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Dragonball Z: Nega-Saiyans(OoC)[Started, Always Accepting]{Remake}

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In-Character Thread:



[spoiler=The Rules]

All Advanced Clause Rules apply.

No spamming!

No Godmodding!

To make sure you've read the rules, remove all parentheses from your application and put an asterisk(*) at the end of your last word in your application.

All other YCM Rules apply!




[spoiler=The Story]

Omega Shenron, a fierce fighter, had been wrecking havoc on the world. With no other choice, our Heroes came along and dealt with the matter. Omega Shenron had been destroyed. With Omega Shenron no longer a threat, the world was once again at peace.


The one thing they didn't know was that Omega Shenron's energy still roamed the Earth, searching for a new body. Someone evil and powerful. Someone like a Dark Saiyan. Someone like Kibuto Karanime.


Omega Shenron's energy found its perfect match and wasted no time taking control over this Dark Saiyan. Kibuto didn't understand what was happening; He was helpless. Omega Shenron was in control.


Kibuto Shenron liked his new power. He had grown in size almost a foot, and was filled with an explosive power that just couldn't wait to terrorize the Earth one again.


The Z-Fighters rushed in and tried to stop Kibuto Shenron, but they were no match. After hours of fighting, only one Z-Fighter remained alive: Goku.


Goku: You... Will... Be beaten...


Using his last breath, he collapses to the floor, lifeless.


Kibuto Shenron wasn't afraid. If he could kill the world's most powerful Saiyans, he could destroy anyone who gets in his way.


Unfortunately, he was terribly mistaken.


[spoiler=The Other Stuff]

Although the almighty Kibuto Shenron is the main threat, the Saiyans must also worry about the Androids, a neutral class of Man-Made fighters.


While Earth is being destroyed by Kibuto Shenron, Namek is being attacked by the Aliens. The Aliens try to achieve their goal, but also want to join forces with Kibuto Shenron.


The Namekians have trouble of their own, but due to their kind bigheartedness, they also try to help save Earth along with their home planet.





[spoiler=The Reminder]

All applications, except for canon characters, that were never mentioned to be accepted are accepted from here on out.




[spoiler=The Explanations][spoiler=The Saiyans]

The Saiyans are a group of powerful warriors with the ability to transform themselves into something stronger. They can harness the power of energy as well as fight physically with their enormous amount of strength.


[spoiler=The Nega-Saiyans]

The Nega-Saiyans are a group of evil Saiyans that were either created by Kibuto Shenron or converted from the Saiyans. These powerful and evil warriors are stronger than normal, but slower.


[spoiler=The Androids]

The Androids are a neutral team that wish to live on Earth by themselves. While they originally wanted to get rid of all the Saiyans, they also need to destroy Kibuto Shenron at the same time.


[spoiler=The Aliens]

The Aliens want to destroy Namek as well as Earth. Kibuto Shenron shares the same interest. The Aliens team up with Kibuto and take out Earth, while the primary goal lies on Namek.


[spoiler=The Namekians]

The Namekians are under attack by the Aliens. Although they try to and defend themselves, they also want to save the Earth and help in anyway possible. They team up with the Saiyans.





[spoiler=The Application]

Saiyan, Nega-Saiyan, Android, Alien, or Namekian?(Can be either one or half of two, but that's it):





Moves(You can have as many as you think you need to have. If you want, you can learn more along the way):

Transformations(They are limited if Saiyan, Android, Alien, or Namekian. It's best to know only a few and to learn them along the way. Nega-Saiyans can have as many as needed. More can be learned along the way as well by choice):

Bio(Minimum 8 sentences, or 2-3 paragraphs. Paragraph 1 explains your life from birth to now, ignoring the main storyline. Paragraph 2 explains how you obtained all of the moves and transformations that is said you have learned and/or your reaction to the incident of the main storyline and what you plan to do to stop it):




[spoiler=The Battle System]

Okay, here's how this is going to work. In order for us RPers to not go over the top with our abilities and movement, we are to use the website that will determine what type of action will take place. Here's the website.




Step 1: Enter the website.


Step 2: Change the Maximum number of the True Random Number Generator on the right of the screen from 100 to 20. Leave the Minimum at 1.


Step 3: Click the "Generate" button and wait for the result.


Step 4: Follow and compare the Damage Steps(Normal) below to your result and let your mind do the rest.



Damage Steps(Normal)


1-5: Roller's character get's hurt.

6-10: Roller's character's attack misses.

