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Duel Academies 100th Year! Co-Host SSD/Started/Accepting- 2 teachers and students

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dw I'll put a stop to it now.

This is intentionally posted both here and in the OOC thread. If you short post, in other words only type 3 or less lines, you will get 1 WARNING, do it one more time after that and Instant NEG REP and ban from RP And don't claim you didn't see thsi mesage cause it willl be everywhere! If you can't find anything to talk type about then think of these:

- Where is your person

- What is around your person

- What your person thinks about the people around them

- Why s your pwerson there

- What is your persons goals

- Any background story about your character

- How is your character feeling?

- Why is your character feeling that way

- Does your character thinke veryone feels the same way

- What are some defining aspects of your character




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[spoiler=Short-Posts since warning post]

"Hmmph?" Gregory thought and wake ups while an old man in the car standing in front of him and tries to wake him up. Gregory when he wakes up he sees that we had already stopped and tries to leave and then asks where is the examination room that is he suppose to be right now...The old man started laughing' date=' calmed Gregory and guide him to the examination room.




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[spoiler=More short/bad posts..... getting annoying -_-]

"I really wonder when is my turn" Gregory asks him self and looks his deck and his favorite card "Dark Paladin"' date=' "I'm so nervous" continues asking himself and looking the door that leads to examination room..."hmmm I could ask them..." and looks the boys that speak to each other



A loud voice that was calling Gregory into the examination room broke the silence in the waiting room and make Gregory to attract a lot of attention...Gregory took a deep breath' date=' looked the door to the examination room and said "Here I come". A last look of the deck encouraged him and he started walking through that door.



OOC: Hey' date=' will we finish thes exams in a day or two? just wondering.



OOC: No idea But the story goes REALLY SLOW....we must do something about it....


Gregory tried to understand why that boy stared that box so...so...i dont know....maybe there is something in there that he tries to figure out what it is. i suppose i dont know and in the matter of fact i dont care..."I'm so tired...i must sleep. Maybe tomorrow he could have figured out whats in there".....(OCC Good night people)


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Yrogr Do u know how to count to 4? Your luky that i didnt give u warning prior to your 2nd short post but u are now in the warning list, 1 more short post and ur banned understood?

Okay announced the first four matches! are all participants online?.

also ruga u and lego werent even in the same group when u dueled....ffs

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