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I love Wipeout and watch it every time it aires. It is funny and entertaining, plus, I've got nothing better to do.


For all of you who don't know what Wipeout is, it's a game show that involves extremely challenging obstacle courses. It aires on ABC at 7-8 P.M. (central time) on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It contains of 4 obstacle courses and has 24 contestants. Each obstacle course is harder than the other. Most of the time, the obstacle course rules, are that the contestants each try the obstacle courses, and the ones with the fastest times move on to the next round.


The 24 is split into 12 for round 2, 6 for round 3, and 4 for the finals. The contestant that finishes with the fastest time on the finals wins the grand prize of 50,000 dollars.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just saw an episode last night at 10pm

I was upset that the "Yams-Man" didn't win

He had a bunny that needed eye surgery

So if he would've had won then he would use the prize money to pay for surgery

Poor Yams :(

But anyways the show's hilarious and really kewl

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