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~Absolute Powerforce - Everlasting Burning Soul~


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And my Pesterchum won't work.




Ii need help, guy2. Ii want two u2e pe2terchum iin2tead of M2N.


EDIT: Thanks for being vague, Shadow.
















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no, no, no. ii triied two u2e the java appliicatiion, proto. when ii u2ed the java appliicatiion, iit saiid "unable two acce22 jarfiile pe2terchum.jar".


help bro.


@2hadow: after readiing hii2 u2er tiitle ii'll happiily 2ay ii'm not joiiniing. and iit'2 a ycmthropology copy.

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Card Of The Day will remain as Shooting Star Dragon. He didn't get to have his day because SOMEBODY caused YCM to go down all day again.

Wow. Shooting Star just seems horribly overpowered. That's awesome though Konami might be sad to find that if they make another upgrade to Stardust it will cross-over from overpowered to impossibly broken. lol

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Wow. Shooting Star just seems horribly overpowered. That's awesome though Konami might be sad to find that if they make another upgrade to Stardust it will cross-over from overpowered to impossibly broken. lol


He really isn't THAT overpowered. But he's really good. xD

Next Stardust variant is likely to be impossibly broken though, like you said.

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ii'll thiink about iit, 2hadow.


He really isn't THAT overpowered. But he's really good. xD

Next Stardust variant is likely to be impossibly broken though, like you said.


judgiing by the iimage iin "miiracle 2ynchro fu2iion", ii'm gue22iing that iit's goiing two be a fu2iion between 2tardu2t and rda.

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He really isn't THAT overpowered. But he's really good. xD

Next Stardust variant is likely to be impossibly broken though, like you said.

Yeah. I realize now that having Stardust and a Tuner Synchro out at the same time makes it a bit harder to summon. Especially since lvl 8 stardust and the Tuner Synchro have to add up to level 10 somehow.


Next Stardust probably says "When your opponent blinks you can tribute this card to win the duel." xD

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Yeah. I realize now that having Stardust and a syncho-tuner out at the same time makes it a bit harder to summon. Especially since lvl 8 stardust and the synchro-tuner have to add up to level 10 somehow.


Next Stardust probably says "When your opponent blinks you can tribute this card to win the duel." xD


And I'm pretty sure it will miraculously appear from ZONE, when Yusei is fighting him. Something like "Here. Use this card to kick my Godly ass and save humanity."


That will make the whole watching of 5d's meaningful.

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Hey guys, the Polar Gods got their English Names revealed:


Thor, Lord Of The Aesir

Loki, Lord Of The Aesir

Odin, Father Of The Aesir


Polar Star Beasts are Nordic Beasts

I forgot the Star Spirits.

Polar Star Angels are Nordic Ascendants, iirc.


judgiing by the iimage iin "miiracle 2ynchro fu2iion", ii'm gue22iing that iit's goiing two be a fu2iion between 2tardu2t and rda.


I really hope this doesn't happen.

I don't want any bullshit friendship fusion.

I'd rather just have Yusei's regular asspulls.


Yeah. I realize now that having Stardust and a syncho-tuner out at the same time makes it a bit harder to summon. Especially since lvl 8 stardust and the synchro-tuner have to add up to level 10 somehow.


Next Stardust probably says "When your opponent blinks you can tribute this card to win the duel." xD


Formula Synchron, Andx.


...I can actually see Konami pulling that. xD

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@Cherry: The last one is actually the one I wanted to do myself xD


And for the heck of it, I decided to kill time and write down a legend about the world in wich this/these RPs would take place (The Legend of the Twin Stars included)


[spoiler=Prepare yourself for the wall of text]

You may think that this world has always been here, but that is not true if you are to believe the old legends of Panthea's (NOTE: This is the name I've used in other Fantasy RPs, it's a cross between Pantheon and Pangea) creation. It is said that in the Void Above there is creatures way greater than those who wander this world. These creatures were called Sky Gods, or Titans. They created this world as an experiment, to them we are nothing but tests without a purpose, like a hamster trying to reach his destination while endlessly running in his wheel. In other words, we are Lesser Lives. Mortals.


They created the setting for this experiment, and that is what we call Panthea. The ground, like the sky and sea, is their creation. On this world they placed meaningless creatures without mind nor reason. They were called the First, but soon the Sky Gods created more creatures to inhabit the world. It was all meant to be tests. Tests to see if they themselves could inhabit a world of their own. However, there was a group of these Sky Gods who instead of watching the creatures from afar entered the world in bodies. These were called Earth Gods, and they are usually seen as evil gods bent on destruction and havoc. However, one of these gods called himself Gamaganon, and he is the sole reason that the Sky Gods did not destroy Panthea after it's purpose had been fullfilled.


