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Duel Academies 100th Year! Co-Host SSD/Started/Accepting- 2 teachers and students

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[spoiler=Warning List]

Yrogr - 1 Warning (Short Post)

Ty - Warning (Short post)




Co Host - Shooting Star Dragon


[spoiler= This is getting to be a serious problem read this now.]


your posts should be no less then 4 lines. If they are from now on we may have to do some type of warning system and i dont want to do that.

so basically dont SHORT POST!


if you dont know what to write about, heres a list:

-What the person is feeling

- What the peerson is looking at

- What they think of what they see

-Why they think of what they see

- what are their expectations?

- Why are they there

- What led them to there?


:. Anything that makes up the 4 lines




(OOC:This is intentionally posted both here and in the OOC thread. If you short post, in other words only type 3 or less lines, you will get 1 WARNING, do it one more time after that and Instant NEG REP and ban from RP And don't claim you didn't see thsi mesage cause it willl be everywhere! If you can't find anything to talk type about then think of these:

- Where is your person

- What is around your person

- What your person thinks about the people around them

- Why s your pwerson there

- What is your persons goals

- Any background story about your character

- How is your character feeling?

- Why is your character feeling that way

- Does your character thinke veryone feels the same way

- What are some defining aspects of your character






All YCM and Forums rules apply

Treat all members with respect, let's try to keep a friendly atmosphere.

If someone does soemthing wrong point it out but don't be a loser about it.

try to make the post minimum 4 lines




[spoiler=Arc 1: The participants arrive, the entrance exams begin!]

Everyone has arrived at duel academy, who will surprise, rise and fall and what rivalries will be formed?


[spoiler=The Plot]

Duel academy is running for it's 100th year, this years duelists are said to be the strongest ever, but so to are threats to the academy. At this time there is no plot. Why? In many RP's they get right into it without developing characters, so with this I hope to build rivalries, friendships and discoveries of characters. Basically the main thing happening at this point is the participants process to getting to the Examination of entering duel academy, settling in at Duel academy, and competing in regular duelling competitions at the academy. The plot will be developed later on however.


[spoiler=The Academy]


[spoiler=Domino City]

Known as the GX Academy of Duelling. Consisted of many powerful duellists and is located on a not to distant island where the sky remains blue and the forests a lush green. It is located at the South East side of the Country.


[spoiler=How You will be allocated to a dorm]

Ont he examination day each duelist will have 3 duels each, a win is worth 3 points, a draw is worth 1 point and a lose is worth 0 points.

To Enter Obelisk Blue = 7-9 points (At least 2 wins and a draw)

To Enter Ra Yellow = 4-6 points (At least 1 win, 1 draw and 1 lose)

To Enter Slifer Red = 0-3 points.






[spoiler= When Dueling]

The technology used is duel disks. Remember that everyone loses and it’s for fun and they’r probably will be a spread of common winners to common losers. IMPORTANT : KEEP A RECORD OF YOUR WIN/LOSE/DRAW RECORD AS IT MAY ELEVATE U IN DORMS.



[spoiler=Duel academy Entrance exams groups, find out who you're dueling]

(A round Robin u all play 3 matches each)


[spoiler=1st round match ups]


Round 1 matchups


Group 1:

Trimage vs Ty9239

Ruga650 vs Matteo Bianco


Group 2:

Jack Fudo vs K1ll Switch

Jake Fudo vs Rhyperior34


Group 3:

King Matrix vs the ReBel

Zetsu-plant vs Tamon Hill


Group 4:

Yerogr vs Light Master XX

Recteik Shade vs






Group 1:




Matteo Bianco


Group 2:

Jack Fudo

Jake Fudo

K1ll Switch

Zetsu Plant


Group 3:

King Matriz

THe ReBel


Tamon Hill


Group 4:


Light Master XX


(more to come)






(Each user can have a max of 4 characters, provided that they use them. There are 3 types of characters at this point that can be created, Student, Teacher and Chairman, however there can only be 3 Chancellors, Note: with students their appearance will change depending on the dorm they enter.)


(there can be any number of students per Academy. The student must pick 4 of the following subjects, Spells, Traps, Monsters, Synchros/Support, Fusions)

(try not to have same decks types as others)



Age: (14-18 )

Dorm: (This will be decided after the examinations so don’t fill this in as it depends on your results.)