11-15: Hit.

16-20: Strong hit.



If you are battling while in a powered up Form, read the steps below.


Step 1: Follow Step 1 from the Normal battle.


Step 2: Change the Maximum to 30, 40, 50, 60, or 70, depending on the form.


Step 3: Follow Step 3 of Normal Battle.


Step 4: Compare to Damage Steps(Super) and use creativity as to the action.



Damage Steps(Super)


1-6: Rolling character misses and gets hurt

7-12: Miss

13-18: Hit, but no real effect

19-24: Does basic damage

25-30: Critical hit


If Maximum is 40+, all 5 actions are still needed but with larger quantity of steps for each action.



Teamwork Attacks


The highest roll is the Main Roll. Take all additional rolls and divide each by 5 and round down. Add these addition numbers to the Main Roll. For example: Roll 20, 8 and 15. 20 + (8/5) + (15/5) -> 20+1+3. = 24. See, teamwork is a very powerful thing. HOWEVER, if any of the rolls are less than 5, the entire attack fails.


Reminder for all Damage Steps: Post your result in OoC in your post.


Do all of this, not all at once of course, and this RP will fly by easily.


NOTE: If you are a Nega-Saiyan on its own or in a powered up form, have the Maximum number at 40-70, and use either Damage Steps above to determine the action given.





[spoiler=The Hero]

Name: Kirimono Karanime

Age: 27

Appearance: Basically the same appearance as Goku, but with red and white instead of orange and blue, long, flowing black hair down to the shoulders and green eyes.


  1. Original Kamehameha
  2. Kamehameha
  3. Super Kamehameha(For SSJ2)
  4. Instantaneous Kamehameha(For SSJ1)
  5. Kaioken Assault
  6. Super Kaioken Assault - This attack has increased speed, strength and quantity of hits.
  7. Dragon Fist(Used for SSJ3)
  8. Super Dragon Fist - Unlike the Dragon Fist, this is a Super Saiyan version of the Super Kaioken Assault, meaning increased speed, increased strength and quantity of hits.
  9. Spirit Bomb(Not learned yet)
  10. Super Spirit Bomb(Not learned yet)
  11. Final Spirit Bomb(Only for Final Super Saiyan. Not learned yet)
  12. Final Saiyan Assault(Only for Final Super Saiyan. Not learned yet)
  13. Final Kamehameha(Only for Final Super Saiyan. Not learned yet)



  1. Kaiokenx1-4
  2. Super Kaioken
  3. SSJ1
  4. Ascended Super Saiyan
  5. Ultra Super Saiyan(Not learned yet)
  6. SSJ2
  7. SSJ3
  8. Golden Oozaru(Not learned yet)
  9. SSJ4(Not learned yet)
  10. Final Super Saiyan(Not learned yet) - Much like SSJ4, but without the fury body. It's basically your original form with your hair standing up just like SSJ2.


Bio: Being the brother of Kibuto, Kirimono was basically the exact opposite of him. He always made the right decisions and always did what was right. He would always fight only when it's really necessary. He had learned almost all of the same abilities as Goku including a few abilities from Trunks and new abilities of his own creation.


The very day that his brother became Kibuto Shenron, he believed that something had taken over him. He then remembered the name "Shenron". It reminded him of Omega Shenron. After what had happened, Kirimono was removed from Kibuto Shenron's ruling area completely. He felt as though what he saw was not his brother, but mere shadow remains of what's left of his innocent soul.


He now takes vengeance on Omega Shenron's spirit and will do anything to eliminate that evil from his brother, but he knows that now his brother has made the Omega Shenron spirit stronger than before, so he will know that he will need all of the help he can to stop Kibuto Shenron and bring back the brother he knows and loves.




[spoiler=The Accepted]

[spoiler=The Saiyans]

[spoiler=jcbballer]Name: Minato (Sei) Senoue

Age: 32

Appearance:[spoiler=Normal Form:]fairy_tail___Gray_by_Orphangel.jpg

Think this, but more muscular.

Gender: Male



After Image Technique




Sonic Sword Attack


Lightning Sword Attack


Shining Sword Attack


The Fusion Dance


Mouth Energy Wave


[spoiler=Hokuto Shinken(Fist of the North Star)] A technique almost identical to Goku's Dragon Fist, and his strongest move; by compressing a large amount of Ki into the palm of his hand, his fist gains virtually the identical effect as a Spirit Bomb, depending on the amount of Ki he's used. However, the backlash to this technique is horrible and the one time he used it, he almost lost the use of his right arm.


