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Hikawa Shrine - Sailor Moon Fan Club


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Welcome to the Hikawa Shrine - The Sailor Moon Fan Club!



The first thing I will say is this - please do not be afraid to join this club if you're a guy. We won't criticize you for liking a TV show designed for girls. Hey, I'm a guy and I started this club! :)



The entrance fee to this club is simple - choose a character from Sailor Moon that you like, but hasn't been taken (preferably a good character, but if you really like the bad guys, they're okay too) and that will be your nickname here. Then simply say that is your nickname in your sig. That's it!



Everyone, including me, will start as a normal human (or animal, alien or whatever your character happens to normally be). Here are the ranks and how to move up. Joining counts as 1 post.


*Important - pointless posts will not count!*



Note: Whenever possible, anyone will have his/her name appropriately modified with his/her rank. For example, my character is Sailor Mercury, but for my first ten posts, my name will be Amy Anderson.



King/Queen- 101+ posts here



Prince(ss)- 71 to 100 posts here



Eternal Sailor - 41 to 70 posts here



Super Sailor- 21 to 40 posts here



Sailor - 11 to 20 posts here



Human (or other species) - 1 to 10 posts here


Flinsbon (Amy Anderson)

Красивая Ведьма (Galaxia)

ScReEcH (Raye Hino)

Omega Red (Hotaru Tomoe)


[spoiler=Current Member List]


Flinsbon - Sailor Mercury (Amy Anderson)

Красивая Ведьма - Sailor Galaxia

ScReEcH - Sailor Mars (Raye Hino)

Omega Red - Sailor Saturn (Hotaru Tomoe)




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  • 2 weeks later...

wow a sailor moon fan club that's awesome i always loved watch sailor moon. i would watch as as soon as i got home:)

my favorite scouts are...

1.Sailor Mercury: uses water and ice, smart and cute

2:Sailor Mars: uses fire...very hot

3.Sailor Jupiter: she can cook

4.Sailor Neptune: she's very beautiful and artistic



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I see that at least a few people here like Sailor Moon.


Please keep in mind that I cannot add anyone to the club who has not yet supplied a nickname (the name of a character in the anime/manga that has not yet been taken).


So what do you guys think is better - dub or sub and why?


Personally, I like the dub better, mostly because it's easier to follow and subs aren't always perfect and easy to understand, especially with idioms, cultural references and having to both read the words and watch the show at the same time.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

what would she be in control of? Venus has light already (sorta - light/love) and Mars has fire covered, so what would Sun be?

Ultraviolet Radiation? Another light senshi? Divinity? Fire and light? I dunno I'm just tossing ideas around.


Although me and my step-sis made up a sun based character. Sol Angelus (Latin for sun angel) the prince of the solar kingdom hidden inside the sun's core and wielder of the legendary "Solar Saber". He died during Beyrl's attack on the Moon Kingdom while fighting his sworn enemy and rival, Daemon Barathus (Demon of the abyss in Latin.) prince of the Black Hole Empire and wielder of the "Gravity Gladius". Both princes were madly in love with Stella Polaris, princess of the North Star Kingdom and friend of princess Serenity. Unfortunately for Daemon Barathus, Princess Stella only requited Prince Sol's feelings and this drove him to extreme levels of jealousy and madness. Sol's signature attack, the "Solar Flare Flash", was said to be able to obliterate anyone who's heart was full of only evil intentions in a bright flash of purifying golden light. After the deaths of all three they were reincarnated on Earth as normal humans but their identities remain unknown (because we haven't gotten that far yet).

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Well, Mercury is in charge of water while Neptune is in charge of a lot of water, so I guess if Mars is in charge of fire then Sun could be in charge of a lot of fire.


Random question - shouldn't Chibiusa's last name be Chiba? Or if you watch the English dub, shouldn't Rini's last name be Shields? Apparently her given name is Chibiusa Tsukino, but does that make sense?

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Well, Mercury is in charge of water while Neptune is in charge of a lot of water, so I guess if Mars is in charge of fire then Sun could be in charge of a lot of fire.


Random question - shouldn't Chibiusa's last name be Chiba? Or if you watch the English dub, shouldn't Rini's last name be Shields? Apparently her given name is Chibiusa Tsukino, but does that make sense?

Maybe Mamoru took Usagi's name instead. That does happen in some marriages.

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That would be so cool! lol it would be funny if neptune and uranus had a kid.


idk Hotaru seems pretty close to it for many of the episodes. If they did have a kid, though, i dont think the kid would have any powers since it wouldnt be genetically related to either of them.

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