Some view Gamaganon can be seen as either a hero, or the greatest adversary in Panthean myths, as he gave the Earthwalkers, the inhabitants of Panthea, the greatest gift, but also the greatest curse; personality. This gift gave the creatures reason to love, forge friendships and live happy, while it also gave them reason to hate, destroy, kill... Anything for survival.


It was around this time that humans and other races evolved from the more brutish creatures, and it was around this time that the Sky Gods decided that the Earth Gods insolence had gone to far, and they had to be banished. The Sky Gods as well entered Panthea and fought the Earth Gods, and prevailed. As a result, the Earth Gods were trapped beneath the ground of Panthea and is now usually reffered to as Hell Gods. Everyone except Gamaganon. Gamaganon were tasked to watch over the creatures that he had given sentience, while the Sky Gods had to go back to their own plane of existence. Five of them stayed, however, as the Four Elemental Lords and Smuug, the Dragon-Lord of Balance, Chaos, Light and Darkness.


[spoiler=The Legend of the Twin Stars]

Two millennias later, the seal upon the Hell Gods started to fade and they emerged once again, but this time they did not met any resistance from the Sky Gods, who had left Panthea under the care of Gamaganon and the Five Lords, whom instead battled the Hell Gods along with mortals. After a great battle and millions of casualities, the Hell Gods were defeated and sealed once again, but only after the sacrifice of Smuug. The loss of Smuug was hard, and to ensure that his powers wouldn't wreak havoc upon Panthea the Gamaganon stored them in two eggs and hid them, waiting for them to hatch. These eggs were called the Twin Stars of Twilight, and the inhabitants of those eggs would be revealed to be one of the greatest threats that Panthea would, and will, ever see.



Another millennia has passed since then, and now your story begins.



That is basically what I would present the RP with, along with an actual plot.


EDIT: @Cherry (again): I'ma sue Konami for stealing my name.

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Hey guys, the Polar Gods got their English Names revealed:


Thor, Lord Of The Aesir

Loki, Lord Of The Aesir

Odin, Father Of The Aesir


Formula Synchron, Andx.


...I can actually see Konami pulling that. xD

Figures they wouldn't call them gods in english.


Yes, Formula Synchron. Still, the requirements do force you think about how to get Shooting Star out.


And the next Red Dragon variant will be "When this card is summoned punch your opponent in the face. If they get knocked out you win the duel. If they don't get knocked out halve both player's lifepoints and continue the duel." And it'll have like 4500 ATK. lol

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@Cherry: The last one is actually the one I wanted to do myself xD


And for the heck of it, I decided to kill time and write down a legend about the world in wich this/these RPs would take place (The Legend of the Twin Stars included)


[spoiler=Prepare yourself for the wall of text]

You may think that this world has always been here, but that is not true if you are to believe the old legends of Panthea's (NOTE: This is the name I've used in other Fantasy RPs, it's a cross between Pantheon and Pangea) creation. It is said that in the Void Above there is creatures way greater than those who wander this world. These creatures were called Sky Gods, or Titans. They created this world as an experiment, to them we are nothing but tests without a purpose, like a hamster trying to reach his destination while endlessly running in his wheel. In other words, we are Lesser Lives. Mortals.


They created the setting for this experiment, and that is what we call Panthea. The ground, like the sky and sea, is their creation. On this world they placed meaningless creatures without mind nor reason. They were called the First, but soon the Sky Gods created more creatures to inhabit the world. It was all meant to be tests. Tests to see if they themselves could inhabit a world of their own. However, there was a group of these Sky Gods who instead of watching the creatures from afar entered the world in bodies. These were called Earth Gods, and they are usually seen as evil gods bent on destruction and havoc. However, one of these gods called himself Gamaganon, and he is the sole reason that the Sky Gods did not destroy Panthea after it's purpose had been fullfilled.


Some view Gamaganon can be seen as either a hero, or the greatest adversary in Panthean myths, as he gave the Earthwalkers, the inhabitants of Panthea, the greatest gift, but also the greatest curse; personality. This gift gave the creatures reason to love, forge friendships and live happy, while it also gave them reason to hate, destroy, kill... Anything for survival.


It was around this time that humans and other races evolved from the more brutish creatures, and it was around this time that the Sky Gods decided that the Earth Gods insolence had gone to far, and they had to be banished. The Sky Gods as well entered Panthea and fought the Earth Gods, and prevailed. As a result, the Earth Gods were trapped beneath the ground of Panthea and is now usually reffered to as Hell Gods. Everyone except Gamaganon. Gamaganon were tasked to watch over the creatures that he had given sentience, while the Sky Gods had to go back to their own plane of existence. Five of them stayed, however, as the Four Elemental Lords and Smuug, the Dragon-Lord of Balance, Chaos, Light and Darkness.


