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~Absolute Powerforce - Everlasting Burning Soul~


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Andx should run Chimeratech OTK, or Cyber Dragons that use Power Bond and Cyber Twin for OTKs.

I tried Chimeratech on Black before but he got rid of it. A dedicated one turn kill deck might be fun though. Though I'm liking that powerbond, Twin combo, lol.

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One song was all it took too.


If you like Len, then you won't push Miku's/Clair's Berserk Button.


I tried Chimeratech on Black before but he got rid of it. A dedicated one turn kill deck might be fun though. Though I'm liking that powerbond, Twin combo, lol.


I'm pretty sure that a friend of mine in Stardust Force made a dedicated build. I don't know if I can find it.

Power Bond - Twin Combo is actually in standard Cyber Dragon decks. o_O


New Topic: ....The Vocaloid Powerforce List, where is it.


I burned it.

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I'm pretty sure that a friend of mine in Stardust Force made a dedicated build. I don't know if I can find it.

Power Bond - Twin Combo is actually in standard Cyber Dragon decks. o_O

I'm sure it's pretty easy to find just on the internet. I'll find an idea myself if it really takes hold of my interests, lol.

Oh, I know. My deck could do it, I just liked the sound of the combo. Of course Future Fusion and then Miracle Fusion for two Cyber Ends and then limiter removal sounds impossibly evil and fun as well.

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I'm sure it's pretty easy to find just on the internet. I'll find an idea myself if it really takes hold of my interests, lol.

Oh, I know. My deck could do it, I just liked the sound of the combo. Of course Future Fusion and then Miracle Fusion for two Cyber Ends and then limiter removal sounds impossibly evil and fun as well.


...Um, Andx?


Miracle Fusion's Text:

"Remove from play, from your side of the field or your Graveyard, Fusion Material Monsters that are listed on an "Elemental Hero" Fusion Monster Card, and Special Summon that Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck. (This Special Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon)."

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No more Tavy? D;;;;


Oh well. Not my choice.









@Cherry: Figured as much.


Oh well I'll find it.


EDIT: Found it.


Powerforce Vocaloid Lineup


Miku - Clair

Luka - Cherry

Kaito - Black

Gumi - Ammy

Len - Proto

Rin - Ice

Gakkun - Dane

Meiko - Andx

Haku - Arm

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...Um, Andx?


Miracle Fusion's Text:

"Remove from play, from your side of the field or your Graveyard, Fusion Material Monsters that are listed on an "Elemental Hero" Fusion Monster Card, and Special Summon that Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck. (This Special Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon)."

:mellow: Excuse me while I slam my head with a shovel a few times for not remembering/seeing that.

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:mellow: Excuse me while I slam my head with a shovel a few times for not remembering/seeing that.

...How do you beat yourself with a shovel without having any arms?


I heard that you were in a need of arms my dear comrade!


Well I have FOUR!


What do you need assistance with?

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Don't do that, you just misread/missed it. No harm done. xD

It just makes me feel really stupid is all. lol


...How do you beat yourself with a shovel without having any arms?

I heard that you were in a need of arms my dear comrade!

Well I have FOUR!

What do you need assistance with?

I have arms.... well really I guess if I go with the Repede joke I only have four legs.... You're right, that makes it rather difficult.


Excellent timing Gilgamesh!

Hit me once across the face with this shovel for thinking Miracle Fusion could do anything for non-Elemental Heros. No deathblows though.

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