Appearance: (if pic put in spoiler)


Deck/Type: (Note: Preferred if use existing set with custom cards, however you may use a custom set just pm me the link so I can check them for balance)

Finisher Card/Ace Card:

Custom Cards: (can be filled later)

Background Info:


Students: of Domino City -

1) Maadd1 - Matteo Bianco (Glorious Incineration Deck)

2) SSD - Jack Fudo (Metal Deck)

3) SSD - Jake Fudo (Zombie Deck)

4) Ki11 Switch - Zack Dratini (Zombie Savages)

5) Rhyperior34 - David Ryan (Reversal/Tricky Deck)

6) ty9239 - Tyler Blidy (VWXYZ Gadget Deck)

7) King Matrix - Jason Adelaide Kloster (Black wing/ Gadget Hybrid)

8) Trimage - Ventus Rhodes (Kuiboh Deck)

9) The ReBeL - Ryan Light (Earthbound Deck)

10) Zetsu-plant - Desperado Perez (Infernity Death)

11) Maadd1 - Tamon Hill (Gemknights Deck)

12) ruga650 - Shade Qwarrcall (Dragon demise)

13) Yerogr -Gregory Nikiforakis (unknown at this point will get soon)

14) Light Matster XX - Kano Mesaki (Chaos Incarnate)

15) Recteik - Recteik Shade








Teachers are assigned the dorms they are apart of based on they’re results on the day, note that a teacher has the authority to command students as they keep watch over the academy, they also compete in the 3 duel academy competitions as they verse other teachers, there is a max of 5 teachers per academy )

Name: ( have Mr or Mrs or Miss in front of the name)

Age: (no less then 25)

Dorm: (will be decided later)

Appearance: (if pic put in spoiler)


Deck/Type: (Same with the top)

Finisher/Ace Card:

Custom cards: (Can be filled later)

Background Info:

Subject Teaches: (Spells or Traps or Monsters or Synchros/Support or Fusions. There can only be 1 teacher per subject.)



1)Mr. Stratchan - Legolover09

2)Mr. Gaspard - JadenxAtem YAIO

3)Mr. Zeel Trusedale - Maadd1







[spoiler=My Student ]

Name: Matteo Bianco


Age: 16


Dorm: (This will be decided after the examinations so don’t fill this in as it depends on your results.)


Appearance: Light red unzipped jacket, red pants, short brown unique hair style, red duel disk. 5”8, 70kg


Personality: Confident and prides himself on his abilities, he is friendly but believes in relying only on himself.


Deck/Type: Glorious Incineration Deck/Includes Custom Cards.


Finisher Card/Ace Card: Incinerating Eyed Glorious dragon.


Custom Cards: will fill in later


Background Info: As a child he was given his first ever Deck “Dragunity” Deck, the cards that helped to improve his Deck were given to him by The world’s best duelists when he asked to challenge them. He grew in love with duelling and his favourite card the Dragunity Knight - Champion Legionite. He often claimed to see dragons and wind beasts flying out his window at night although he was never sure of this. At 16 he intends to attend the GX academy of duelling in hopes of becoming the world’s greatest duelist.


[spoiler=Custom Cards]

Dragunity Tri-Wing|4|WIND|Winged Beast/Effect|ATK/1800 DEF/1500| When this card is Summoned you can send from your Deck to the Graveyard 1 "Dragunity" Dragon-Type monster. Once while this card is on the field when a "Dragunity" monster is sent to the Graveyard, you can equip it to 1 "Dragunity" monster you control instead.


Dragunity Corabol|4|WIND|Winged Beast/Effect|ATK/1500 DEF/2000| Once per turn when this card would be destroyed, you can instead equip 1 Dragon-Type "Dragunity" monster in your Graveyard to 1 "Dragunity" monster you control.





[spoiler= The Chairman]

Name: Mr Clause Satairo


Age: 52


Appearance: Small Grey beard, bald, tall 6”3, 88kg, Wears a big blue collared jacket that looks like the uniform jacket. Black pants and a white and grey duel disk.


Personality: Very easy going however he ensures the school runs efficiently so he is strict at times.


Deck/Type: Ancient Gear Deck/Gadgets/Couple of custom Cards.


