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Will Ruby and Sapphire even get remakes?


They probably will now that I think of it >_>

I just thought that the remakes were only for the original GBC games, but I guess that won't stop GameFreak.


I want them to. ><


@PM topic - In my opinion, SPM had the best story. It actually ended up leaving me with sadness and happiness... the story wasn't bleck and white (shot for bad puns), and it was hella awesome that way.

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They only plan on making 1000 Pokemon, so we will probably get to Gen VIII and Gen V remakes.


Then, they'll do some bogus campaign where they remake the last 3.


Then, so they can milk more, they will ad... 20 Legendaries over those three, and end with a Console game and a bunch of spinoffs. The console will be all regions or something.

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Yugioh 5D's:


ZONE was going to be some wackadoodle from Yliaster who tried to mimic/become Yusei.





Way back in the Aizen fight, I predicted that Aizen would end up being a hero, sadly.


Modern day, the Manga seems to imply that Aizen is good and Urahara is evil.



Fire Emblem:


Radiant Dawn:

Micaiah was going to be the true Apostle of Begnion, and Sanaki was not.

Soren was a Dragon Laguz Descendant




There are others, but those are prominent.

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Unfortunately your 5Ds theory came true =__=

But it wasn't what Cortez predicted either, which would have been better..though harder to pull off.

[spoiler=In response to Bleach]

I don't think Kisuke's evil, I just think the Soul King who he deems necessary for the balance of all humanity, is evil.

Aizen being a "hero" I think is just him trying to enact change for a new world without needing the Soul King, but he was stopped since either no one wanted to take the risk, they didn't like his methods, or they don't believe the Soul King to be evil when he really is.

Or all of the above.


I still need to play the original PM, but I'm stuck on the desert city I think.

TTYD is my favorite game of all time, SPM is just as good. Both of their stories entranced me and have drawn me into replaying both games over and over. It never gets old.

Paper Mario is the epitome of near-perfection that Nintendo rarely achieves outside of a "Super Mario" or LoZ game IMO.

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I('m waiting for the pokemon game that changes everything we thought we knew.

A game that will let you actually feel like your in the tv show.


Why must you always be a trainer? Why not a gym leader, or a nurse joy? Or a gardener?

Pokemon Campaign.

It will change the way we view pokemon.

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I always expected, for each and every Pokemon game, that you would get a chance to be the Champion and verse Trainers, but the entire logic of that might be screwed up because, well, you aren't at the Elite Four all day, and you have somewhat of a life unlike Lance and the likes.


But I'd actually like a game where you could be a Gym Leader, and people could call you on your PokeGear telling you to get your ass to the Gym because they want a battle.


They only plan on making 1000 Pokemon



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They only plan on making 1000 Pokemon, so we will probably get to Gen VIII and Gen V remakes.


Then, they'll do some bogus campaign where they remake the last 3.


Then, so they can milk more, they will ad... 20 Legendaries over those three, and end with a Console game and a bunch of spinoffs. The console will be all regions or something.






>implying Nintendo is actually going to end Pokemon.

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I actually like this idea, of playing as a Gym Leader, and have heard it before. The ultimate goal might be Elite Four, as you attempt to beat the other Gym Leaders, climbing from 1st to 8th, then challenging the Elite Four, etc.



Nintendo could make a game off of that.

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