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YGO vs Pokemon: Nominations Thread

Limited Edition KING

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Note: To all Super Moderators reading this... To make sure this tournament runs smoothly and effectively I ask that you sticky this thread as it is the center of the tournament. It will be greatly appreciated if you do sticky this thread.





The ultimate battle will be decided between Yugioh and Pokemon to find out which franchise is superior in terms of battle and overall likeliness. In this thread you can nominate which Pokemon or Yugioh monsters who will be battling in this tournament. Let the games begin!




- Rules -


1 - This thread is for Nominations only.


2 - All questions about this thread can be posted or PMed to me.


3 - You can only nominate 5 monsters for each franchise.


4 - No off topic discussions.




[spoiler=Nomination Application]


Monster/Pokemon Name:

Image: (post the image please)

Yugioh Related Information


Type: (Beast, Machine, Fiend etc..)



(No God Cards or Win Condition Cards.)

Pokemon Related Information

Max Stats: 



Note: Please delete the information in the ( ) when posting the nomination.





[spoiler= The FAQ]Question - How many times can we nominate?


Answer - If it wasn't clear earlier you can nominate for 5 characters from both franchises. So you could nominate up 10 characters if you wish to.



Question - When will the next match start?


Answer - When the nominations close.



Question - When does each match finish?


Answer - Each match will finish two days after the thread is posted.



Question - When do the helpers make threads?


Answer - After more matches are announced I will choose which helpers make the match threads. They will post the threads when they can.



Question - How many rounds will be involved?


Answer - I aim to have three rounds of matches but it could change depending on how many nominations there will be.



Question - When will nominations close?


Answer - UPDATE: Nominations will close on July 18 2010. (My time)





[spoiler=Pokemon Participants] Pikachu - Nominated by King Matrix.


Furret - Nominated by Eury


Charizard - Nominated by Princess Kitty


Darkrai - Nominated by Eury


Scizor - Nominated by Xazeon


Dunsparce - Nominated by Dark


Tyranitar - Nominated by Dark


Absol - Nominated by Dark


Glaceon - Nominated by Dark


Garchomp - Nominated by Troy89


Umbreon - Nominated by Phantom Roxas


Flygon - Nominated by Phantom Roxas


Typhlosion - Nominated by Phantom Roxas


Lucario - Nominated by Phantom Roxas


Gallade - Nominated by Phantom Roxas


Torterra - Nominated by Twig


Clefable - Nominated by Clair


Breloom - Nominated by Clair


Kingdra - Nominated by Clair


Hitmontop - Nominated by Clair


Luvdisc - Nominated by Clair


Weaville - Nominated by Troy89


Honchkrow - Nominated by Death Metal


Metagross - Nominated by Troy89


Electivire - Nominated by Troy89


Dusknoir - Nominated byTroy89





[spoiler=Yugioh Monsters] Dark Magician - Nominated by King Matrix.


Blue Eyes White Dragon - Nominated by Princess Kitty


Raging Flame Sprite - Nominated by Shradow


Eria the Water Charmer - Nominated by Dark


Chaos Emperor Dragon Envoy of the End - Nominated by Dark


Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode - Nominated by ~SJ1~


Shooting Star Dragon - Nominated byTroy89


King Dragun - Nominated by Rosuke


Gogiga Gagagigo - Nominated by Phantom Roxas


Dragon Master Knight - Nominated by Phantom Roxas


Gladiator Beast Heraklinos - Nominated by Phantom Roxas


Judgement Dragon - Nominated by Phantom Roxas


Dark Armed Dragon - Nominated by Phantom Roxas


Naturia Landoise - Nominated by Twig


Archlord Kristya - Nominated by Clair


Marshmallon - Nominated by Clair


Snapesnatch - Nominated by Clair


Throught Ruler Archfiend - Nominated by Clair


Elemental Hero Avian - Nominated by Clair


Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth - Nominated by ZeroChill


Elemental Hero Plasma Vice - Nominated by Troy89


Kuriboh - Nominated by Felix Striker


Power Tool Dragon - Nominated by Troy89


Strong Wind Dragon - Nominated by Troy89


Junk Destroyer - Nominated by Troy89





Current Matches:



- Round 1 -


1st Match - Pikachu (0) vs Dark Magician (0)


2nd Match -


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Pokemon Name: Charizard








Level 100


Max Stats:

HP: 360

Atk: 267

Def: 255

SpA: 317

SpD: 269

Spe: 299


Type: Fire/Flying




Monster/Pokemon Name:

Blue-eyes White Dragon

Image: (post the image please)







ATK/DEF: 3000/2500

Type: (Beast, Machine, Fiend etc..) Dragon

Stars: 8

Attribute: LIGHT

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If I may, I will include all of my nominations in this post. I will be finished updating before the first thread opens, I can promise you that.


