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The "Take Your Neighbors Land by Challenging Them to a Knightly Contest" Game


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Each player is a knight who rules over a fiefdom and strivess to conquer the rest of the countryside. You can challenge any other player directly adjacent to your land and if you defeat them, their land becomes your's. If it is you who are defeated, and it is the first time you have lost, you keep your stats and will be granted 10% of the land you lost (the location is randomly chosen). If you are defeated a second time, and you haven't won against another knight beforehand, you'll be out of the game. Last one standing wins three Reps, Bragging Rights, and all the points in the Pot.


[spoiler=Stats]Stamina-Basically your health/hit points. When depleted, you "die".


Strength-The maximum damage you can do. Your actual damage is chosen randomly.(If your strength is 6, you can deal damage from 1-6.


Speed-Your capacity to dodge/block an attack. Your speed is subtracted from your opponents damage. Speed is determined in the same fashion as strength.


When you train a stat, it increases 1-3 points.


When you first start, you have 20 stat points to distribute between stamina, strength, and speed.





Every two days (PST) you can either attack a neighboring fiefdom or train one of your stats. Just post who you would like to challenge/which stat you would like to train and I will update/post the battle.


[spoiler=Battle Example]


Sir Djdfjkh---VS---Sir Jdsfhfjk


ST/16----5 - 2 = 3 ---->ST/14


ST/16<----4 - 3 = 1----ST/11


ST/15----7 - 1 = 6---->ST/11


ST/15<----1 - 3 = 0----ST/5


ST/15----4 - 2 = 2---->ST/5


ST/15<----5 - 1 = 4----ST/5


ST/11----7 - 1 = 6---->ST/5


ST/11 Sir Djdfjkh <W--L> Sir Jdsfhfjk ST/0







Crest Color:

Name of Fiefdom:









If you would like to join, just submit an application, along with a 15 point entrance fee, before 7/11/2010. Remember, the more people who join, the smaller your beginning land will be.


If you have any questions, post or PM.



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