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You should steal my idea and do a boss (and mini-boss) recap before you fight Bowser. It'd be kind of cool to see you do the bosses (and bosses only) again, in a big montage. But, it's your choice entirely. Iirc, there are six worlds, and two bosses each, so you'd have to do twelve bosses, and some of them are downright annoying (that Pirannha takes looong).

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Being busy isn't fun.


Tell me about it =_=

Being a busboy is hard


You're a busboy? That's cool. ^^


Anyways, sorry for the inactivity guys. I've been busy with friends and work...


Also, the server lag didn't help matters.

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Wow, apparently we're all busy. I don't know, I've had a bit too much on my schedule lately, and it definitely is getting to my head.


I need need a good night's sleep, and I'mma get that right now. G'night, all.


To start a topic, discuss the hardest Star you've ever did in Galaxy 1 or 2.


Say Luigi's Purple Coins for Galaxy 1 and I kill you. That was ridiculously easy if you didn't take a retarded path.


I'd have to say Boss Blitz Prankster Comet for Galaxy 2, not counting the Perfect Run. It is annoying if you don't have a decent amount of speedrunning skills or don't know the Bouldergeist trick. :/

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Stone. Cyclone. Galaxy.


I hate that place.


I saw it on YouTube. That is fail. But it has to be programmed into the game' date=' otherwise Kamek would never come in and say "OH, MY!!!"



They probably programmed that for all of the bosses, that way, if somebody hacks and kills the mini version of the boss, the game won't freeze/eff up.

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Stone. Cyclone. Galaxy.


I hate that place.


I saw it on YouTube. That is fail. But it has to be programmed into the game' date=' otherwise Kamek would never come in and say "OH, MY!!!"



They probably programmed that for all of the bosses, that way, if somebody hacks and kills the mini version of the boss, the game won't freeze/eff up.


In Galaxy 2, right?


The speed run only took me two tries once you get the shortcut down (and it's not even that hard). The actual Silver Stars one is okay, you just need to take your time. There is only really one hard spot, near the beginning where you HAVE to make the time slow and get the Silver Star on the corner platform, but once you are done with that, it's pretty much easy. Getting the Comet Coin can be out of your way, though.


But yeah, that place did give me the creeps. I was so scared of the speed run that I put it off until two days later when I had time and got 99 lives and expected to lose them all.


To be honest' date=' I haven't had fatal (for Mario or Luigi) trouble with much in Galaxy 1 or 2. I had a lot of trouble with the Bouldergeist Daredevil Run through.



I was doing Throwback Throwdown Speed Run, and I actually daredevil'd it except for Fiery Dino.


Yeah, I beat Bouldergeist without taking a hit. It's not too hard, really. You just need to absolutely make sure that the rocks do not hit you at any point. None of his other attacks can really damage you unless you are an idiot, tbqh.

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Or you could just run around in circles. You run faster than the boulders can hit you, so if you keep running until he uses all of his boulders, you are safe. Then just get a Boo, get close, avoid his hands, and hit him.

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I've recorded Part 4 and 4.5 of my LP. But sadly for Saint Dane, they won't be uploaded until tomorrow.


And then tomorrow I have to record Part 5 and start working on that damn teambuilding extension so it makes sense. D:<

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