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The★Brotherhood★of★Steel - The Future is Coming, Join Now!

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United we Stand, With our Guns in Hand

Important! Read the stuff below!

[spoiler=Rules]No spamming, troling, etc. Most YCM rules apply.


[spoiler=Who can join The Brotherhood of Steel?]Anyone can join us. Whether your Warning Level is 99% or 0%, you may join us. We do not push people aside.


[spoiler=What Are We?]We are a Fallout Fan Club, the Righteous Warriors of the Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland. Have no idea what I'm talking about? Read "What is Fallout?" below. What aren't we? We are not a gang, we are just fans.


[spoiler=Members](From First to Last to join)

1. FriendlyHost - High Elder

2. starboy417 - Wastelander

3. psychicplayer - Wastelander

4. Neariox - Initiate

5. Bringerofcake - Initiate

6. lolwhy - Wastelander

7. ~SF3~ - Scribe

8. THETHETHE - Wastelander

9. Dark Omega Cody - Wastelander

10. powersman77 - Wastelander

11. wakka1998 - Wastelander

13. Loki Dimordo - Initiate

14. Ridle Monkey - Wastelander

15. DocToxx - Wastelander

16. Jeal1995 - Senior Initiate

17. ۞Ulquiorra Schiffer۞ - Initiate


[spoiler=Ranks]1. High Elder (Highest)

2. Head Paladin

3. Senior Paladin

4. Paladin

5. Junior Paladin

6. Knight

7. Scribe

8. Senior Initiate

9. Initiate

10. Wastelander (Lowest)


How can you become higher ranked, you say? Be active on this thread and help others out! Making Fallout related cards and posting them here can also get you higher rank. Or maybe you can recruit some more fresh meat (people). Making cool Brotherhood of Steel banners will also get you higher ranked.


[spoiler=Application Form (How to Join)]1. Name (What do you want to be called?)

2. Have you ever played Fallout? Which one?

3. Why do you want to join The Brotherhod of Steel?


[spoiler=90/10 Lottery][spoiler=What is the 90/10 Lottery?]The 90/10 Lottery is a lottery game, hosted by me. You pay me 20 Points and the money will go to the pot. I will randomly choose 1 of the people that donated to the pot and that person will win 90% of the pot. It is a fast way to win big!

[spoiler=Current Pot]The current pot is 0 points :(



[spoiler=Why join The Brotherhood of Steel?]Joining us can make you more popular/well known, and you can find friends here. I plan on making a Fallout Contest, EXCLUSIVELY for our Club. Prizes will be Fallout images, rep and points! We are a fun way to start out on YCM.


[spoiler=Contest!!]Our contest has started! click here to join and win!!!


[spoiler=Our Song]



[spoiler=How to Keep us Alive]Recruit more people for the club! The more people we have the safer we will be from Mutants.


[spoiler=What is Fallout?]Click here to see my post.

Click here to see the Wikia.


[spoiler=Fallout 3 Cards!]490854.jpg451524.jpg490854v.jpgedged.png29b1ys6.jpg


[spoiler=Want a Fallout Members Card?]Just pm me and tell me you want a Fallout Members Card. I will make one for you for free. (You must be in the Brotherhood of Steel)


[spoiler=Affiliates]The Dragon Club, Newb Defense League, ~Epic Gamerz~


[spoiler=Banners]BrotherhoodofSteel1.pngby me



[spoiler=Prepare for The Future]Official Prepare for The Future Website, Official Fallout Website.


Be eaten by Mutants and other creatures, or join the club. It's your choice![/align]

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