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{Forgotten}-{Warriors}-{The}-{YCM}-{Ultimate}-{Contest}-{Round 1 Started!!!!!!}


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[align=center]Forgotten Warriors: Return of the Contest Section


Hello all of YCM.

I have not been in the contest section in a while, and now that I’m back, let me tell you, I’m disappointed. This section seems to have lost its original “epicness,” and I’m here to fix that. There are really only a few contests now that I even want to look at. I want to bring back what some of my older friends here used to experience, and what you newer people may not have been lucky enough to experience.


I can remember the days when we had huge rosters for just a one round contest. Not any of this 5 contestants crap. So I am going to bring back the popular 5 round contest with a minimum of 30 contestants. Now let me ask you people, what are the best feelings when you are in a contest.


First, making it to the next round; knowing that you survived the cut gives you a small sense of pride that keeps growing as the rounds go on. Now what is the best feeling of being in a contest….WINNING. Now I have noticed that a lot of people have been using the pot system lately. This is probably because they can get some points off the pot and they don’t have to give up any of their own. I personally could care less. I will also be using this pot system, except it will be a bit more than scraps in a pile.


Let’s think about this, a minimum of 30 contestants and a pot that can only benefit you. That equals a lot of big prizes.[/align]


“Remember the Forgotten and rejoice in what they rejoiced” – Fredrick Greens



[align=center]All members are accepted

All YCM rules apply

A minimum of 30 contestants or contest is not held

5 judges including myself

25 point entry fee + optional donations to the pot

Just don’t hate on, doubt, or be rude to any contest or judge

Do not post cards until I say so

Also only 7 of each star member aloud ( I dont want 30 2 stars)[/align]


Official Rules

Official Rules

[align=center]First place: 50% of pot +200 points +3 reps

Second place: 30% of pot +100 points+2 reps

Third place: 20% of pot +50 points+1 rep[/align]




[align=center]1. dchi

2. Smeshee

3. Sandviches

4. Vistian Terry

5. Deuce1991

6. Atman

7. Radiant F.U.R.Y.

8. Mason1999

9. Poisonedbite

10. Psycholera

11. Menton

12. achow198

13. HitoKage

14. supersmashbrawl

15. tunerwizard150

16. zmuzik

17. Mini Mizer

18. sirtrystan 5

19. Lexadin

20. lightdiversion





[align=center]1. Me






[align=center]The first round will start once I have 30 contestants.

Do not post card until I say so but your task is to make one Field Spell Card that involves Counters.[/align]



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wanna join and judge lol, im big on card balance and overall appeal... OCG errors are barely tolerable but are overlookable if i am captivated by the card, i look for in game usefulness and possible affects on opponents when played, with that being said... is there a cost to judge?

screw it i already made my card, sending points now

wait, if you dont get 30 contestants are the points refunded?

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