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Yu-Gi-Oh!: Flames of the Duel [Started/Accepting Here/OOC]

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And now I'll be mildly more harsh, but I'll apologize in advance.


It should be blatantly apparent that most, if not all, of us don't care for the Clown Eater idea as a whole, either as a decktype or as...utterly random spirits that have no purpose other than to be the anti-thesis/antagonist to Hime. Frankly, they just sort of got thrown in here and they're really jarring from a narrative standpoint. Expect a lot of people pretending they don't exist whenever possible, especially when they have more pressing/interesting matters at hand, like challenging a duel opponent, facing/arguing with another character, or finding a way to reference Malefis. (kidding)

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Username: Maadd1

RP Name: Infernus Brave


Bio: At a young age he was entrigued by fires, he often started them simply for looking at them. Whenevrer he would start one the people of his town would ridicule him. One day there was a fire set to his house, at this time his name was Mattai Toru, his brother and father were still in the house. His brother who wqas 5 at the timee was to scared to run through the flames and his father was stuck under a big piece of the roof that had fallen. Everyone at the town was to scared to help them, Mattai however after seeing this ran through the flames as he suddenly gained a burst of courage and a red aura that surrounded him, he was able to rescue his little brother bringing him out safely, however it is not known what happened to his father. After this occasion everyone reffered toi him as Infernus the Brave. His brother was taken away into foster care however Infernus promised him he would return to him, he was 12 at the time. Infernus then decided to travel the worlds until he found him, one night when he started a fire for wamth he put his hand inside the fire feeling no pain and bringing out of the flame a Deck, a Burn Deck, the fire then formed into a giant dragon that became a duel spirit, Infernus Travels with his duel spirit still searching.

Appearance: Medium long dark red spiky hair, Red and white jacket, red pants and a bright red and white duel disk.

Faction: Human

Side: Duel Spirit Resistance

Deck Type:Glorious Flame Deck/Burn. (if you need me to pm it to u i will.

Abilities: Unaffected by fire and has a relationship with a duel spirit the main card of his Deck.

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A summary...yeah, I just copied my last post, so disregard direct comments to the last person I gave narraton to.



  'evilfusion said:

Ahem. Once upon a time' date=' there was an RP called Yugioh: Flames of the Duel- *is shot*


Okay, well you may recall that the RP started out with Malefis tracking down humans/sympathetic Duel Spirits. She first encountered that...Neo...thing, but abandoned it in favor of pursuing Leo, who she proceeded to duel. Leo's goal was primarily to stall, and although he managed to bring out a Gadget Hauler and raise its ATK, taking out more than half of Malefis' LP, he used up every card in his hand and field, and due to being Reckless with Greed (hint), he wont be able to draw for 2 turns.


Malefis used Heavy Storm in combo with Starlight Road, summoning a Stardust and deliberately suiciding it into Gadget Hauler, allowing her to activate A Deal with Dark Ruler to win the duel. After triumphing, Leo was knocked unconscious, and she got into an argument with two of her allies over what to do with him. One of Leo's allies attacked Malefis and ultimately chained himself to her using Shadow Spell, to which she replied by divebombing the ground.


Right before the divebomb, Leo awoke and slipped from her grasp while she was distracted, and was subsequently approached by Hime, a clown...thing that was one of the ones arguing over Leo's fate with Malefis. It has currently evolved into a duel between Hime and uh...Hateo or whatever his name is. Hateo or whatever is an ally of Leo's, Hime is an ally of Malefis.


Leo seems to be fleeing. The divebomb injured Malefis, but not severely, and Smear (I can't remember his name) is also known to be alive, but unconscious, a fact unknown to Malefis.


All the stuff with characters near your end (your characters, Pandora, etc) is unchangd.


Yes, lots of chaos. I acknowledged in one OOC post that Malefis dueling Leo is the most comprehensible thing that happened, both in and out of character. Actually, Malefis is the most comprehensible character in the whole RP, with the easiest information to follow, which is why my narration centers around her. That and she's my character.




You could probably just put your character in the area and work from there. Or follow SSD's idea.


And SSD, if it challenged her, she would probably accept, but I like to say that it depends on how the situation's handled. Something randomly running up to her and saying "Duel me" is more likely to get a dismissive snort and ignored. Guaranteeing a result based on a vague/single action is foolhardy and doesn't invite an RPer to TRY to make the event logical and in-character.


EDIT: And then I go to the IC forum and see the post...lmao.

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  'evilfusion said:

I blame SSD and whoever made Arc for Malefis' creation. I was first going to make a Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon character' date=' but whoever made Arc (too lazy to check) made a Red-Eyes Wyvern...



I blame you for blaming me. You could have been Arc's great-granddad.

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LOL, Now I see how it works, does Arc have a younger sibling that's still a Red Eyes B. Chick?


on another note....sheesh it hard to keep up, considering I'm not really needed until much later in the RP....there are no chances for any attacks by Shiro, and not even enough heroes to be passed along.....I'm gonna be stuck in the OOC forum for a loooooong time.

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You neg repped them for that? *sigh* I have assembled the following research.


  'TheFinalFan said:

Dude' date=' this has gone far enough. It was funny before, but now it's just plain stupid.

Please, just drop the Clown Eaters thing. It'll help out in the long run.



Actually, calling it funny before is giving it too much credit. I thought it was stupid from the start. It would have been TOLERABLE if SSD didn't decide to add random Duel Spirits to the RP that have no purpose other than to be antagonists to ONE character who has a clown theme


  'Merciful Idiot said:

Drop it.


Oh look' date=' a second opinion. For the record, they might be telling you this because you're gushing about your idea in another RP thread, meaning the idea is not only out of context, but it makes you out to be annoying, particularly because your idea wasn't well-received IN-CONTEXT![/b']


  'Merciful Idiot said:

Then you should eat them' date=' since they taste so good.



You got mad about this enough to neg-rep? This is a stupid joke, and nothing more.


  'evilfusion said:

And now I'll be mildly more harsh' date=' but I'll apologize in advance.


[b']It should be blatantly apparent that most, if not all, of us don't care for the Clown Eater idea as a whole, either as a decktype or as...utterly random spirits that have no purpose other than to be the anti-thesis/antagonist to Hime. Frankly, they just sort of got thrown in here and they're really jarring from a narrative standpoint. Expect a lot of people pretending they don't exist whenever possible, especially when they have more pressing/interesting matters at hand, like challenging a duel opponent, facing/arguing with another character, or finding a way to reference Malefis. (kidding)


Where's my neg-rep? I told you, in-context, that the idea's less-than-stellar, that most people in the RP dislike it, and that your stubborn insistence to include them is going to be detrimental. TFF says it'll help in the long run to drop it. I agree. Clown Eaters, as a decktype or as spirits, is senseless and have no role in the plot except to antagonize one character. By all means, create the decktype and post them in the Custom Cards section. But stop shoving them down our throats by advertising in multiple RPs or putting them in here, PLEASE. We dont like them, they have no purpose.


New analogy. If I run a Uria deck, and you specifically build an anti-Trap deck just to take my deck down, I'll stop playing you, because most opponents will not use a deck that completely and utterly shuts out all my plays. It feels harassing. So if you keep characters/cards around that specifically go against a character, the RPer might feel harassed because their creativity is being hindered by "anti-Clown" motifs, preventing them from using their character as desired.


That's just how I feel about it.

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