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~Absolute Powerforce - Everlasting Burning Soul~


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I'm surprised Gamzee hasn't said "fuckin magnets" yet.



He didn't like the ICP video of Miracles though XD

Well he already referenced the Double Rainbow video.


TC: As iN TrOlLeD

TC: BuT BrO WhEn i tElL ThAt nOiSe aT YoU

TC: Im lIkE DoInG

TC: A DoUbLe mEtApHoR AlL ThE WaY

TC: AcRoSs sKaIa :o)

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Old news is old for Andx, but look at my hand/field/grave. My extra deck is only Red Daemon and Nova. I SUCCEEDED, initially.


[spoiler=Best. SECOND TURN. EVER]






Epilogue: I won. Gravity Bind is Satan.


Also, funny how right before I posted this, a song called Gravity, by Shawn McDonald, started playing.

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Old news is old for Andx, but look at my hand/field/grave. My extra deck is only Red Daemon and Nova. I SUCCEEDED, initially.


[spoiler=Best. SECOND TURN. EVER]






Epilogue: I won. Gravity Bind is Satan.

Doesn't mean much but your plan to summon Red Nova again that you said before disconnecting wasn't going to work. It depended on Glow-up's effect which you had already used once and weren't allowed to use again. Though you didn't need Red Nova to win in the end, xD.

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The SECOND summoning of Red Nova was going to use Call of the Haunted to revive Glow-up, not Glow-up's effect.. Or, use Naturia Cherries via Normal Summon.

Oh right. Didn't see the plan all that much before I disconnected myself.


Anyway, didn't need Red Nova again like I said.

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hey. what the f*** ii2 goiing on.


diid yn do 2omethiing today?


Shadow zero nice signature take your time making it?


Thanks, I guess.


And it's something that was built over time. I once in a while make changes to it, same as everyone else I'm sure.


How old are you exactly shadow?


Nobody saw the sarcasm.



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Generally, beatdown with 2 Level 3 Tuners is not a smart way to win, though ._.

I wasn't drawing very well for the situation. Which is why I lost to Cherry earlier today as well though that was my Spell Counter deck. I had just made the Ice Barrier deck like 10 minutes before I saw you were wanting to duel someone.

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But, that IB deck was good ._.

I'm not saying it isn't. I enjoyed summoning your least favorite monster on you and getting rid of Red Nova before it could do anything, but past that nothing I got was very helpful. More traps and spells would have probably helped more than just drawing monster after monster to attempt to defend with.


I noticed when I made the deck that many of the Ice Barrier monsters are either low level or have meh stats. Which is why you were able to beat me down with two 1500 ATK monsters when all I could do was try to defend.


EDIT: Wait, was that "._." actually about the fact that I threw the deck together in about 10 minutes?

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Ice Barriers are, generally lockdown.


Also, try this:


Add in E-Hero Ice Shard (Or whatever he is called), and some other E-Hero. Add in E-Hero Absolute Zero. Add in a Poly or two.


Absolute Barriers.

I saw ideas for that deck when I was looking at the Ice Barrier page in Yugioh wiki to get ideas on the monsters in general. I did see a deck idea that was Destiny Heros and Ice Barriers together.


Anyway, I'll have to tweak the deck a bit to make it anything to be feared. I didn't expect much of it the first time out actually since I'm new to the archetype and didn't really have any great strategy in mind when putting it together.

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DDESTINY Heroes? No. I am saying just add, like, Ocean and Ice shard. And Absolute Zero.

I think it had some E-heros you mentioned in it as well. Anyway I'll try the suggestions, just don't regret it if you ever face the deck again, lol.

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