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Probably not ROM hacks, I'm not into that. I kind of like designing levels, but I'd never actually sit down to fully play one on camera.


Maybe something tougher than Super Mario World, since I had very few fail levels in that LP. People suggested Ninja Gaiden, but... let's not give me a heart attack quite yet. I'm still new to this LPing thing. =)


Yeah, Galaxy 2 would be so much fun to Let's Play, but alas, I don't have the necessary materials to do that quite yet.

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Probably not ROM hacks, I'm not into that. I kind of like designing levels, but I'd never actually sit down to fully play one on camera.


Maybe something tougher than Super Mario World, since I had very few fail levels in that LP. People suggested Ninja Gaiden, but... let's not give me a heart attack quite yet. I'm still new to this LPing thing. =)


Yeah, Galaxy 2 would be so much fun to Let's Play, but alas, I don't have the necessary materials to do that quite yet.


Ahh, okay. They're still kind of fun though.


Oh god no. Ninja Gaiden is...well.




IF you get the materials, you have to. It'd be hilarious to see you raeg on Grandmaster Galaxy.

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That would actually give me a great excuse to do The Perfect Run as 1P. Since the only time I've done it was with a friend in 2P, and after that I felt accomplished and never tried again as 1P. And I'd hate for a friend to know about my nerdy YouTube channel, so that'd work out. =P

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Wish I was skilled enough to do LPs..I'd keep dying and bore the viewers into tears >.>But uh, random question?What would each of you guys say is your theme?Mine's this:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGcsIdGOuZY


Either this.




Or this.




A few others, but not yet.


Really excited for more Dark LPs.Hell, I'm excited for any LP updates at all~


I would recommend darkmindedsith.


Good fun times...

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While I can't say there will be LP updates any time soon, I do urge you to bear with me until next Monday. Again, I asked Saint Dane for another Camtasia passkey and it was not for me. In fact, once I reveal what the hell I'm talking about, I'll invite any person with a mic (and Camtasia) to take part.


Just wait until next Monday, even Sunday if I have the time.

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While I can't say there will be LP updates any time soon, I do urge you to bear with me until next Monday. Again, I asked Saint Dane for another Camtasia passkey and it was not for me. In fact, once I reveal what the hell I'm talking about, I'll invite any person with a mic (and Camtasia) to take part.


Just wait until next Monday, even Sunday if I have the time.


I thought that was just a cover up. :o


What the hell are you talking about?


I really want to know! D:

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It's kind of obvious, but not entirely.


So, I most obviously was trying to get someone to download Camtasia. Meaning that the project I am talking about is two-person.


I can't say much more, so I'll have to stfu up until Sunday rolls around. Saint Dane, I'll definitely PM you once the first "video" is uploaded, since I need to discuss something since you're the only person I know at the moment (other than this "friend") that has a mic and Camtasia.

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It's kind of obvious, but not entirely.


So, I most obviously was trying to get someone to download Camtasia. Meaning that the project I am talking about is two-person.


I can't say much more, so I'll have to stfu up until Sunday rolls around. Saint Dane, I'll definitely PM you once the first "video" is uploaded, since I need to discuss something since you're the only person I know at the moment (other than this "friend") that has a mic and Camtasia.


Gah, I suck at obvious, but not. I always go too far-fetched.


Interesting for sure. Two person isn't something you see a lot, and I'm not meaning co-commentary.


Awesome. Hurry up Sunday.

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Favorite Mario Game: Super Mario World, Mario Kart Wii and Super Mario Sunshine


Favorite Mario Character: Luigi and Yoshi


Why you want to join: Because you guyz haev teh c00l membrez.


Impress me with your Mario knowledge here: Super Mario Sunshine is believed to be a pre-quel to Luigi's Mansion.


Also, I am getting my Mario Kart Wii disc back today. Will be playing a lot :3.

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Favorite Mario Game: Super Mario World, Mario Kart Wii and Super Mario Sunshine


Favorite Mario Character: Luigi and Yoshi


Why you want to join: Because you guyz haev teh c00l membrez.


Impress me with your Mario knowledge here: Super Mario Sunshine is believed to be a pre-quel to Luigi's Mansion.


Also, I am getting my Mario Kart Wii disc back today. Will be playing a lot :3.


Your knowledge surprises me. Is that for real? O_o


Also, I applied for this club to get stickied, guise.

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Chuggaaconroy said, that it could very well be, due to the mansion level.


yay sticky.


Hmmm. Whatever Chuggaa says, goes. <3




I don't exactly believe it, but some people believe it is.


Awesome. :D


Has anyone here played Minecraft?



What system?


Welcome LeoMence. So you're gonna let this be stickied?


He doesn't have the power to sticky this.

... Not yet~

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