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The Mushroom Kingdom


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That song ALONE made me almost cry


Thus... obviously this must be a good game


Able to balance humor and cuteness...


With a song like.... Abandoned Memories.


I'll get it when possible.


Nigguh, game was the following


Scary as s***.

Creepy as s***.

Mysterious as s***.

Funny as s***.

Cute as s***.

Sad as s***.


/cursing like crazy

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Nigguh, game was the following


Scary as s***.

Creepy as s***.

Mysterious as s***.

Funny as s***.

Cute as s***.

Sad as s***.


/cursing like crazy

This.... sounds increasingly more interesting....


I'll.... umm.... is there really anything I can say besides I want this game badly?



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In recent news, I got a 3DS. I have a Friend Code, which you can find by going to my signature and looking at the FRIEND CODE spoiler.




paper mario 3ds bish

mario kart 3ds fothamucka

majoras mask ocarina of time 3d a-hole

super mario 3d platformr dickwad


Ice, you never talk to me anymore on MSN. D':


eye mess yuri 2


Hell yeah.


...You honestly don't know me if you think Dane changes his name a lot.





...Shut up. You know you liked it. YOU KNOW IT.


@Bold: Reminds me and all of my "Pachirisu Ice is dead." statements. =/


I miss the past.




Worse than Pichu, man.


Should I get a name change? ;D


And yeah, Niashi. You haven't heard of those? ;_;




Enjoyed Pokemon Diamond/Rhythm Heaven


Despised Ice Age 2: The Meltdown.




XBOX 360?





I'm a Ninty girl, so I can't help you. xD




You've come a long way. ;D


Hey, I don't really have a problem with your name-a-palooza. Just as long as you're still here. ^^




shut up icy wind sorcerer godot rainbow fenix. You have barely changed your name. D:


... Am I old enough of a member to say "I miss the past" yet? o:




Bam. Mushroom Kingdom was resurrected from the dead.

Just like Jeebus.






dang it you already told the joke. >:


You get a name change and I'll kill you. I swear to god, I'll kill you. Dip your head in lava. Or something.


The only thing I've gotten in the Dream World I care about is my Bidoof with Moody. Now I just need to breed it to one with a better nature.


Wow... A few weeks ago I wouldn't have dreamed of saying that last sentence. Curse you ZeroChill, I'm thinking more competitively!



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Guys, I'm officially ditching VoidedKurai as my YouTube account. I'll use that jabroni for my subscriptions and whatnot.




That is my new YouTube account. Expect a Singleplayer Minecraft video sometime today (Monday) if I can overcome lag problems.


Also expect video game music uploads, since I have that capability now. I'm not doing whole OSTs, though. o_O


And yes, I legitimate was drunk (more like tipsy, whatever) when I thought of the name for the channel. I originally though of MoonlightFish, but that was taken, so I used "Fishes" which isn't actually a word. Only after I made the account did I realize how stupid the name was, but I don't care. At least it's more normal than "VoidedKurai" or "DarkAurom". <___<

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You get an arm canon.

...Why do you say "canon"?


So pretty much this is game where I walk around like a toy, plug myself to recharge and shoot things while sad music plays.


...I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to be a toy or a vandal.

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...Why do you say "canon"?


So pretty much this is game where I walk around like a toy, plug myself to recharge and shoot things while sad music plays.


...I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to be a toy or a vandal.


Force of habit.


It's complicated, but once you play it you should understand.


Still never 100% finished it.


I need a few more costumes and s***.

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Hilariously though, Gen V was the first Generation to actually have Black People as a Gym Leader and in the Elite Four (Everyone knows Brock is Mexican because of the large amount of siblings his parents gave him).

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Actually first black chick was in Battle Frontier.


So in yo face.

I said as a Gym Leader and of the Elite Four. Your argument is invalid.


@Shradow: It's a joke I picked up from the comments of good ol' Youtube (Though seriously, Brock isn't black).

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I have an idea for a Pokemon fanfic


It may seem pretty unrealistic and I could get flamed for even posting it but...


It's a fanfic of a Shinx that must defeat the 17 Legendaries who hold Arceus' plates so that he can not only achieve peace across the lands but fulfill his desire of revenge against the legendaries that killed his mother and destroyed most of his pride (I feel stupid for actually posting this, but it seems like an interesting idea).

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I have an idea for a Pokemon fanfic


It may seem pretty unrealistic and I could get flamed for even posting it but...


It's a fanfic of a Shinx that must defeat the 17 Legendaries who hold Arceus' plates so that he can not only achieve peace across the lands but fulfill his desire of revenge against the legendaries that killed his mother and destroyed most of his pride (I feel stupid for actually posting this, but it seems like an interesting idea).

Is the story in first person to Shinx or does it have a trainer?

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It may either be told in a 1st person perspective or 3rd person, but it has a prior focus on Shinx. It's a world where no humans exist (kind of like the Mystery Dungeon series), so Shinx doesn't have a trainer. He will be aided by partners though. Also, Shinx will evolve during the course of the fanfic. And yes, Shinx will kill some pokemon himself. Now I just need a good name for the Shinx. Something protagonist-worthy. Also, he will receive the move Judgment from Arceus so that he can fight the Legendaries.


If Shinx sucks, Pinkie Pie sucks as well.

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Well, Happy Mask Salesman got me beat there. But if you want to know why, here is why:


Would you expect a Shinx to be a protagonist of any fanfic? It's actually pretty witty and an unexpected move (Which I like). I still need a good name for him.

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