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Darkness Club (Join and help me cover the world in Darkness) CANCELLED


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Join and help cover the World in Darkness, or you will be covered in Darkness




[spoiler=Rules] No Spamin

No Trash Talking

And All YCM Rules Applied

People That Break This Rules Will Be Kick Out Of The Club



[spoiler=How to join?] Anybody can join this club

Just PM me or post in this thread like this


If one of this club Members told you write the name

If you are giving Rep.



jeal1995= Darkness King




Darkness King (Highest)500 pts

Dark Elder 400pts

Elder 300pts

Dark Soul 200pts

Dark Reaper 100pts

Dark Noob 50pts

Light Traitor (Lowest) 0pts



[spoiler=How to get a higher rank]

You can get a higher rank by giving Rep points

By inviting more people and making them join (I will have a list with the number of people each member have invited) I need to confirm that you really invited that person.

By posting cards (Depending on how good was the card posted you will collect points)(I will have a list for each member with the number of points you have)

By making cards that helps get more Members like cards that says: You are invited to Join the Darknes Club


[spoiler=Club Songs] Scream Aim Fire, Waking the Demon


[spoiler=Want the Darkness Club Photo?] Here is the code you need, http://i759.photobucket.com/albums/xx240/jeal1995/Decorated%20images/fallenangel.jpg




Come on people join comment do something juuuu

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