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the pokemon splicer club


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That's interesting. Why do people do that? They know they're gonna get banned anyway. Then they try to act all cool and say they dont care if they get banned, when we all know that they usually play this game 24/7. If they were banned, they're life would end until the ban is lifted.

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They want the fame and respect. They take sprites that they figure will make them look good. They starve for the respect. I'm sure some thieves are also just trolls, some are people wanting to see how far they can get away with something, and some are desperate jealous low leveled artists. I really don't care about the reason. I just want to bring the hammer of justice down on any of them.

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username: johioh

splicer example: murkron.png

how good a splicer would you rate yourself: eh' date=' my above one i belive is my best so....quite below avarage



Alright, so the biggest flaw is that you eliminated literally all the shading. Your borders aren't recolored, and there are instances of them missing. Finally, the wings and head look like they aren't attached right, and seem to be disconected.

well, i had to elimanate most of murkrows lower body to put flygons tail on. the neck is supposed to be very long like flygons even though it looks disconected, and what do you mean be borders? and could you be a bit less rude.


Not being rude. Pointing out where you need improvement. Rude would be something along the lines of "Dude, that sucks ass. Just give up spriting, noob" or refusing helpful criticism from two more experienced spriters.


The outline usually has 2-3 colors, black and 2 colors related to the palate of the part. You need to recolor these to match the new palate of the recolor. Nextly, you still eliminated shading and highlights which is a big no no. Also, you need to edit the sprite (usually by hand) so that it doesn't look disconected.


ok all i got from that is to not take highlights out. we should also take this in pm. and, am i in the club or not?


Or shading. And zoom in to see what the outlines look like on a regular sprite, and recolor the ones on this one as such. Also, you need to hand correct (with the pencil/paintbrush tool) the neck and wing bases to make it look like one thing

i do use the pencil. so, am i in the club or not?

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username: johioh

splicer example: murkron.png

how good a splicer would you rate yourself: eh' date=' my above one i belive is my best so....quite below avarage



Alright, so the biggest flaw is that you eliminated literally all the shading. Your borders aren't recolored, and there are instances of them missing. Finally, the wings and head look like they aren't attached right, and seem to be disconected.

well, i had to elimanate most of murkrows lower body to put flygons tail on. the neck is supposed to be very long like flygons even though it looks disconected, and what do you mean be borders? and could you be a bit less rude.


Not being rude. Pointing out where you need improvement. Rude would be something along the lines of "Dude, that sucks ass. Just give up spriting, noob" or refusing helpful criticism from two more experienced spriters.


The outline usually has 2-3 colors, black and 2 colors related to the palate of the part. You need to recolor these to match the new palate of the recolor. Nextly, you still eliminated shading and highlights which is a big no no. Also, you need to edit the sprite (usually by hand) so that it doesn't look disconected.


ok all i got from that is to not take highlights out. we should also take this in pm. and, am i in the club or not?


Or shading. And zoom in to see what the outlines look like on a regular sprite, and recolor the ones on this one as such. Also, you need to hand correct (with the pencil/paintbrush tool) the neck and wing bases to make it look like one thing

i do use the pencil. so, am i in the club or not?


I'd still try to fix the errors that have been pointed out to you

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