Finisher/Ace Card: Ultimate Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Golem


Background Info: Took duelling up at a young age his first Deck given to him at 5 years old, they were ancient gears, he rose to be one of the top duellists in the world duelling a s a pro for 20 years. After he retired he was offered the job as chairman of GX academy which he accepted. He loves to challenges students still believing he can keep up with the younger generation.




[spoiler=My teacher]


Name: Mr. Zeel Trusdale

Age: 45

Appearance: wears a big blue coat and is quite skinny. He has medium long green hair and goatee.

Personality: Quite strict and doesn't speak to much.


Deck/Type: Cyber Dragons.


Finisher ace card: Chimera Tech Over Dragon


Background Info: Grew up with dueling after inheriting the Cyber dragons from his father Zane Trusdale. He has taught at duel academy for 10 years now and is aiming to be the chairmen. He is however still considered a Pro duelist in the world, he is very experienced in dueling.



[spoiler=Another Student App]

Name: Tamon Hill

Age: 17

Appearance: wears silver pants black shoes and a white shirt.

Personality: Very kept to himself but very friendly

Deck Type: GemKnights.

Finisher/Ace Card: Gemknight King Glisten (Custom card)

Background Info: Never used to win with just Gem cards, until a mysterious stranger with gold and blacxk hair gave him his gemknight cards, he has not lost a duel since.




More Info will be added as more people participateif you have any questions then please ask.

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  • Replies 380
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[spoiler=Warning List]

Yrogr - 1 Warning (Short Post)

Ty - Warning (Short post)




Co Host - Shooting Star Dragon


[spoiler= This is getting to be a serious problem read this now.]


your posts should be no less then 4 lines. If they are from now on we may have to do some type of warning system and i dont want to do that.

so basically dont SHORT POST!


if you dont know what to write about, heres a list:

-What the person is feeling

- What the peerson is looking at

- What they think of what they see

-Why they think of what they see

- what are their expectations?

- Why are they there

- What led them to there?


:. Anything that makes up the 4 lines




(OOC:This is intentionally posted both here and in the OOC thread. If you short post, in other words only type 3 or less lines, you will get 1 WARNING, do it one more time after that and Instant NEG REP and ban from RP And don't claim you didn't see thsi mesage cause it willl be everywhere! If you can't find anything to talk type about then think of these:

- Where is your person

- What is around your person

- What your person thinks about the people around them

- Why s your pwerson there

- What is your persons goals

- Any background story about your character

- How is your character feeling?

- Why is your character feeling that way

- Does your character thinke veryone feels the same way

- What are some defining aspects of your character






All YCM and Forums rules apply

Treat all members with respect, let's try to keep a friendly atmosphere.

If someone does soemthing wrong point it out but don't be a loser about it.

try to make the post minimum 4 lines




[spoiler=Arc 1: The participants arrive, the entrance exams begin!]

Everyone has arrived at duel academy, who will surprise, rise and fall and what rivalries will be formed?


[spoiler=The Plot]

Duel academy is running for it's 100th year, this years duelists are said to be the strongest ever, but so to are threats to the academy. At this time there is no plot. Why? In many RP's they get right into it without developing characters, so with this I hope to build rivalries, friendships and discoveries of characters. Basically the main thing happening at this point is the participants process to getting to the Examination of entering duel academy, settling in at Duel academy, and competing in regular duelling competitions at the academy. The plot will be developed later on however.


[spoiler=The Academy]


[spoiler=Domino City]

Known as the GX Academy of Duelling. Consisted of many powerful duellists and is located on a not to distant island where the sky remains blue and the forests a lush green. It is located at the South East side of the Country.


[spoiler=How You will be allocated to a dorm]

Ont he examination day each duelist will have 3 duels each, a win is worth 3 points, a draw is worth 1 point and a lose is worth 0 points.

To Enter Obelisk Blue = 7-9 points (At least 2 wins and a draw)

To Enter Ra Yellow = 4-6 points (At least 1 win, 1 draw and 1 lose)

To Enter Slifer Red = 0-3 points.






[spoiler= When Dueling]

The technology used is duel disks. Remember that everyone loses and it’s for fun and they’r probably will be a spread of common winners to common losers. IMPORTANT : KEEP A RECORD OF YOUR WIN/LOSE/DRAW RECORD AS IT MAY ELEVATE U IN DORMS.



