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The Rare Hunters[Started][Accepting][OoC Thread]

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Deck update:Monsters:

Snipe Hunter x1

Spear Dragon x1

Goblin Elite Attack Force x1

Masked Dragon x3

White Horned Dragon x1

Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter x1

Zaborg the Tunder Monarch x1

Luster Dragon x2

Evil Hero Malicious Edge x1

Cyber Dragon x1

Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon x1

Marshmallon x1





MST x1

Giant Trunade x1

Fissure x2

Heavy storm x1

Brain Control x1

Ribbon of Rebirth x1

Shrink x2

Smashing Ground x2




Torrential tribute x1

Bottomless Trap Hole x3

Waboku x3

Sakurestu Armor x3

Ultimate Offering x1

Dust Tornado x2


Customs: Glacier Dragon x1

Berserker Dragon x1

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my character will now have 2 decks. He will have his original deck which is a fiend/destiny hero deck. and now he will have a Frog deck. The Frog deck will be his main deck, until he gets really evil, and thats when the Fiend/Destiny Hero deck will be used:P

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I thought I should break the trend of Rare Hunter applies and apply for Orichalcos user, that is if you need any and are accepting Orichalcos users.


[spoiler=App]Name: Vincent Mauvais (Vince for short)

Age: Unknown (late 20s in his appearance but is really much older than that)

Gender: Male


-No headband


-Instead of the gauntlet, he has a ring on his middle finger. The ring is made out of silver and has a fragment of the Orichalcos stone in the middle.


-No gun


-Beneath his cloak, he has a necklace, similar to the one Dartz have.


-His right eye is green and his left eye is blue




Faction: Orichalcos

Deck Type: Orichalcos (Mainly the same as Dartz´s but with a few changes(posting a decklist when done))

[spoiler=Biography]Not much is known about his past before crossing paths with the Orichalcos, those who know have all lost their souls and are now giving energy to The Great Leviathan.


When Dartz, the previous leader, was defeated and died after thousands of years of collecting souls, Vincent became the new leader of the now world wide Paradius and Dooma organization.

His goal is simple, revive The Great Leviathan and purify the world he believes to be rotten to the core, whatever the cost will be.

The only thing missing now is the power of the Egyptian gods that, according to rumors that are spreading among the Dooma members, belongs to the new leader of the so called "Rare Hunters".

(I’m planning to reveal the past of Vincent during the course of the RP; hint to where he might be from is in the app)



Duel Disk type: Chaos Duel Disk which he can make appear and disappear on his right arm at will

Other: He is extremely manipulative and has a very calm and mysterious personality, but, he is quick to anger when provoked.

He speaks with a slight French accent, even though it´s hard to notice it at some times.

Are you a member of the Rare Hunters: No but I´ve made an app.

Will you be an active character: I´ll try


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