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Digimon The Rebirth Kingdom Tournament [Not Started/Accepting]

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User-name: Aqua Girl


Digimon Name: Kazemon



[spoiler=Zoey & Her Evo line]





Digimon Level: N/A


Weapon: Ancient Kazemon


Attack Style: Kazemon and Zepheramon, Use physical attacks, Anciet Kazemon and JetSilphymon, use their wepons but still use physical attacks.


Skill: Flight & Battle


Digimon Attacks:

[spoiler=Kazemon]Hurricane Wave (Brezza Petalo, Ita: "Breeze Petal"): Long, thin tornadoes erupt from Kazemon's fingertips which she throws at her enemies.

Tempest Twist (Tornado Gamba, Ita: "Tornado Leg"): Gets down on her hands and spreads her legs. She then starts to spin very quickly and creating a strong force of wind to strike her opponent.

Love Tap (Arido Anca, Ita: "Barren Hip"): Taps her foes with her buttocks causing temporary feelings of attraction.

Roseo Temporale, Ita: "Rosy Thunderstorm": A rapid kick with both of her legs.



[spoiler= Zepheramon]Hurricane Gale (Wind of Pain): Throws blades of pink energy at her foes, which rip and slice them with the force of a tornado.

Plasma Pods (Gilgamesh Slicer): Red energy orbs form around her hands and feet with which she uses to slice and dice her enemies with the power of a hurricane.



[spoiler= JetSilphymon]Ultra Turbulence: Creates a whirlwind with her windmill and hurls it at her enemy.

Jet Winter: Uses the jets on her back to charge at her enemy.



[spoiler=AncientKazemon]Rainbow Symphony: Uses her rapier to play a symphony of super-fused lasers that shine with the colors of the rainbow.

Storm Gazer: Generates an unending supercell.



Strategy Type: Defensive & Speedensive


Favorite Element: Wind


Digimon Personality: Calm and Strong willed.

Your missing Alot for the app, Like the basic info for the Character's name and age, posibly a bio, their personality.

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User-name: Final Fantasy Revolution

Digimon Name: Dorumon

Image: [spoiler=Pic of Digimon from rookie to mega and tamer is at the end]















Digimon Level: Rookie

Weapon: N/A for all forms except Mega where he uses two blades; the Gairyū Sadaijin and Gairyū Udaijin.

Attack Style: most forms just do regular mele attacks but mega uses it's blades

Skill: Rookie and Champion are both battle and blocking types. Ultimate and Mega are flying and battle types

[spoiler=Digimon Attacks:]


Metal Cannon: Shoots one or more metal balls from it's mouth

Dash Metal: Rushes the opponent with a swift and powerful charge attack



Metal Cast: A defensive maneuver that boosts his ability to take hits and defend

Cannon Ball: Fires a ball of intensely hard metal that fires as rapidly as a cannon would fire it.



Bloody Cave: Attacks the foe with the armoured spike on its head.

Metal Meteor: Summons a giant sphere of metal ten times its size and shoots at its foe.



Metal Impulse- He summons four spheres of metal that are fired rapidly at the opponent.

DORU Djinn- He covers his fist in titanium metal and punches the opponent at full force.


Sorry if some of these aren't accurate, the wiki didn't tell me what some attack do so I had to improvise.



Strategy Type: Offensive>Defensive for all forms I'd say

Favorite Element: Metal

Digimon Personality: Dorumon is usually a happy go lucky kind of digimon that likes to run around and play with the other digimon. He likes to be with his master and always knows when it's time for a fight. He'd do anything for Kain and that means a lot to his master.

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  'Aqua Girl said:

User-name: Aqua Girl


Digimon Name: Kazemon



[spoiler=Zoey & Her Evo line]





Digimon Level: N/A


Weapon: Ancient Kazemon


Attack Style: Kazemon and Zepheramon' date=' Use physical attacks, Anciet Kazemon and JetSilphymon, use their wepons but still use physical attacks.


Skill: Flight & Battle


Digimon Attacks:

[spoiler=Kazemon']Hurricane Wave (Brezza Petalo, Ita: "Breeze Petal"): Long, thin tornadoes erupt from Kazemon's fingertips which she throws at her enemies.

Tempest Twist (Tornado Gamba, Ita: "Tornado Leg"): Gets down on her hands and spreads her legs. She then starts to spin very quickly and creating a strong force of wind to strike her opponent.