[spoiler=Duel academy Entrance exams groups, find out who you're dueling]

(A round Robin u all play 3 matches each)


[spoiler=1st round match ups]


Round 1 matchups


Group 1:

Trimage vs Ty9239

Ruga650 vs Matteo Bianco


Group 2:

Jack Fudo vs K1ll Switch

Jake Fudo vs Rhyperior34


Group 3:

King Matrix vs the ReBel

Zetsu-plant vs Tamon Hill


Group 4:

Yerogr vs Light Master XX

Recteik Shade vs






Group 1:




Matteo Bianco


Group 2:

Jack Fudo

Jake Fudo

K1ll Switch

Zetsu Plant


Group 3:

King Matriz

THe ReBel


Tamon Hill


Group 4:


Light Master XX


(more to come)






(Each user can have a max of 4 characters, provided that they use them. There are 3 types of characters at this point that can be created, Student, Teacher and Chairman, however there can only be 3 Chancellors, Note: with students their appearance will change depending on the dorm they enter.)


(there can be any number of students per Academy. The student must pick 4 of the following subjects, Spells, Traps, Monsters, Synchros/Support, Fusions)

(try not to have same decks types as others)



Age: (14-18 )

Dorm: (This will be decided after the examinations so don’t fill this in as it depends on your results.)

Appearance: (if pic put in spoiler)


Deck/Type: (Note: Preferred if use existing set with custom cards, however you may use a custom set just pm me the link so I can check them for balance)

Finisher Card/Ace Card:

Custom Cards: (can be filled later)

Background Info:


Students: of Domino City -

1) Maadd1 - Matteo Bianco (Glorious Incineration Deck)

2) SSD - Jack Fudo (Metal Deck)

3) SSD - Jake Fudo (Zombie Deck)

4) Ki11 Switch - Zack Dratini (Zombie Savages)

5) Rhyperior34 - David Ryan (Reversal/Tricky Deck)

6) ty9239 - Tyler Blidy (VWXYZ Gadget Deck)

7) King Matrix - Jason Adelaide Kloster (Black wing/ Gadget Hybrid)

8) Trimage - Ventus Rhodes (Kuiboh Deck)

9) The ReBeL - Ryan Light (Earthbound Deck)

10) Zetsu-plant - Desperado Perez (Infernity Death)

11) Maadd1 - Tamon Hill (Gemknights Deck)

12) ruga650 - Shade Qwarrcall (Dragon demise)

13) Yerogr -Gregory Nikiforakis (unknown at this point will get soon)

14) Light Matster XX - Kano Mesaki (Chaos Incarnate)

15) Recteik - Recteik Shade








Teachers are assigned the dorms they are apart of based on they’re results on the day, note that a teacher has the authority to command students as they keep watch over the academy, they also compete in the 3 duel academy competitions as they verse other teachers, there is a max of 5 teachers per academy )

Name: ( have Mr or Mrs or Miss in front of the name)

Age: (no less then 25)

Dorm: (will be decided later)

Appearance: (if pic put in spoiler)


Deck/Type: (Same with the top)

Finisher/Ace Card:

Custom cards: (Can be filled later)

Background Info:

Subject Teaches: (Spells or Traps or Monsters or Synchros/Support or Fusions. There can only be 1 teacher per subject.)



1)Mr. Stratchan - Legolover09

2)Mr. Gaspard - JadenxAtem YAIO

3)Mr. Zeel Trusedale - Maadd1







[spoiler=My Student ]

Name: Matteo Bianco


Age: 16


Dorm: (This will be decided after the examinations so don’t fill this in as it depends on your results.)


Appearance: Light red unzipped jacket, red pants, short brown unique hair style, red duel disk. 5”8, 70kg


Personality: Confident and prides himself on his abilities, he is friendly but believes in relying only on himself.


Deck/Type: Glorious Incineration Deck/Includes Custom Cards.


Finisher Card/Ace Card: Incinerating Eyed Glorious dragon.


Custom Cards: will fill in later


Background Info: As a child he was given his first ever Deck “Dragunity” Deck, the cards that helped to improve his Deck were given to him by The world’s best duelists when he asked to challenge them. He grew in love with duelling and his favourite card the Dragunity Knight - Champion Legionite. He often claimed to see dragons and wind beasts flying out his window at night although he was never sure of this. At 16 he intends to attend the GX academy of duelling in hopes of becoming the world’s greatest duelist.


