthus’s chest forcing him to lie flat on the ground surrounded by his own blood mixed with the existing puddles of water. Arthus’s eyes remained dead open as he lay motionless on the mountain top.


Seeing this from the hut the little boy began to cry. The black hooded man looked in the huts direction and noticed the boy looking up at him. He pointed his left arm out at him and did a little sign with his hand as if saying "Come get me", he then clicked his fingers and disappeared in black smoke.


The boys face turned from emotional and sad to Furious and Angry. The ghosts outside began to enter the house through the walls slowly approaching the mother and son. The light sound of the ghosts movements echoed through the room.

The boy then screamed out loud, the ground began to shake causing the ghosts to stay still intimidated by the force being extinguished by the child.


“Leave us…alone!!!”. The boy yelled out as he began to emit bright gold light around him. He soon became surrounded by the Light forming a golden aura around the boy and his mother. Rocks from the ground begin to rise and break in the air as a gold blade began to show from the boys right arm.


BANNGGG!! An explosion of light extended up to 20 metres in diameter. All the ghosts were diminished in the light’s brilliance.

The hut was torn apart as a huge crater was formed from the impact. The mother opened her eyes unharmed from the impact. She held her son who is passed out from exhaustion.


Just outside the town a man stood on top of tree, drenched by the rain, he was wearing a straw type of hate and has 2 blue paint lines on his face, he was wearing a white long sleeve vest and blue puffy pants. It appears he was watching the battle taken place.


“So it will take place...” the man in blue and white thought. “The Golios Legacy will begin, with your son.” He slowly turned around and jumped to the ground walking through the forest.




That's basically all for now but I'll post the Prologue and a map of the area within the next few days.

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