Love Tap (Arido Anca, Ita: "Barren Hip"): Taps her foes with her buttocks causing temporary feelings of attraction.

Roseo Temporale, Ita: "Rosy Thunderstorm": A rapid kick with both of her legs.



[spoiler= Zepheramon]Hurricane Gale (Wind of Pain): Throws blades of pink energy at her foes, which rip and slice them with the force of a tornado.

Plasma Pods (Gilgamesh Slicer): Red energy orbs form around her hands and feet with which she uses to slice and dice her enemies with the power of a hurricane.



[spoiler= JetSilphymon]Ultra Turbulence: Creates a whirlwind with her windmill and hurls it at her enemy.

Jet Winter: Uses the jets on her back to charge at her enemy.



[spoiler=AncientKazemon]Rainbow Symphony: Uses her rapier to play a symphony of super-fused lasers that shine with the colors of the rainbow.

Storm Gazer: Generates an unending supercell.



Strategy Type: Defensive & Speedensive


Favorite Element: Wind


Digimon Personality: Calm and Strong willed.

Your missing Alot for the app, Like the basic info for the Character's name and age, posibly a bio, their personality.



FFR Your added I'll add you in a second


i think you missed an app kuro XD

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Note that the below is called the "Phantasmal Conqueror" because they're both dead and are evil ghosts.

[spoiler=Ytidens and Dreadmon have returned...]


Digimon Name:








He's the red one.

[spoiler=Other Forms]


Despairmon, Adult form. The red one in the lower foreground.



MegaHakenmon, Perfect form.



DreadOverlordmon, Final form. One of the huge ones in the foreground.



All of these can DNA Digivolve with any Digimon of the same or lower maturity, except DreadOverlordmon, which can DNA Digivolve with any Digimon regardless of maturity.



Digimon Level: Child, but will progress w/RP (i.e., Despairmon will show up more often later, then MegaHakenmon, et cetera, like Super Saiyan levels).

Weapon: N/A.

Attack Style: Extends hardened tentacles to slash or impale enemies. Moves by flight.

Skill: Flight, tunneling, communicates through music

Digimon Attack 1: Shadow Blend -- becomes a shadow. Can teleport short distances from point of blending while in shadow form; range is limited by form (i.e., DreadOverlordmon can go farther than Dreadmon).

Digimon Attack 2: Despairvokation -- invokes despair in a Digimon, using the resulting flood of hormones to heal them. Usable from Adult form up.

Digimon Attack 3: Overlord Obliteration -- draws an enemy in with its tentacles and saps its life force. Since it's only used by DreadOverlordmon, it's extremely powerful.

Digimon Attack 4: Black Cannon -- charges a powerful orb of darkness and fires it. Contrary to what one might expect, Dreadmon has full maneuverability during the charge period. Becomes Conqueror's Cannon at Perfect and Final forms, which can conceal the charge altogether.

Strategy Type: Support > Defensive (with those moves, combined with being a ghost, it's... complicated)

Favorite Element: Darkness

Digimon Personality: Not quite known. Dreadmon has stayed loyal to Ytidens since the Phantasmal Conqueror was alive, but as it can only communicate in music, only its mood is ever communicated. It seems very happy and optimistic for someone who was betrayed by its fellow DigiDestined and seeks world domination, though, playing a nice foil to Ytidens.



If you need any more information on the fakes, just ask.


...huh. Been a while since I RP'd with you, FFR.

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Username: Phantom Roxas

Tamer name: Shiroshini Mirai

Digimon Name: Impmon -> Boogeymon -> Phelesmon -> Murmuxmon


Tamer - Shiroshini Mirai:


Rookie - Impmon:


Champion - Boogeymon:


Ultimate - Phelesmon:


Mega - Murmuxmon:




Digimon Level: Impmon

Weapons: Uses a trident as Boogeymon and Phelesmon

Attack Style: Uses projectiles as Impmon, a trident as Boogeymon and Phelesmon, and an array of magical attacks as Murmuxmon

Skill: Gains flight as Boogeymon and retains this in further forms.

Digimon Attack 1: Night of Fire - Fires alternating red and blue flames.

Digimon Attack 2: Demon's Shout - Screams a large wave of energy.

Digimon Attack 3: Black Statue - Traps the enemy in a black statue shaped like an all black VenomMyotismon.

Digimon Attack 4: Gehenna Flame - Spews hellfire which inflicts an ongoing torment onto the victim while draining their life.

Strategy Type: Offensive > Defensive

Favorite Element: Fire

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