[spoiler=Custom Cards]

Dragunity Tri-Wing|4|WIND|Winged Beast/Effect|ATK/1800 DEF/1500| When this card is Summoned you can send from your Deck to the Graveyard 1 "Dragunity" Dragon-Type monster. Once while this card is on the field when a "Dragunity" monster is sent to the Graveyard, you can equip it to 1 "Dragunity" monster you control instead.


Dragunity Corabol|4|WIND|Winged Beast/Effect|ATK/1500 DEF/2000| Once per turn when this card would be destroyed, you can instead equip 1 Dragon-Type "Dragunity" monster in your Graveyard to 1 "Dragunity" monster you control.





[spoiler= The Chairman]

Name: Mr Clause Satairo


Age: 52


Appearance: Small Grey beard, bald, tall 6”3, 88kg, Wears a big blue collared jacket that looks like the uniform jacket. Black pants and a white and grey duel disk.


Personality: Very easy going however he ensures the school runs efficiently so he is strict at times.


Deck/Type: Ancient Gear Deck/Gadgets/Couple of custom Cards.


Finisher/Ace Card: Ultimate Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Golem


Background Info: Took duelling up at a young age his first Deck given to him at 5 years old, they were ancient gears, he rose to be one of the top duellists in the world duelling a s a pro for 20 years. After he retired he was offered the job as chairman of GX academy which he accepted. He loves to challenges students still believing he can keep up with the younger generation.




[spoiler=My teacher]


Name: Mr. Zeel Trusdale

Age: 45

Appearance: wears a big blue coat and is quite skinny. He has medium long green hair and goatee.

Personality: Quite strict and doesn't speak to much.


Deck/Type: Cyber Dragons.


Finisher ace card: Chimera Tech Over Dragon


Background Info: Grew up with dueling after inheriting the Cyber dragons from his father Zane Trusdale. He has taught at duel academy for 10 years now and is aiming to be the chairmen. He is however still considered a Pro duelist in the world, he is very experienced in dueling.



[spoiler=Another Student App]

Name: Tamon Hill

Age: 17

Appearance: wears silver pants black shoes and a white shirt.

Personality: Very kept to himself but very friendly

Deck Type: GemKnights.

Finisher/Ace Card: Gemknight King Glisten (Custom card)

Background Info: Never used to win with just Gem cards, until a mysterious stranger with gold and blacxk hair gave him his gemknight cards, he has not lost a duel since.




More Info will be added as more people participateif you have any questions then please ask.

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I'll be the first to join.


Name: Zack Dratini

Age: 14

Dorm: probably Red or Yellow

Appearance: http://i.neoseeker.com/mgv/245479-Animalfan/479/23/1224936404_7043_full_display.jpg

Personality: Fun guy who loves to duel.

Academy Location: Domino City

Deck/Type: Zombie Savages

Finisher Card/Ace Card: Vampire Genesis, Zombie Savage - Zera Warrior

Custom Cards: They are in the Written Cards section. The thread Zombie Savages

Background Info: Zack is joining the academy this year so he can practice his skills.

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I have 2:


Name: Jack Fudo

Age: 14

Dorm: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! You said not 2 fill this in yet

[spoiler=Appearance] A 10 foot tall coffee cup. 6'0 feet tall. Slightly tanned and slightly muscular. Wears a jacket corresponding to his Dorm. Underneath the jacket is a red T-shirt with the picture of Shooting Star Dragon. He wears blue jeans with red and white sneakers. His hair color is Dark Brown in the style of Jaden Yuki's. His eye color is light blue.


Personality: Jack will do anything for a friend, even if it costs him his life. He is very enthusiastic, he has a ton of energy and can be hot headed.

Academy Location: Domino City

Deck/Type: "Metal" archtype

Finisher Card/Ace Card: Rekeph, the Ultimate Dark Warrior

Custom Cards: (can be filled later)

Background Info: Jack is related to Yusei Fudo. He received his second deck from this bloodline. He built a deck himself that me mainly uses. He is the hot-headed brother between him and his brother Jake. He entered the academy with the desire to win! Jack tends to sleep in class a lot of the time.


