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~~~The Final Fantasy Contest~~~

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Contest! OMG. Shocker.


This contest is sponsored by The Final Fantasy Club and Camp Chocobo.


[spoiler=Basics & Rules]

Members of these clubs do not have to pay an entry fee.


Non-members must pay an entry fee of 15 points.


Refunds are not allowed unless you have a valid reason. "I don't wana play anymore" is NOT a valid reason.


This will be a three-round contest. And, as you can tell, the cards you make will be based on the Final Fantasy series. Do not post cards until I say so.


If you are banned from this contest for whatever reason, I have the FINAL say. No exceptions.




[spoiler=Prizes!]1st - 3 Reps and 300 points

2nd - 2 Reps and 200 points

3rd - 1 Rep and 100 points




[spoiler=Judging]By me and psychicplayer. Do not ask to Judge, cause you won't.




[spoiler=Rounds][spoiler=Round I]Will be posted after 3 members join.

[spoiler=Round II]Will be posted after Round I.

[spoiler=Round III]Will be posted after Round II.





I think that's it....





  1. lolwhy


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