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~Absolute Powerforce - Everlasting Burning Soul~


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my color ii2 2uperiior to all of your2





MoThErFuCkInG jEgUs SoLlUx My MaLiCiOuS bRoThEr, WhIlE i'M sUrE yOu'Re CoLoR iS lOvElY, tHeRe Is No NeEd To Be So HoStIle.


NoW i WoUlD fOcUs On ReTuRnInG tHaT oLd GrEeN pErSoNa Of Mr.IcE's So My CoMpAnIoN dArKpRoTo CaN hAvE sOmEoNe To FoRcE hIs HuGs OnTo.

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Nah. You were only going to lose 80% of your blood =/Also, I refuse to concede Tezeri.

...I don't have any blood..


Aaaaand here we go again. <_< *activates Lifesword P.A. and hides it behind back* Oh Dark Proootooo! I have something for you!

...You do realize that DarkProto's a slightly LESS harmless version then me, created to supress my inner hyperness right?


@Nexev: One problem, I DON'T LIKE CHERRY!

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...You do realize that DarkProto's a slightly LESS harmless version then me, created to supress my inner hyperness right?


@Nexev: One problem, I DON'T LIKE CHERRY!

Double negative all the way accross the sky. SO INTENSE!


Fine, Amy gets to have sex all by himself. You can sit with your empty filial pails alone until the Imperial Drone comes.


Have fun.

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Now Striker's a nice guy. He's changed, it may stay like that until he leaves.


I love that guy. I haven't seen him in, very long? Maybe he's gone... for good...


I'm going to f***ing feed your liver to a bear.


If Striker comes back I'll sit him at a table with Cherry and make them play Russian Roulette with a 44. Magnum filled with my love juice.




And I'm not invited?

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