Name: Jake Fudo

Age: 17


MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! You said not 2 fill this in yet

[spoiler=Appearance]A 20 foot tall coffee cup. 6'6 feet tall. More tanned than his brother and more muscle. A lot like his brother, Jake wears a jacket corresponding to his dorm, but his T-shirt is white with a picture of Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon on it. His hair style is short dirty blond. His sneakers are red and blue while his jeans are black. His eye color is green.


Personality: Jake is calm and quite. He only speaks when spoken to in class. He has a lot less energy then his brother, and always puts his studies ahead of dueling.

Academy Location: Domino City

Deck/Type: Zombies

Finisher Card/Ace Card: Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon, Vampire Genesis (Vampire Genesis is in my REAL deck, I have a right 2 use it as well as Ki11Switch!)

Custom Cards: (can be filled later)

Background Info: Jake was first offered Yusei's deck. But he declined it. He said he wanted to build his own deck. He entered the academy to test his skills in dueling and to learn some.

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yea ill just leave it at the one then and allowfor all the events to happen there, hat im thinkiung that basically itll start off with everyone gheting ready and heading for the exam entrance then the actual entrance exams tow ork out evceryones dorm, just need enough people first

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All YCM and Forums rules apply

Treat all members with respect' date=' let's try to keep a friendly atmosphere.

If someone does soemthing wrong point it out but don't be a loser about it.




[spoiler=The Plot']

Duel academy is running for it's 100th year, this years duelists are said to be the strongest ever, but so to are threats to the academy. At this time there is no plot. Why? In many RP's they get right into it without developing characters, so with this I hope to build rivalries, friendships and discoveries of characters. Basically the main thing happening at this point is the participants process to getting to the Examination of entering duel academy, settling in at Duel academy, and competing in regular duelling competitions at the academy. The plot will be developed later on however.


[spoiler=The Academy]


[spoiler=Domino City]

Known as the GX Academy of Duelling. Consisted of many powerful duellists and is located on a not to distant island where the sky remains blue and the forests a lush green. It is located at the South East side of the Country.


[spoiler=How You will be allocated to a dorm]

Ont he examination day each duelist will have 3 duels each, a win is worth 3 points, a draw is worth 1 point and a lose is worth 0 points.

To Enter Obelisk Blue = 7-9 points (At least 2 wins and a draw)

To Enter Ra Yellow = 4-6 points (At least 1 win, 1 draw and 1 lose)

To Enter Slifer Red = 0-3 points.






[spoiler= When Dueling]

The technology used is duel disks. Remember that everyone loses and it’s for fun and they’r probably will be a spread of common winners to common losers. IMPORTANT : KEEP A RECORD OF YOUR WIN/LOSE/DRAW RECORD AS IT MAY ELEVATE U IN DORMS.




(Each user can have a max of 4 characters, provided that they use them. There are 3 types of characters at this point that can be created, Student, Teacher and Chairman, however there can only be 3 Chancellors, Note: with students their appearance will change depending on the dorm they enter.)


(there can be any number of students per Academy. The student must pick 4 of the following subjects, Spells, Traps, Monsters, Synchros/Support, Fusions)

(try not to have same decks types as others)



Age: (14-18 )

Dorm: (This will be decided after the examinations so don’t fill this in as it depends on your results.)

Appearance: (if pic put in spoiler)


Deck/Type: (Note: Preferred if use existing set with custom cards, however you may use a custom set just pm me the link so I can check them for balance)

Finisher Card/Ace Card:

Custom Cards: (can be filled later)

Background Info:


Students: of Domino City -

1) Maadd1 - Matteo Bianco

2) SSD - Jack Fudo

3) SSD - Jake Fudo

4) Ki11 Switch - Zack Dratini





Teachers are assigned the dorms they are apart of based on they’re results on the day, note that a teacher has the authority to command students as they keep watch over the academy, they also compete in the 3 duel academy competitions as they verse other teachers, there is a max of 5 teachers per academy )

Name: ( have Mr or Mrs or Miss in front of the name)

Age: (no less then 25)

Dorm: (will be decided later)

Appearance: (if pic put in spoiler)


Deck/Type: (Same with the top)

Finisher/Ace Card:

Custom cards: (Can be filled later)

Background Info:

Subject Teaches: (Spells or Traps or Monsters or Synchros/Support or Fusions. There can only be 1 teacher per subject.)












