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Yu-Gi-Oh!: Problems of Space and Time [Started/Accepting Here/OOC]

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Username: Look up

RP name: Ruby Anderson-Yuki

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Time you're from: Future

Appearance: Ruby is the spitting image of her grandmother Blair in terms of body type and hairstyle, though she inherited Jaden's facial features. Her hair color comes from her other grandparents, mostly blue, thanks to Jesse, with a few faint streaks of green from her grandmother Layla. She usually wears the New Domino Underclassmen uniform and has heterochromia.

Bio: Ruby is just like you would expect the descendant of Jaden, Jesse, and Blair to be. She's headstrong, fun loving, and a complete dreamer. She typically decides to Duel based on how fun the opponent appears to be and who around her she hasn't seen Duel yet. Ruby was born the granddaughter of the heroes of both North and Central Academies, though, to avoid messing with her own timeline, she refuses to state the names of her parents, or even which side of her family Jaden is on, to avoid jeopardizing her own birth.

Deck Type: E-Heroes and Neo Spacians for ground Duels, Crystal Beasts and E-Heroes for Turbo Duels.

Equipment: Reproduction Central Academy Duel Disk, red body with a light blue trim, and a pod-shaped Duel Runner (Identical to the ones Leo/Luna use in Wheelie Breakers, but with a more spiked front end and no aerials It's colored to match her Duel Disk.

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when's someone gonna take control over another Signer? Or someone else?

I'll just take Chazz XD

and maybe Jesse

Username: SSD

RP name: Jessie

Gender: M

Age: 22

Time you're from: (Past, Present, Future, or Alternate Reality)

Appearance: same as always, just taller with a bit more muscle

Bio: Same as always

Deck Type: Crystal Beasts

Equipment: Old Academy Duel Disk


Username: SSD

RP name: Chazz

Gender: M

Age: 22

Time you're from: (Past, Present, Future, or Alternate Reality)

Appearance: Same, but taller, and a little more muscle with that good old black jacket XD

Bio: Same as always

Deck Type: WXYZ Armor Ojama!

Equipment: His old Duel Academy Duel Disk

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Username: Kingdom Neos

RP name: Thomas Zero

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Deck Type: [E-Hero/Synchro]

Time you're from: Alternate Reality

[spoiler=Appearance:] TomfullID.jpg


Bio: Thomas grew up, living through life in a pub but when he discovered the game around the age of 10 it inspired him and started to play it as a main hobby. Around the age of 16 Thomas had started working on a deck which he uses today which also in that year he entered a creating your own card contest which he won and recived Elemental Hero Kingdom Neos. Though now after he fell through some kind of hole in his world he seemed to end up in a different world wondering where he is and trying to work out whats going on.

Equipment: A white and red Duel Disk with a logo in yellow words on it saying "Overdrive"

[spoiler=Custom card List:]

Sliver Winged Kuriboh

lv 1 Light


This cards name is treated as "Winged Kuriboh". After this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, any Battle Damage the controller of this card takes this turn becomes 0.

ATK/300 DEF/200


Neos Synchron

lv 2 Light


This card cannot be special summoned from your Graveyard. This card cannot be destroyed as a result of battle. If this card is used as a matireal for a lv 5 or lower Light Attribute Synchro Monster you can Special Summon 1 "Elemental Hero Neos" from your Deck or Graveyard.

ATK/250 DEF/200


Hero Synchron

lv 4 Earth


When this card is used for a Synchro Monster increase the ATK of that summoned monster by 500 points for each "Hero" monster used as a matireal for the summoned Synchro Monster.

ATK/1500 DEF/500


Winged Warrior, Kuri Kuriboh

lv 5 Light


1 Tuner + 1 or more Non-Tuner monster(s)

If this card was Synchro Summoned using "Winged Kuriboh" as a matireal for this card this cards name is treated as "Winged Kuriboh". When this card destroys a monster as a result of battle and sent to the graveyard increase your life points equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster.

ATK/2300 DEF/1200


Elemental Hero Kingdom Neos

lv 10 Light


Elemental Hero Neos + Winged Kuriboh

This monster cannot be Special Summoned, except by Fusion Summon with the above Fusion Material Monsters. Once per turn, you can discard up to 3 cards from your hand to destroy the same number of cards on the field. When this card is destroyed by battle, reduce all Battle Damage you would take this turn to 0.

ATK/2500 DEF/2000




Just added a custom card list to this so I can recap to my main used Custom cards.

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