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The Rare Hunters Organization - Stealing Rare Cards since 1994


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sports are just jokes. they get you no where in life. well' date=' that applies to 9,999 out of 1O,OOO people


I STRONGLY disagree. I think doing sport is better than going on this. In my opinion, Ycm is for wet days or days when you have nothing to do. I only go on this when i've got 1/4 of an hour spare or something.

And also, sport will get you further in life than YCM...

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sports are just jokes. they get you no where in life. well' date=' that applies to 9,999 out of 1O,OOO people


I STRONGLY disagree. I think doing sport is better than going on this. In my opinion, Ycm is for wet days or days when you have nothing to do. I only go on this when i've got 1/4 of an hour spare or something.

And also, sport will get you further in life than YCM...


For maybe a year or so. After that, sports are pointless. In the long run, sports and this site are useless.


EDIT: I'm getting ninja'd a lot today. D:

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The manga came out on 1996, and the Rare Hunters where astablished by Marik Ishtar. And Marik came what a year after the biginning or so. Marik is 16 so lets say he founded it on his 13th or something like that. And that makes 1994 as the year we should enter

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