[spoiler=My Student ]

Name: Matteo Bianco


Age: 16


Dorm: (This will be decided after the examinations so don’t fill this in as it depends on your results.)


Appearance: Light Blue unzipped jacket, white pants, short brown unique hair style, blue and white duel disk. 5”8, 70kg


Personality: Confident and prides himself on his abilities, he is friendly but believes in relying only on himself.


Deck/Type: Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon Deck/Includes Custom Cards.


Finisher Card/Ace Card: Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon


Custom Cards: will fill in later


Background Info: As a child he was given his first ever Deck “Blue-Eyes White Dragon” Deck, the cards that helped to improve his Deck were given to him by The world’s best duellists when he asked to challenge them. He grew in love with duelling and his favourite card the Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon. He often claimed t see the Dragon flying out his window at night although he was never sure of this. At 16 he intends to attend the GX academy of duelling in hopes of becoming the world’s greatest duelist.



[spoiler= My Chairman]

Name: Mr Clause Satairo


Age: 52


Appearance: Small Grey beard, bald, tall 6”3, 88kg, Wears a big blue collared jacket that looks like the uniform jacket. Black pants and a white and grey duel disk.


Personality: Very easy going however he ensures the school runs efficiently so he is strict at times.


Deck/Type: Ancient Gear Deck/Gadgets/Couple of custom Cards.


Finisher/Ace Card: Ultimate Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Golem


Background Info: Took duelling up at a young age his first Deck given to him at 5 years old, they were ancient gears, he rose to be one of the top duellists in the world duelling a s a pro for 20 years. After he retired he was offered the job as chairman of GX academy which he accepted. He loves to challenges students still believing he can keep up with the younger generation.






More Info will be added as more people participateif you have any questions then please ask.


may I suggest that we use yugiohnetwork for fair duels for those that don't use customs?

Name: Gaspard


Age: 17


Appearance: the guy in my spoiler sig



Deck/Type: Army of the Ancients


Finisher/Ace Card: Supreme Soldier of Chaos- Space


Background Info: Raised in a military family, he had a great interest in war and warrior cards. His father died for mysterious reasons but his father's deck was passed down upon him. His deck is filled with card spirits and they can all walk, talk and complain. He became the youngest teacher in Duel Academy to ever be appointed and he is the Academy's Head Security. He has a Duel Runner as well which has titanium blades with 3 spaced out on each side. they are used for security as well as flight. He has caught numerous criminals such as the Dark Scorpion Burglar and the Robbin Zombie who were very talented students.

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umm u can but just make sure the person ur dueling agrees with it. Accepted.


@SSD: Well i dont know how to get more people to join more quickly, I was hoping for at least 12 people to join be4 we start atm we have 5.I can start the RP now, but the plot can't be developed at thisa point it will start with the etrance exams.

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Name: Mr. Strachan

Age: 38

Dorm: Whatever dorm he teaches

Appearance: He is average hight and has tan skin. He wears suits with ties. He has brown hair that is well kept.

Personality: I personally don't like personality because we should show not tell personality.


1. Attack of the Microbes

2. Revenge of Time Itself

3. Etc.

Finisher/Ace Card:

1. Cell Creature/Cell Dragon

2. No set card

Custom cards: Filled in later

Background Info: He graduated from Duel Academy itself as an Obelisk Blue. After graduating college and getting a teaching degree he came back to work here. He has been working here for 8 years and is a respected teacher. He makes class fun, but doesn't tolerate nonsense. Over the years he has perfected his deck types and uses mainly two.

Subject Teaches: Synchros/Fusions (Since I have a feeling you will need both)



What the...? I appear to have writer's block. I could fill in more later, but I thought I should get it out there. He can also entrance duels. I think you should wait for more students.

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umm u can but just make sure the person ur dueling agrees with it. Accepted.


@SSD: Well i dont know how to get more people to join more quickly' date=' I was hoping for at least 12 people to join be4 we start atm we have 5.I can start the RP now, but the plot can't be developed at thisa point it will start with the etrance exams.



so he's a teacher?

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umm u can but just make sure the person ur dueling agrees with it. Accepted.


@SSD: Well i dont know how to get more people to join more quickly' date=' I was hoping for at least 12 people to join be4 we start atm we have 5.I can start the RP now, but the plot can't be developed at thisa point it will start with the etrance exams.



so he's a teacher?


? who is?

legolover09 accepted

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