[spoiler=The Legend of the Twin Stars]

Two millennias later, the seal upon the Hell Gods started to fade and they emerged once again, but this time they did not met any resistance from the Sky Gods, who had left Panthea under the care of Gamaganon and the Five Lords, whom instead battled the Hell Gods along with mortals. After a great battle and millions of casualities, the Hell Gods were defeated and sealed once again, but only after the sacrifice of Smuug. The loss of Smuug was hard, and to ensure that his powers wouldn't wreak havoc upon Panthea the Gamaganon stored them in two eggs and hid them, waiting for them to hatch. These eggs were called the Twin Stars of Twilight, and the inhabitants of those eggs would be revealed to be one of the greatest threats that Panthea would, and will, ever see.



Another millennia has passed since then, and now your story begins.



That is basically what I would present the RP with, along with an actual plot.


EDIT: @Cherry (again): I'ma sue Konami for stealing my name.


I'll read over it in a bit.


I knew you would say that. xD


Figures they wouldn't call them gods in english.


Yes, Formula Synchron. Still, the requirements do force you think about how to get Shooting Star out.


And the next Red Dragon variant will be "When this card is summoned punch your opponent in the face. If they get knocked out you win the duel. If they don't get knocked out halve both player's lifepoints and continue the duel." And it'll have like 4500 ATK. lol


Eh, you have to admit that the names aren't too bad though.



Plus, you can use the Clear Mind without being on a motorcycle.



I was thinking more on the second part:

"If your opponent doesn't get knocked out, punch them again."



dude, knowiing konamii, iit'2 obviiou2ly iineviitable.


2ay hello two red 2tar dragon.


Well, Konami has avoided it so far, seeing as Crow is still there.

There's either going to be a 3-Way Fusion, or they won't do it.

That, or it'll fuse with Black Rose Dragon.

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He really isn't THAT overpowered. But he's really good. xD

Next Stardust variant is likely to be impossibly broken though, like you said.

Stardust's "evoloutions" only seems overpowered....


And then you look at it more closely, and realize its only easily summonable in like 1-3 decks.

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I was thinking more on the second part:"If your opponent doesn't get knocked out, punch them again."


Actually that works much better, lol.


So they replaced Lord with Sworn (in the case of LightLords and LightSworn) when they thought Lord sounded to "Godly", but they had the guts to replace God with Lord?And they did use the word God with the Egyptian Gods, so why can't they nowadays?

Because they were very clear to say they were Egyptian Gods every time they were mentioned. In Japanese they were just the gods. And technically the English card names do not ever call them gods. And after that I think name changes to the cards became more commonplace.

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So they replaced Lord with Sworn (in the case of LightLords and LightSworn) when they thought Lord sounded to "Godly", but they had the guts to replace God with Lord?


And they did use the word God with the Egyptian Gods, so why can't they nowadays?

They were Egyptian God monsters.

And none of the cards themselves actually have the word 'God' on them.


Oh, and Inverz = Steelswarm

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In the Japanese Version, the gods were the three Phantom God Beasts, I believe.

Thus why the Sacred Beasts are the three Phantom Demons.

Very close Cherry. Yugioh Wiki states the original gods were the Three Phantom Gods and the Sacred Beasts were the Three Phantom Demons.

Doesn't make much difference in the end, especially since you got what the Sacred Beasts originally were right on. lol

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Well, Konami has avoided it so far, seeing as Crow is still there.

There's either going to be a 3-Way Fusion, or they won't do it.

That, or it'll fuse with Black Rose Dragon.


nonono. bro, lii2ten. the 2eriie2 2tarted wiith ju2t 2d and rda. they al2o have the mo2t upgraded form2, 2o two 2peak. why the hell would bfd be iin iit?


I don't know what to do bro..


Do you have Java?


*goe2 two download the newe2t java thiing*


All Sollux grammar aside, we need to organize everybody's "Troll Form" and possibly make a club.

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nonono. bro, lii2ten. the 2eriie2 2tarted wiith ju2t 2d and rda. they al2o have the mo2t upgraded form2, 2o two 2peak. why the hell would bfd be iin iit?




*goe2 two download the newe2t java thiing*


All Sollux grammar aside, we need to organize everybody's "Troll Form" and possibly make a club.

tRy ThIs.




aNd YeS i SwItChEd To GaMzEe.


CaUsE wE'rE lIkE bOtH cApRiCoRnS.




I have dibs on Gamzee and Tavros as mine.


...If we're able to have two...

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