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You guys watched Slimkirby too? Epic. Cyoheron48 is starting one too. But he has only done two episodes. But the first ep was so funny, cause everything sped up throughout the episode, so he had a really squeeky voice, and when he said "Well done!" it was so funny.


EDIT: I'll put it here: Hilarity

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I watch chugga, SlimKirby, BlackMark10, AzureBlade49, NintendoCapriSun... eh, that's really about it. Most of the stuff I watch on YouTube these days are =3 videos and LP videos. :/


I remember back in the day where you could go to a random video on YouTube and it'd probably be decent, but now...

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=3 is about the only thing I use yt for cept for checking out songs my friends recommend once in a while.


Oh, and when I can't find ANYWHERE else to watch anime >.>





BTW, I just played New Super Mario Bros. Wii for the first time a few days ago.


I wasn't sure what to expect. I thought it would be like any old Mario game, except in 3D, and available in multi-player...



Then I found the spinny mushroom power-up thing...


All I can say is "WHEEEEEEEEEEE!"

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I watch chugga, SlimKirby, BlackMark10, AzureBlade49, NintendoCapriSun... eh, that's really about it. Most of the stuff I watch on YouTube these days are =3 videos and LP videos. :/


I remember back in the day where you could go to a random video on YouTube and it'd probably be decent, but now...


Same here dude. xD


=3, LPs and VGM.

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Everyone watches =3.



I watch =3, SSoHPKC, Davidr64yt, IlluSsionXx, Seananners, Small Beans, x Toy Soldiier, Machinima / Respawn/Realm, BlackMark10, JamesNintendoNerd, MunchingOrange, LeetStarGaming, Charlieissocoollike, Atomaround, JulianSmith87, xNegativex, Pyrotiny, Smosh, Thereaper123666, Nigahiga, Freddiew, MysteryGuitarMan, and Brusspup.


Obtw, you need to look at this.

It is amazing.



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Amazing shizz. <3


My life consists of Xbox, Wii, Minecraft, YCM and Youtube.

Oh, and girls. (Y)


Wii, DS, Minecraft, YouTube, Gmail, internet (general sense), Bowling, Tennis, School...


I do believe that's about it.


Haven't had a girlfriend in awhile, don't want another until I'm banished to college. Most girls either annoy me like hell or I'm really friendly with them, and nothing more.


Had some free time today, so I just sat down and played two hours of Okami. That game is fun, and the people who said the controls with the Celestial Brush were iffy need to look again. Power Slash took a awhile to perfect, but now I can hit two or three enemies at once. What a fun game. <3


Haven't touched Mario Kart Wii yet, though. Need moar free time. D':

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Happy early birthday.


I'm usually not swayed by people on the internet, but Clair just seems to have an eternal hold over me. She has pumped video game music and Okami into my brain for over a year now, and so I have started to become a vgm nut, and I bought Okami.




Okami is really fun, but I heard it's a lot better on the PS2. Some people, *cough*, don't want to buy anything from Sony, however (except TVs).

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Okami is based a lot on Japanese history, origin history to be more specific.


I can't really explain much, since I'm only two hours into it, but the entire basis of the game is that a dark dragon thing is terrorizing the world of Nippon, and you, as the sun god Ameterasu re"born", need to fix the world using a ton of brush techniques. You can make trees magically have leaves, refill dried lakes, et cetera.


But the battle is really fun. It's easy for me, for now, but I'm eagerly awaiting a boss. <3


I suggest maybe going to chuggaaconroy's channel and watching Part 8 or 9 of his LP, just to get a sense of the gameplay. I haven't watched a single episode except the Intro episode of his LP, since I want to complete the game first before spoiling myself.


I'm retiring for the night, sadly to say. Much reading to do.


If anyone watches football, I'd love to know your playoff predictions. I was one for four in Round 1. I got Seahawks right, and Ravens, Jets, and Packers all wrong. D':






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I watch chugga, SlimKirby, BlackMark10, AzureBlade49, NintendoCapriSun... eh, that's really about it. Most of the stuff I watch on YouTube these days are =3 videos and LP videos. :/


I watch mtgxerxes, chugga, BlackMario10, VoidedKurai, JamesNintendoNerd, schmoyoho, and SupraDarky. Well, I listen to SupraDarky. <3


BTW, I just played New Super Mario Bros. Wii for the first time a few days ago.


I wasn't sure what to expect. I thought it would be like any old Mario game, except in 3D, and available in multi-player...


Then I found the spinny mushroom power-up thing...


All I can say is "WHEEEEEEEEEEE!"


Mario was gonna save the princess...

... but then he got high. ;D


My life consists of Xbox, Wii, Minecraft, YCM and Youtube.

Oh, and girls. (Y)


My life consists of exams and jazz auditions atm.

YCM is getting shoved in the corner. ><


I just played out in the snow. Also, any suggestions for my video game music?


Wish I had some snow. D:

Check out the OST from Sengoku Basara 3 or Pokemon Trading Card Games 1 and 2.


Had some free time today, so I just sat down and played two hours of Okami. That game is fun, and the people who said the controls with the Celestial Brush were iffy need to look again. Power Slash took a awhile to perfect, but now I can hit two or three enemies at once. What a fun game. <3





And on the topic of good games. Ghost Trick just came out.


It's godlike. <3


ohiagree. <3


My friend picked it up this week. We were hooked~


If anyone watches football, I'd love to know your playoff predictions. I was one for four in Round 1. I got Seahawks right, and Ravens, Jets, and Packers all wrong. D':







Maybe it's just me, but...


Patriots (sadly)






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I'm watching an "LP" of Minecraft by alemaxhaxs, and know I really want to get Minecraft... Unfortunately those who buy the Beta now are no longer guaranteed the final product for free, so I'm gonna be catious and wait until the final version is released... Aw...

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