Body Change


Size change(self explanatory)




False Super Saiyan

Full-power Super Saiyan

Super Saiyan 2

Ultra Super Saiyan (not to be confused with Legendary)

Great Ape


Bio: Much like Gohan, Minato was the result of a hybrid breeding, but from a saiyan father and a mother from another human-like species. As a result of two intergalactic parents, he traveled frequently enough for him to miss every major event leading up to Goku's final defeat.


During his intergalactic travels, he picked up techniques like the Instant Transmission and the Fusion Dance. He's also a terrific mechanic (His mother's species is the most technologically advanced in the two quadrants), and can build robotic bodies strong enough to compete with Saiyans. He also is an incredibly skilled fighter, and reached every level of Super Saiyan up to ascended on his own.



Name: Lane

Age: 16





Gender: Male


Big Badda Boom: Shoots a large energy ball towards an enemy

Dark Storm: Shoots many energy arrows at the fow

Kamehameha: A basic beam technique taught to him by Master Roshi

Universe Ray: Lane's Ultimate technique. Can only be used at Full Power. He gathers all of his energy in one hand and releases a giant blast of energy that shines like the stars of the universe.



Transformations: Super Saiyan


Lane never really knew who his parents were. In fact, he never even saw them as a child. He was abandoned on the streets with a little monkey tail. One night, when he was 10, the Oozaru in him awakened, and transformed him into a horrible monster. Too bad Kibuto Shenron just ripped the tail of Oozaru off, transforming him back into Lane. Kibuto thought he was dead, and left him there. Since that day, Lane has been training as hard as he can.


When Lane found out he was a Saiyan at age 8, like the ones he had heard in stories and tales of a powerful warrior named Goku, he couldn't believe it. He could fly around and everything. He learned that a old man, Master Roshi, lived on a small island in the middle of the ocean, untouched by Kibuto Shenron. Lane traveled and trained there. He learned the famous Kamehameha technique, and a few of his own. He got the idea of his Universal Ray while looking at the stars one day. This technique almost killed him the first time he used it, because of all the energy required to use it. After that, he trained himself in a gravity intensifier, much like Goku. And one day, when he was strong enough, he pushed as hard as he could, and his hair spiked up. It was a pure gold color. He had become a Super Saiyan. So now, with his new-found powers, Lane hopes to stop Kibuto Shenron, and help the universe, just like his fore fathers had.



Name: Brolito


Appearance: Wears Brolly like clothing a Gold and Green necklace, medium long black spiky hair, he is ripped with muscle about 6"0 tall.

Gender: Male


Gigantic Shockwave (A giant Green Beam released at the opponent)

Explosive Wave (explosion occurs around Brolito causing others to fly back)

Gigantic Hammer throw (Grabs the opponent's head and smashes it to the ground, he then lifts them up and throws them very far away while releasing an energy ball at them.)

Rage of the Father (At this point he can't control this ability, however when he enters this stage his speed, attack and energy triple in power)

Gigantic Meteorite Light (Forms a huge green energy ball that gets reduced into a small ball, he hen charges at the opponent and releases it into a huge beam in front of them)




Super Saiyan

Legendary Super Saiyan

Super Saiyan 2

Super Saiyan 3

Legendary Super Saiyan 3 (Not known yet)



Bio: Said to be the son of Brolly, it is not known who his mother is, his father originally tried to kill him when he was young due to his incredible power of 100,000 when he was merely a baby, 10x that of when Brolly was a baby, seeing this power he left him but one thing his necklace.


The necklace given to Brolito triples his power whenever he gets furious it is said to be the hatred from Brolly. It is not known why he fights for good, probably because he doesn't know of his past. He inherited his moves and transformations from Brolly, except SS2 and 3 which he learned through vigorous training. His finishing move was altered by himself.



