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This is a New 1on1 Yea :P



Rules:All YCM Rules Applieds

not Spam or ``Necropost``


Votes Need Reason



Prize: 2 Reps from Loser


Card: Must be a Level 1-4 Synchro/DarkSynchro/Fusion.

First to post card become my Opponent


My Card: yanmaicorpsemaster.jpg

Lore:1 Tuner + 1 non-Tuner Zombie-Type monster

When this card is Summoned, Special Summon 2 Level 4 or Lower Zombie-Type monsters from your Graveyard and decrease that cards ATK and DEF to 0. This card can attack directly. This card cannot be selected as an attack target while you control another face-up Zombie-Type monster. If this card is destroyed, Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Zombie-Type monster from your Graveyard.



Opponent card: 218319y.jpg

Lore:1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Machine-Type monsters

Monsters you control cannot attack. Neither player can Synchro Summon. When this card is Synchro Summoned, remove from play up to 5 Machine-type monsters from your Deck. For each monster removed from play this way, place 1 "Gunner Counter" on this card. Once per turn, remove 1 "Gunner Counter" from this card to inflict damage to your opponent equal to this card's ATK multiplied by the amount of "Gunner Counters" on this card before this effect is activated. When there are no "Gunner Counters" on this card, destroy it. You can discard 1 Machine-type monster from your hand to negate 1 attack from a monster that selects this card as attack target.





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Ok I'll enter:


[spoiler=My card]





1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Machine-Type monsters

Monsters you control cannot attack. Neither player can Synchro Summon. When this card is Synchro Summoned, remove from play up to 5 Machine-type monsters from your Deck. For each monster removed from play this way, place 1 "Gunner Counter" on this card. Once per turn, remove 1 "Gunner Counter" from this card to inflict damage to your opponent equal to this card's ATK multiplied by the amount of "Gunner Counters" on this card before this effect is activated. When there are no "Gunner Counters" on this card, destroy it. You can discard 1 Machine-type monster from your hand to negate 1 attack from a monster that selects this card as an attack target.








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Guest Dementuo

Zmuzik gets my vote on this one. Nice card. Great effect, Balanced for a lv 3 and has a great pic.


Oh and by the way AuXiLuArY, Who cares about OCG errors anyways?!


Cards aren't all about the OCG y'know.

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