[spoiler=Pokemon Entires (Dunsparce, Tyranitar, Absol, Glaceon)]---

Pokemon Name: Dunsparce




Type: Normal

Maximum Stats (assuming Lv100 and beneficial nature):

Hit Points: 404

Attack: 262

Defense: 262

Special Attack: 251

Special Defense: 251

Speed: 207



Pokemon Name: Tyranitar



Types: Rock / Dark

Maximum Stats (assuming Lv100 and beneficial nature):

Hit Points: 404

Attack: 403

Defense: 350

Special Attack: 317

Special Defense: 328

Speed: 243



Pokemon Name: Absol



Type: Dark

Maximum Stats (assuming Lv100 and beneficial nature):

Hit Points: 334

Attack: 394

Defense: 240

Special Attack: 273

Special Defense: 240

Speed: 273



Pokemon Name: Glaceon



Type: Ice

Maximum Stats (assuming Lv100 and beneficial nature):

Hit Points: 334

Attack: 240

Defense: 350

Special Attack: 394

Special Defense: 317

Speed: 251


[spoiler=Yugioh Entires (Eria the Water Charmer, CED - EotE)]


Card Name: Eria the Water Charmer



ATK/DEF: 500/1500

Type: Spellcaster

Attribute: WATER

Stars: 3



Card Name: Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End



ATK/DEF: 3000/2500

Type: Dragon

Attribute: DARK

Stars: 8



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[spoiler=Pokemon Nomination]




HP: 420

Attack: 394

Defense: 317

Sp.Atk: 284

Sp.Def: 295

Speed: 333

Type: Dragon/Ground


EDIT: I would like to change my Yugioh nomination Stardust Dragon if its okay. Here ya go:[spoiler=Shooting Star Dragon]ShootingStarDragon-JP-Anime-5D.png

Name:Shooting Star Dragon

Effect : 1 Synchro Tuner Monster + "Stardust Dragon"

You can activate each of the following effects once per turn:

• Reveal the top 5 cards of your Deck, then shuffle your Deck. During this turn's Battle Phase, this card can attack once for each Tuner Monster revealed this way.

• You can negate the activation of a Spell Card, Trap Card, or Effect Monster's effect that destroys a card(s) on the field, and destroy that card.

• When your opponent's monster declares an attack, you can remove from play this card to negate the attack. If this card is removed from play in this way, Special Summon this removed from play card during the End Phase.




ATK/3300 DEF/2500


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[spoiler=Yugioh Nomination]

Stardust Dragon



ATK = 2500 DEF = 2000

Type: Dragon/Synchro/Effect

Attribute: WIND

Stars: 8


[spoiler=Pokemon Nomination]




HP: 420

Attack: 394

Defense: 317

Sp.Atk: 284

Sp.Def: 295

Speed: 333

Type: Dragon/Ground



Wait...you're nominating the non-Assault Mode version of my nomination? lol

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Yugioh Nomination


King Dragun



Effect:Your opponent cannot select any Dragon-Type monsters as the target(s) of Spell, Trap, or Monster Card effects. Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster from your hand.

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Stickied as requested.



[spoiler=Yu-Gi-Oh! Nominations]

Monster Name: Gogiga Gagagigo





ATK/DEF: 2950/2800

Type: Reptile

Stars: 8

Attribute: WATER


Monster Name: Dragon Master Knight





ATK/DEF: 5000/5000

Type: Dragon

Stars: 12

Attribute: LIGHT


Monster Name: Gladiator Beast Heraklinos





ATK/DEF: 3000/2800

Type: Beast-Warrior

Stars: 8

Attribute: FIRE


Monster Name: Judgment Dragon





ATK/DEF: 3000/2600

Type: Dragon

Stars: 8

Attribute: LIGHT


Monster Name: Dark Armed Dragon





ATK/DEF: 2800/1000

Type: Dragon

Stars: 7

Attribute: DARK



[spoiler=Pokémon Nominations]