[spoiler=The Nega-Saiyans]


Name: Kazu

Age: 24 (though due to Saiyans not aging the same as humans he looks 16)




1 Negative Galactic Buster (spheres smaller than those Bojack used and Black in color)

2 Multi-Form

3 Negative Power Ball

4 Hasshu-ken (only 6 arms though not 8 )

5 Negative Final Shine Attack (doesn't spread as much as the original technique of Vegeta's, Purple in color)

6 Negative Grand Smasher (smaller than Bojack's Black in color)

7 Negative Super Galick Gun (only available in Oozaru from)

8 Negative Planet Burst (only Available in Dark Super Saiyan 4) (Not Yet Learned)

9 Negative Wolf Fang Fist (only available in Nega-Saiyan form) (animal shown to be trailing is a Black Panther)

10 Negative Destruction (Kazu raises his arms, his hands held in what appears to be an upside-down version of Gohan using Masenko-ha, A Black Sphere slowly forms in front of Kazu's hands as he then pulls them apart, the Sphere morphing into a super thin line as Kazu brings his hands to his sides. Kazu then cups his hands together over the Ki energy used by this attack then opening his hands partially in the direction he wants to fire the technique. It fires similarly to Death Beam but originates from a small Sphere in the middle of his hand. Can fire two times per sphere. non-lethal.)

11 Negative Collapse (Kazu raises his arms to the top of his stomach then twisting them slightly as he charges Ki energy into them, they slowly being covered in black Ki as he pulls them to his sides then rushing for the opponent. Kazu slams each hand into the opponent individually firing off small bursts of Ki through his hands with each hit.)


[spoiler=[b]Transformations:[/b]] Dark False Super Saiyan

Dark Super Saiyan

Dark Full-Power Super Saiyan

Dark Oozaru (black fur Oozaru red eyes)

Dark Super Saiyan 2

Dark Super Saiyan 3

Shadow Oozaru (fur of Oozaru Pure black with deep blood red eyes)

Dark Super Saiyan 4


Bio: Kazu had been one of the first Saiyans transformed into a Nega-Saiyan by Kibuto Shenron and due to his appearance being that of one younger than he was, which was because of Saiyans different growth/body maturing rate, his opponents took it easy on him believing he was weaker.


Kazu had been able to attain almost all Saiyan forms, the only remaining form was a genetic trait of legend passed through Saiyans to a single one. Kazu then began training using his Negative Ki energy to make his moves quite easily his own and able to cause quite a panic. Kazu destroyed buildings easily with the combinations of his 'Negative Destruction and 'Negative Collapse' also using 'Negative Galactic Buster' to strike them down with less effort. Kazu had then stayed within one of the cities he leveled waiting for a need to be elsewhere as he rested for a short time. The city he was in was called 'Satan City'.



[spoiler=The Androids]


Name: Relinquish

Gender: Male/Robot

Age: ?



His face is strikingly similar to Goku's except his eyes are dark black. He has 2 robotic lines going down his face and has long dark blue metallic hair. He wears a black robe and sometimes wears the hoodie. He is in excellent shape to and is about 6"0.



Teleport Relinquish (Teleports behind the opponent and when the opponent turns he teleports again behind the opponent)


Relinquished Hope (Points both his arms straight out together shooting a giant dark blue and back beam)


Relinquished Final Thought (Rapidly teleports forward dealing a final punch sending the opponent through the air then following up with continuous beams)


Relinquished Duel Blade (Brings forth 2 Dark blue orbs in front of his hands. He then gets the orbs to cover his arms and extend to form to sharp blades)


Relinquished 1,000,000,000 Bomb (Flies in the air and powers up sending 1,000,000,000 blue orbs around the area or world)


Relinquished Existence (He punches the ground and covers all the world in Metal,the metal when destroyed gets repaired and even floats small particles of metal in the air. Through this planet he can hide under the metal and control it with his strength.


Ultimate Relinquished Acceptance (Flies in the air and Creates a giant orb in his hands that he lifts over his head, he then throws it at the enemy while the opponent holds the bomb he flies through the bomb and shoots a wave into the opponent)



Transformations: When he takes off his black robs his body grows bigger as his skin turns dark blue and his eyes go a darker black, his hair turns black as well.


Bio: Created by Dr. Mew, it is said that he is over 1,000 years old and has trained under the watchful eyes off Dr. Mews predecessors. After his training was complete, his power was far greater then what they intended as a lift of his finger destroyed the world. It is unknown why he resembles Goku so much in the face.


He learned his moves through training but his main strength comes from his ability top not take energy damage, it is unknown why but it is said that energy attacks are pointless against him. He show no signs of pain as his armor is made of a material not known by the universe it is said to be 10,000x the strength of the strongest metal in existence.He currently resides on an abandoned planet, however after the rise of the Nega-Saiyans he has aimed to create other androids to call his army and take over the universe with. Hie main ability of covering the world in metal was Dr. Mew's main objective for him, to cover the world in metal.



