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Guest Dementuo
  'GameWorldLeader said:

I would like to enter too!


EDIT: Ok here it is:





When this card attacks an Insect-Type monster' date=' destroy it without applying Damage Calculation. If this card destroys a monster through its own effect, then inflict 500 points of damage to your Opponent's Life Points.



It would be easier (and better OCG) to say, "When this card attacks an Insect-Type monster, destroy it without applying Damage Calculation and deduct 500 life points from your opponent's life points."


P.S. It a one star???


Meh to the first and Whoops to the second.

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  'Dementuo said:

I would like to enter too!


EDIT: Ok here it is:





When this card attacks an Insect-Type monster' date=' destroy it without applying Damage Calculation. If this card destroys a monster through its own effect, then inflict 500 points of damage to your Opponent's Life Points.



It would be easier (and better OCG) to say, "When this card attacks an Insect-Type monster, destroy it without applying Damage Calculation and deduct 500 life points from your opponent's life points."


P.S. It a one star???


Meh to the first and Whoops to the second.


whatever, this entire forum seems to be all about OCG so i'm stuck in the mindset from reading all the posts that OCGs MUST be fixed. It isn't that bad of a remake, I remade Feral Imp.

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Guest Dementuo
  'GameWorldLeader said:

I would like to enter too!


EDIT: Ok here it is:





When this card attacks an Insect-Type monster' date=' destroy it without applying Damage Calculation. If this card destroys a monster through its own effect, then inflict 500 points of damage to your Opponent's Life Points.



It would be easier (and better OCG) to say, "When this card attacks an Insect-Type monster, destroy it without applying Damage Calculation and deduct 500 life points from your opponent's life points."


P.S. It a one star???


Meh to the first and Whoops to the second.


whatever, this entire forum seems to be all about OCG so i'm stuck in the mindset from reading all the posts that OCGs MUST be fixed. It isn't that bad of a remake, I remade Feral Imp.


I fixed it to say it is a lv 5 and i changed the effect thnx for the advice.


You're a life saver.

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  'Dementuo said:

I would like to enter too!


EDIT: Ok here it is:





When this card attacks an Insect-Type monster' date=' destroy it without applying Damage Calculation. If this card destroys a monster through its own effect, then inflict 500 points of damage to your Opponent's Life Points.



It would be easier (and better OCG) to say, "When this card attacks an Insect-Type monster, destroy it without applying Damage Calculation and deduct 500 life points from your opponent's life points."


P.S. It a one star???


Meh to the first and Whoops to the second.


whatever, this entire forum seems to be all about OCG so i'm stuck in the mindset from reading all the posts that OCGs MUST be fixed. It isn't that bad of a remake, I remade Feral Imp.


I fixed it to say it is a lv 5 and i changed the effect thnx for the advice.


You're a life saver.


no problem,

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Guest Dementuo
  'GameWorldLeader said:

I would like to enter too!


EDIT: Ok here it is:





When this card attacks an Insect-Type monster' date=' destroy it without applying Damage Calculation. If this card destroys a monster through its own effect, then inflict 500 points of damage to your Opponent's Life Points.



It would be easier (and better OCG) to say, "When this card attacks an Insect-Type monster, destroy it without applying Damage Calculation and deduct 500 life points from your opponent's life points."


P.S. It a one star???


Meh to the first and Whoops to the second.


whatever, this entire forum seems to be all about OCG so i'm stuck in the mindset from reading all the posts that OCGs MUST be fixed. It isn't that bad of a remake, I remade Feral Imp.


I fixed it to say it is a lv 5 and i changed the effect thnx for the advice.


You're a life saver.


no problem,


Quote Quote Quote Quote Quote Quote.



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  'Dementuo said:

I would like to enter too!


EDIT: Ok here it is:





When this card attacks an Insect-Type monster' date=' destroy it without applying Damage Calculation. If this card destroys a monster through its own effect, then inflict 500 points of damage to your Opponent's Life Points.



It would be easier (and better OCG) to say, "When this card attacks an Insect-Type monster, destroy it without applying Damage Calculation and deduct 500 life points from your opponent's life points."


