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Sucker Punch.


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I played the demo of inFamous and I found it nothing special, sure it was cool, but I wasn't going to buy it.


Now Sly Cooper on the other hand....After 5 years from sly 3 I was so happy that they did a 3-part sly collection, I hope that this only leads to Sly 4. I can't wait to play the new collection on my ps3 when it comes out. :D

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I played the demo of inFamous and I found it nothing special, sure it was cool, but I wasn't going to buy it.


Now Sly Cooper on the other hand....After 5 years from sly 3 I was so happy that they did a 3-part sly collection, I hope that this only leads to Sly 4. I can't wait to play the new collection on my ps3 when it comes out. :D

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I have InFamous and the Sly Games. I hope they come out with Sly 4 soon. How much of InFamous did you play BTW? It gets better when you get new powers.


I played a little of the demo, the entire premise souded fun, ad it kinda was, but I wasn't interested. I got upto after you have to do something with a train

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