[spoiler=The Aliens]




[spoiler=The Namekians]


Name: Sneke

Age: 11 (acts much older because this but Namekians grow almost 3 times as fast as humans)

Appearance: Sneke has the appearance of a average Namek resident, green skin, completely hairless and with lined pink sacs for muscle. He dons a pair of pants similar to Piccolo's and a long coat of cloth colored blue and a long spear which he carries on his back attached by a purple sheath.

Gender: Doesn't have one but is usually considered a Male.



Limb Extention

Namekian Fusion

Mouth Ki Blast

Explosive Demon Wave

Demon's Rush (Sneke charges a aura of ki around him, and charges at the opponent then, after punching the opponent several times, forces his fist into their chest and fires the Demon Wave into their body)

Demon's Flash (Sneke charges his Demon Waves in two hands and forces them together in a manner making a pose similar to Vegeta's Final Flash and firing a much more powerful version at the opponent)

Special Beam Cannon



Awakened Namekian

Fused Namekian (Not used yet)

Giant Form

Fully Awakened Namekian (Not Known Yet)

Bio: Sneke is one of the many children of Guru before he was destroyed. Created shortly before Guru was killed, Sneke was forced to evacuate the planet to Earth by his father with several other hatchlings insuring that if Frieza destroyed Planet Namek they would be able to repopulate.


After Goku defeated Frieza, Sneke rejoined with his Namekian kind and were transported to New Namek. There he lived his life training so he could fight to protect the Planet if anyone threatened it again. When the Meta-Coolers attacked, Sneke attempted to fight them but was eventually defeated that time as well before Goku came to the rescue.


Copying some of the techniques he had saw from the famous Namekian Piccolo, Sneke became a warrior on the Namekian Military. He was then sent down to Earth, to fight the Kibuto Shenron in as a repayment for Goku saving his race so many times.




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Name: Sneke

Age: 11 (acts much older because this but Namekians grow almost 3 times as fast as humans)

Appearance: Sneke has the appearance of a average Namek resident, green skin, completely hairless and with lined pink sacs for muscle. He dons a pair of pants similar to Piccolo's and a long coat of cloth colored blue and a long spear which he carries on his back attached by a purple sheath.

Gender: Doesn't have one but is usually considered a Male.



Limb Extention

Namekian Fusion

Giant Form

Mouth Ki Blast

Explosive Demon Wave

Demon's Rush (Sneke charges a aura of ki around him, and charges at the opponent then, after punching the opponent several times, forces his fist into their chest and fires the Demon Wave into their body)

Demon's Flash (Sneke charges his Demon Waves in two hands and forces them together in a manner making a pose similar to Vegeta's Final Flash and firing a much more powerful version at the opponent)

Special Beam Cannon



Awakened Namekian

Fused Namekian (Not used yet)

Giant Namekian

Fully Awakened Namekian (Not Known Yet)

Bio: Sneke is one of the many children of Guru before he was destroyed. Created shortly before Guru was killed, Sneke was forced to evacuate the planet to Earth by his father with several other hatchlings insuring that if Frieza destroyed Planet Namek they would be able to repopulate.


After Goku defeating Frieza, Sneke rejoined with his Namekian kind and were transported to New Namek. There he lived his life training so he could fight to protect the Planet if anyone threatened it again. When the Meta-Coolers attacked Sneke attempted to fight them but was eventually defeated that time as well before Goku came to the rescue.


Copying some of the techniques he had saw from the famous Namekian Piccolo, Sneke became a warrior on the Namekian Military. He was then sent down to Earth, to fight the Kibuto Shenron in as a repayment for Goku saving his race so many times*

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Name: Relinquish

Gender: Male/Robot

Age: ?



His face is strinkingly similar to Goku's except his eyes are dark black. He has 2 robtic lines going down his face and has long dark blue metallic hair. He wears a black robe and soemtimes wears the hoodie. He is in excellent shape to and is about 6"0.



Relinquised Force (Motions his arm forawrd sending a forceful push from a distce into the arsending the opponent in any irection he chooses.)


Teleport Relinquish (Teleports behind the opponent and when the opponent turns he teleports again behind the opponent)


Relinquished Hope ( Points both his arms straight out together shooting a giant dark blue and back beam)


Relinquished Final Thought (Rapidly teleports forward dealing a final punch sending the opponent through the air then following up with continuous beams)


Relinquished Duel Blade (Brings forth 2 Dark blue oprbs in front of his hands. He then gets the orbs to cover his arms and extend to form to sharp blades)


Relinquished 1,000,000,000 Bomb (flys in the air and powers up sending 1,000,000,000 blue orbs around the area or world)


Relinquished Existence (He punches the ground and covers all the world in Metal,the metal when destroyed gets repaired and even floats small particles of metal in the air. Through this planet he can hide under the metal and control it with hs strength.


