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Duel Academies 100th Year! Co-Host SSD/Started/Accepting- 2 teachers and students

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umm u can but just make sure the person ur dueling agrees with it. Accepted.


@SSD: Well i dont know how to get more people to join more quickly' date=' I was hoping for at least 12 people to join be4 we start atm we have 5.I can start the RP now, but the plot can't be developed at thisa point it will start with the etrance exams.



so he's a teacher?


? who is?

legolover09 accepted

my OC

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Ill join to the academy:

Name: Tyler Blidy

Age: 14

Dorm: Probably Yellow or Red


Wears a Dark blue jacket all the time even before the academy. He is not tall, and he is not short. He wears Black pants and has Black/ Dark Brown hair in the hair style of Jack Atlas. He has tan skin and his fingers are usually numb do to dueling practice and his work on machinery.


Personality: A Smart, Fun Duelist who loves to duel

Deck: A VWXYZ Gadget Deck

Finisher card: Machina Fortress, Ancient Gear Gadjilitron Dragon, or any VWXYZ fusion parts.

Backround Info: Tyler has the power to see duel spirits of Red Gadget, Yellow Gadget and Green Gadget in his deck, and hopes to be a pro duelist or a card designer after school. His sister is also a card designer. He can fix almost anything as he has fixed his fathers car and his laptop already (one of the reasons he uses machines).

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Name: David Ryan

Age: 16

Dorm: Unknown

Appearance: [spoiler=img]Sweet-Anime-Boy.jpg


Personality: Cocky

Deck/Type: Reversal/Tricky Deck (Not tricky the monster)

Finisher Card/Ace Card: Gift Card

Custom Cards: none right now

Background Info: David was really cocky when he was a kid, but he could always backup his words. He tends to be more of a brawler than a duelist and likes to use his fists mmore than his cards. When you make him angry he's more likely to punch you than to challenge you to a duel. He has entered multiple academies to try to see if his skills will allow him in for free, but his reputation proceeds him and none would let him in. The Duel academy was the first to want see his skills and he does not want this one chance to slip through his fingers.

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if u put him as a student his a student if u put him as a teacher his a teacher

ohhh i see soz my bad will add him as a teacher


did you read my app at all?

i did but someone made a mistake and didnt put "Mr." in front of it' date=' did u read the app form at all?[hr']

both accepted

NOTE:If you have any custom cards in your Decks, make sure u spoiler them in 1 of your posts either in written or card form.

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if u put him as a student his a student if u put him as a teacher his a teacher

ohhh i see soz my bad will add him as a teacher


did you read my app at all?

i did but someone made a mistake and didnt put "Mr." in front of it' date=' did u read the app form at all?[hr']

both accepted

NOTE:If you have any custom cards in your Decks, make sure u spoiler them in 1 of your posts either in written or card form.


He's the security so no Mr. required

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"He became the youngest teacher in Duel Academy to ever be appointed and he is the Academy's Head Security"


Mr. is still required as he is still a teacher, dont worry in the actual Rp he can just be called by his first name.

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Yea we need a total of 12 tudents to start the exams, u cvan have up to 4 characters so feel free to make more, also dueling u can either use the website that someone mentioned ill post what it is, or itll be just done manually eg: ur turn ur opponennts turn just like that we have i think 6 students so half way there.

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Name - Jason Adelaide Kloster.
Age - 16
Dorm - N/A
Appearance - Jason is 6 foot 3 tall with a light brown low cut hair style. His left eye is usually covered by his hair. He has Green eyes. He usually wears a Black Shirt with long dark pants.   
Personality - Jason has a serious attidute and uses sarcasm in his jokes when he uses them. He shudders whenever someone doesn't get his joke. He generally a friendly kind of person but would do whatever it takes to become stronger. He hates it when people uses his middle name and often gets furious at the person who does.
Deck/Type - Blackwing/Gadget Hybrid.
Finisher Card/Ace Card - Dark Armed Dragon.
Custom Cards - None at the moment.
Background Info - As a young boy Jason always had a passion for dueling often winning at local tournaments with his Deck. One time he lost and his opponent called him weak and pathetic and told him to quit dueling. Jason had a long think about this and often was in his room staring at his deck thinking about if he should quit or try and become a stronger duelist. While he was doing this he saw a duel spirit leap onto his shoulder which has been his best friend ever since though he rarely admits this to anyone he meets as he feels people will think he is crazy. He spends most of his time thinking and plotting what to do next.  


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u can either pm them to me in written form or put it in ur app but it has to be prior to dueling just to check balance.

Is it okay with everyone if I chage my Students DeckType? to "Dragunity" monsters? Does anyone have a problem with that?

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Name: Ventus Rhodes

Age: 14

Dorm: none yet

Appearance: [spoiler=wears the same outfit as Jaden, except his undershirt has a hoody he normally wears down]09.jpg?t=1278471256

gold eyes


Personality: Ven tends to act cold to people which some how excites girls, go figure anime. Ven is smart, good at sports, and a good duelist with a good background. Ven takes dueling very seriously and dislikes people who are arrogant. Though he keeps a distance from people he's actually very kind.

Deck/Type: Kuriboh, though it will probably be changed later

Finisher Card/Ace Card: Kuribabylon

Custom Cards: Will give it to you later

Background Info: Son of Atticus Rhodes, he joined duel academy for some reason even though he could probably go pro without it. He loves dueling and like his farther can naturally attract girls with no effort.

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