P.S. It a one star???


Meh to the first and Whoops to the second.


whatever, this entire forum seems to be all about OCG so i'm stuck in the mindset from reading all the posts that OCGs MUST be fixed. It isn't that bad of a remake, I remade Feral Imp.


I fixed it to say it is a lv 5 and i changed the effect thnx for the advice.


You're a life saver.


no problem,


Quote Quote Quote Quote Quote Quote.





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Everyone accepted and Rhyperior read below this





um.. you didn't read the rules did you because i said no Summon Skull remakes...so please do another card and can you READ THE RULES PLEASE



1.All YCM rules applied

2.You cannot make remakes of the following cards

A)Dark magican

B)Blue eyes white dragon

C)Red eyes black dragon

D)Summon Skull

E)celtic guardian




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  'stonecphillips said:

Can I join? here is my entry:




When this card is sent to the graveyard as a result of a Synchro Summon' date=' you can Special Summon this card in face-up attack position. You may not Normal Summon after this is Special Summoned this way.



Accepted but fix the type please Archfiend Soldier is not a warrior it is a Fiend

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May I enter? Here is my entry:

[spoiler=Curse of Dragon]563476.jpg

LORE: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by sending 1 face-up Field Spell Card to the Graveyard. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, a new Field Spell Card cannot be activated. During each player's Standby Phase, inflict 500 damage to both players.


Hope you like =D.

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  'Saint Dane said:

You got my card' date=' correct? I want to make sure, and I need to know if I have to post it here rather then PM it.



yes i did get it. PM or postin which ever one you pick as long as i can read it to judge


  'achow198 said:

May I enter? Here is my entry:

[spoiler=Curse of Dragon]563476.jpg

LORE: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by sending 1 face-up Field Spell Card to the Graveyard. As long as this card remains face-up on the field' date=' a new Field Spell Card cannot be activated. During each player's Standby Phase, inflict 500 damage to both players.


Hope you like =D.




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I'd really like to join if the contest isn't over yet.



Card Lore: FLIP: If this monster is flipped into ATK postition due to an attack by an opposing monster then all LIGHT monsters on your side of the field gain 800 ATK and DEF points. If this monster is flipped over in DEF position due to an attack by an opposing monster then you gain 300 LP for every monster on the field.

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I'd really like to join if the contest isn't over yet.



Card Lore: FLIP: If this monster is flipped into ATK postition due to an attack by an opposing monster then all LIGHT monsters on your side of the field gain 800 ATK and DEF points. If this monster is flipped over in DEF position due to an attack by an opposing monster then you gain 300 LP for every monster on the field.


sorry, but we have enough contestants.

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Hopefully, i can still enter





When this card is Tribute Summoned, it gains ATK equal to the combined Levels of the Tributed monsters x 100. During the beginning of your opponent's Draw Phase, by removing from play this card and 1 other card you control, your opponent randomly discards 1 card before drawing. During your Standby Phase, if this card is removed from play by its own effect, you can add this card and 1 removed from play card to your hand.[/align]





  'stonecphillips said:

sorry' date=' but we have enough contestants.



Sorry, but who made you tourny master?

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  'Death Seeker- Delano said:

accepted and its free to enter




lets just make the max players 15 and start


I'm in. Posting the card in a flash



[align=center]Souls of the Forgotten



Once per turn' date=' during your Main Phase, if you control this card on the field, you can equip it to 1 face-up monster your opponent controls. While equipped to a monster by this card's effect, during your opponent's Standby Phase, decrease the ATK of the equipped monster by 500 points and inflict 500 damage to its controller. A monster equipped with this card cannot be used as a Tribute for a Tribute or Ritual Summon.





Field is a type?

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[align=center]I hope it's not to late to join.




[spoiler=[b]Great White[/b]]

When this card is Normal Summoned, you can add 1 Level 4 or lower Fish-Type monster from your Deck to your hand during the End Phase of that turn. This card gain 100 ATK for every face-up Fish-Type monsters on the field. If "Umi" is on the field, this card gain 200 ATK instead.



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