Ultimate Relinquished Acceptence (Flys in the air and Creates a giant orb in his hands that he lifts over his head, he then throws it at the enemy while the opponent holds the bomb he flys through the bomb and shoots a wave into the opponent)



Transformations: When he takes off his black robs his body grows bigger as his skin turns dark blue and his eyes go a darker black, his hair turns black as well.


Bio: Created by Dr. Mew, it is said that he is over 1,000 years old and has trained under the watchful eyes off Dr. Mews predeseccors. After his training wascomlete his power was far greater then whatthey intended as a lift of his finger destroyed the world. It is unknown why he resembles Goku so much in the face.


He learnt his moves through training but his mai strength comes from his ability top not take energy damage, it is unknown why but it is said that enrgy attacks are pointless against him. He show no signs of pain as his armour is made of a material not known by the universe it is said to be 10,000x the strength of the strongest metal in existence.He currently resides on an abandonned planet, however after the rise of the nega Sajns he has aimed to create other androids to call his army and take over the universe with. Hie main ability of covering the world in metal was dr mews main objective for him, to cover the world in metal.*

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Saiyan, Nega-Saiyan, Android, Alien, or Namekian?: Saiyan

Name: Lane...

Age: 16





Gender: Male


Big Badda Boom: Shoots a large energy ball towards an enemy

Dark Storm: Shoots many energy arrows at the fow

Kamehameha: A basic beam technique taught to him by Master Roshi

Universe Ray: Lane's Ultimate technique. Can only be used at Full Power. He gathers all of his energy in one hand and releases a giant blast of energy that shines like the stars of the universe.



Transformations: Super Saiyan


Lane never really knew who his parents were. In fact, he never even saw them as a child. He was abandoned on the streets with a little monkey tail. One night, when he was 10, the Oozaru in him awakened, and transformed him into a horrible monster. Too bad Kibuto Shenron just ripped the tail of Oozaru off, transforming him back into Lane. Kibuto thought he was daed, and left him there. Since that day, Lane has been training as hard as he can.

When Lane found out he was a saiyan at age 8, like the ones he had heard in stories and tales of a powerful warrior named goku, he couldn't believe it. He could fly around and everything. He learned that a old man, Master Roshi, lived on a small island in the middle of the ocean, untouched by Kibuto Shenron. Lane traveled and trained there. He learned the famous Kamehameha technique, and a few of his own. He got the idea of his Universal Ray while looking at the stars one day. This technique almost killed him the first time he used it, because of all the energy required to use it. After that, he trained himself in a gravity intensifier, much like goku. And one day, when he was strong enough, he pushed as hard as he could, and his hair spiked up. It was a pure gold color. He had become a Super Saiyan. So now, with his newfound powers, Lane hopes to stop Kibuto Shenron, and help the universe, just like his fore fathers had.

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Name: Brolito


Appearance:wears Brolly like clothing a Gold and Green necklace, medium long black spiky hair, he is ripped with muscle about 6"0 tall



Gigantic shockwave (A giant Green Beam releases at the opponent)

Explosive Wave (explosion occurs around Brolito causing others to fly back)

Gigantic Hammer throw (Grabs the opponnents head and smashes it to the ground, he then lifts them up and throws them very far away while releasing an energy ball at them.)

Rage of the Father (At this point he can't control this ability, however whn he enters this stage his speed, attack and energy triple in power)

Gigantic Meteorite Light (Forms a huge green energy ball that gets reduced into a small ball, he hen charges at the opponent and releases it into a huge beam in front of them)




Super Saijin

Legendary Super Saijin

Super Saijin 2

Super Saijin 3

Legendary Super Saijin 3 (Not known yet)



Bio: Said to be the son of Brolly, it is not known who his mother is, his father originally tried to kill him when he was young due to his incredible power of 100,000 when he was merely a baby, 10x that of when Brolly was a baby, seeing this power he left him but one thing his necklace.


The necklace given to brolito triples his power whenever he gets furious it is said to be the hatred from Brolly. It is not known why he fights fgor good, probably because he doesn't know of his past. He inherited his moves and transformations from Brolly, except SS2 and 3 which he learnt through vigorous training. His finishing move was altered by himself.

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