Pokemon Name: Umbreon





HP: 394

Attack: 251

Defense: 350

Sp.Atk: 240

Sp.Def: 394

Speed: 251

Type: Dark


Pokemon Name: Flygon





HP: 364

Attack: 328

Defense: 284

Sp.Atk: 284

Sp.Def: 284

Speed: 328

Type: Dragon/Ground


Pokemon Name: Typhlosion





HP: 360

Attack: 293

Defense: 280

Sp.Atk: 348

Sp.Def: 295

Speed: 328

Type: Fire


Pokemon Name: Lucario





HP: 344

Attack: 350

Defense: 262

Sp.Atk: 361

Sp.Def: 262

Speed: 306

Type: Fighting/Steel


Monster/Pokemon Name: Gallade





HP: 340

Attack: 383

Defense: 251

Sp.Atk: 251

Sp.Def: 361

Speed: 284

Type: Psychic/Fighting





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You saw me coming.


[spoiler=Naturia Landoise]



ATK/DEF: 2350/1600

Type: Rock/Synchro/Effect

Stars: 7

Attribute: Earth








Max Stats:

HP: 394

Attack: 348

Defense: 339

Sp. Attack: 273

Sp. Defense: 295

Speed: 232

Type: Grass/Ground


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[spoiler=Pokemon Nominations (Clefable/Breloom/Kingdra/Hitmontop/Luvdisc)]

Monster/Pokemon Name: Clefable

Image: [spoiler=]clefable.png


Pokemon Related Information

Max Stats:

hp: 394

atk: 176

def: 193

spa: 185

spd: 295

spe: 156

Type: Normal


Monster/Pokemon Name: Breloom

Image: [spoiler=]breloom.png


Pokemon Related Information

Max Stats:

hp: 273

atk: 394

def: 196

spa: 140

spd: 156

spe: 228

Type: Grass/Fighting


Monster/Pokemon Name: Kingdra

Image: [spoiler=]kingdra.png


Pokemon Related Information

Max Stats:

hp: 292

atk: 317

def: 226

spa: 203

spd: 156

spe: 226

Type: Water/Dragon


Monster/Pokemon Name: Hitmontop

Image: [spoiler=]hitmontop.png


Pokemon Related Information

Max Stats:

hp: 304

atk: 249

def: 226

spa: 95

spd: 256

spe: 239

Type: Fighting


Monster/Pokemon Name: Luvdisc

Image: [spoiler=]luvdisc.png


Pokemon Related Information

Max Stats:

hp: 290

atk: 106

def: 146

spa: 104

spd: 166

spe: 293

Type: Water





[spoiler=Yu-Gi-Oh! Nominations (Archlord Kristya/Marshmallon/Shapesnatch/Thought Ruler Archfiend/Elemental Hero Avian)]

Archlord Kristya



ATK/DEF: 2800/2300

Type: Fairy

Stars: 8

Attribute: Light





ATK/DEF: 300/500

Type: Fairy

Stars: 3

Attribute: Light





ATK/DEF: 1200/1700

Type: Machine

Stars: 5

Attribute: Dark


Thought Ruler Archfiend



ATK/DEF: 2700/2300

Type: Psychic

Stars: 8

Attribute: Dark


Elemental Hero Avian



ATK/DEF: 1000/1000

Type: Warrior

Stars: 3

Attribute: Wind



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[spoiler=2nd Yugioh Nomination]



Name:Elemental Hero Plasma Vice

ATK/2600 DEF/2300


Attribute EARTH



[spoiler=2nd Pokemon Nomination]




Type: Dark/Ice








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[spoiler=Rest of Yugioh Nominations]

[spoiler=Power Tool Dragon]PowerToolDragonRGBT-EN-UR-1E.png3622569771_a350923d84.jpg




ATK/2300 DEF/2500


[spoiler=Strong Wind Dragon]StrongWindDragonRGBT-EN-UR-1E.pngnyu4h1.jpg




ATK/2400 DEF/1000


[spoiler=Junk Destroyer]JunkDestroyer5DS3-EN-UR-1E.png



ATK/2800 DEF/2500




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