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~Absolute Powerforce - Everlasting Burning Soul~


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I do that way too much, I decided to go for a male this time.


You guys can still have Females though.


Wait, do we make our own characters? Or do we have to pick and choose a character that has been pre-made?

Cause you just randomly name characters I think, "Wait, are these characters we choose? Or his characters?"

And I might go for a female role after so long.

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Oh, now I know. Never stated, so that's why I asked.

And personally I don't really see anything wrong. A name is a name, so obviously it can work. Just as long as it isn't boring and stuff (Like using the same name over and over again), you're fine.


How long till you think you're ready to post the RP?

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And I actually feel sorry for both those little guys.

Transformers has such a weird variety of trolls, its scary.

TRUK NOT MUKY - People who dislike Beastwars

FIBRIR/FIRBIB - Frenzy is Red, Rumble is Blue/Frenzy is Blue, Rumble is Red - The G1 show would occasionally get the colors wrong

GEE WUN - People who hate everything past the original G1 series.

"True Fan" - Troll king who is fluent in the above categories.

....Theres more, but I forget and/or havent really memorized the TF wiki's randomness yet.

Oh, and theres the infamous "RUINED FOREVER", in which the TF series has supposedly been "RUINED FOREVER", even though it has never official been so and/or "RUINED FOREVER" is just a tardy rumor.


Oh, and Rampage is arguably the most badass character in Beastwars.

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A new game hit the stores, the game is called Orbis. It was highly praised by literally ever critic that rated it. The game was a virtual reality game, well, not really. It actually put you in the game. Like you were literally put in. It's complicated. Anyways, it was an MMORPG of sorts. It was highly popular, people of all ages would play, participate in quests, battles, PvP Tournaments and so on. There were so many people playing that day. The game was getting really popular, breaking world records everywhere. A player decided to come up with an idea to have the most amount of video game players to ever be on an MMORPG at once. The creators encouraged it, thinking nothing would happen. People told each other about this. The day came, everybody logged on. They never logged out. Something happened, preventing them from logging out. If they were to lose all of their lives, they would die instead of respawning and so on, it was a disaster. Many theories were made, some people thought it was a group of sadistic hackers, some thought it was a terror attack, and so on. The company stated it was a fatal glitch. Years passed, and people slowly forgot.




It's been 20 years since that incident. People have mostly forgotten. Zeta Gaming decided to revive their old beauty back with Orbis Tandem, a remake of sorts. It was made to fix every error the game had. It's supposed to be foolproof. Once again, everybody is buying the game, and tons of people are playing it. It's becoming as popular as it used to be, maybe even more popular then it used to be. The major people that were part of creating the game decided to hold an event, a major PvP thing of sorts. Of course they've been checking and constantly monitoring the game to prevent bugs. The event is to be held 3 weeks after the release of the game.


-Present Time (6, 12, 76)-

It's the day. You've been ready for this. It's the day of the giant PvP event. Of course, there's about 5 hours to spare. Should I grind? Should I make friends? Should I equip myself? Whatever you want. You just better bring your A-Game. And at the same time, a shady group of people are lurking around the currently-abandoned stadium, trying to do something.


It doesn't matter, right? It's just a game.







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