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Spellcaster Contest 3 intense rounds!!!!!(2nd Round Started)


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Hi YCM users, there are going to be 3 rounds in this contest:


1) Round: Monster Cards: Only Spellcaster monsters

2) Round: Spell Cards: Spell cards that support Spellcasters

3) Round: Trap Cards: Trap cards that support Spellcasters

Note: The only cards that are going to be accepted will be Spellcaster cards and card that support Spellcaster Monsters.


I imagine that you are asking yourself and how many people I will be accepting:


7 Contestant

5 Judges



The prizes will be: The judges will get one rep point each


1st: 3 rep points and 40 points

2nd: 2 rep points and 25 points

3rd: 1 rep points and 10 points




1) Jacoby746

2) Grave Horison

3) Hitokage

4) dchi

5) Deathlock97: DQ'd

6) shoteye2

7) smeshee





1st:Smechee : 183/200 (10pts)

2nd: dchi: 179\200 (8pts)

3rd: shoteye2: 175\200 (6pts)

4th: Hitokage: 160\200 (5pts)

5th: ; Jacoby746: 157\200 (2pts)

6. : Gravehorizon: 138\200 (0pts)


Note: This aren't the final score this are the 1st Round score. You guys can start posting the Spell cards remember the cards have to support Spellcaster monsters or affect somehow Spellcaster monsters.





1) Darklink123

2) Paranoia_brother_sparky

3) Auxiliary

4) War Torn




No insulting

No Spam

No stealing others ideas

And if you ain't a Judge please don't judge




Well please post your card and comment.

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There are going to be prizes


1st: 3 rep 40 points

2nd: 2 rep 25 points

3rd: 1 rep 10 points


but there is a prob with your card this contest is only for spellcaster cards I will accept spellcaster monsters on the 1st round on the 2nd round is going to be magic cards that support spellcaster monsters and the third is going to be trap cards that support spelcasters monsters.And you can be watever you want judge or contestant.

yeah you can use card that you have already make but they have to be spellcasters monsters for the first round on the 2nd round is going to be magic cards that support spellcaster monsters and the third is going to be trap cards that support spelcasters monsters.And you can be watever you want judge or contestant.

What I mean is that the monsters have to be spellcasters like this one 548979r.jpg

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[spoiler=Lore]This card can only be Special Summoned by returning a Spellcaster-Type monster from your Graveyard to your Deck. When this card destroys an opponent's monster, you can remove this card from play to increase your Life Points by 1000. If this card is destroyed by a card effect, you can Special Summon a level 4 or lower from your hand or Deck.


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[spoiler=Lore]You can Tribute 2 cards you control with Spell Counters on them to Special Summon this card from your hand or Graveyard in face-up Defense Position. You can discard 1 Spell Card to place 2 Spell Counters on a face-up card you control that you can place a Spell Counter on. This card gains 100 ATK for each Spell Counter on the field.


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