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My first time fakemon


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Pokemon Sprite: Scrano.png

Name: Scrano

Type: Dark, Poison

Species: Scorpion

Pokedex Entry: #56, A fairly large scorpion creature that attaches itself to the ceilings of caves with its sharp legs. It swings its tail down to attack its prey. Its poison is used in mainy medicines.

Height: 5'7


Ability: Intimidate


Resistances: Fire

Immunities: Grass

Level Moves:

1 Scratch

1 Growl

7 Poisonfang

14 Faint Attack

21 Bite

28 Pursuit

35 Taunt

42 Slash

49 Snatch

56 Crunch

Evolution Line:

Scrano.png---Lv 36---Scoraco.png


Pokemon Sprite: Scoraco.png

Name: Scoraco

Type: Pyshic,Dark

Species: Ghost bat

Pokedex Entry:#57, not much is known about this pkmn, the green rings underneath it allow it to levitate itself. It uses its claws to immobilize its prey.

Height: 6'3


Ability: Levitate

Weaknesses: Fire, Pyshic,fighting

Resistances: dark,steel,

Immunities: ground

Level Moves:

1 Scratch

1 Growl

1 Tail Whip

1 Faint Attack

7 Tail Whip

14 Faint Attack

21 Bite

28 Pursuit

35 Taunt

44 Slash

53 Pyshic

62 Crunch

Evolution Line: Scrano.png--lv 36--Scoraco.png

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