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Runescape: The Rise of Guthix - Accepting / Not Started

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[spoiler=Plot]A thousand years have passed. A thousand years since an ordinary adventurer set out to kill Delrith. A thousand years since the same human slayed Elvarg, the dragon Crandor. But now he is gone. Defeated by the one thing no-one can prevent. Time.


The war that raged with the gods; Guthix, Saradomin and Zamarok, has ended. Stopped by a truce. All was peacefull...until Zamarok and Saradomin heard of Guthix's plan to destroy Runescape - Breaking the No. 1 rule: Never intefere with the mortals. Now enemies of the past have united against Guthix to rid him of his powers.












Starting Town:

Chosen God:

Weapon(s) of Choice:

Combat Style (Choose One) : Melee, Ranged, Magic


House Location:





1. All YCM Rules apply

2. Keep in-game fights to do with the game

3. Follow advance cause

4. Have fun




[spoiler=Other Notes]

  • Although we're sticking to F2P limits, you can have a house and pets
  • All plot advances will be posted here




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  • 4 weeks later...

AHAHAH.RSCAPE RP. ingenious.


Name: Selene (or do you want a RSCAPE username?)

Sex: Female

Age: 17 (or do you want a level?)

Starting Town: Varrock

Chosen God: Zamorak

Weapon(s) of Choice: Rune Scimitar (though she also has full Zammy as to her armor, and an Amulet of Power)

Combat Style (Choose One) : Melee

Pet(s): ...Cat. :3

House Location: Varrock

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