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~Absolute Powerforce - Everlasting Burning Soul~


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1: What's so wrong with 5D's?

2: If you hate 5D's, why are you in a fanclub for JACK EFFING ATLAS?


Guys, there WAS one objection!


He objected Kuriboh.


There's two.


1: Joey vs Judgman vs Kuriboh


"Overruled. The witness' statement will stand."

"La la la la la~"


2: Extra Scene, Phoenix Wright Parody

"OBJECTION!" *Phoenix Wright*

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There was one, like Black said, but it wasn't satisfying enough. :/


I want 5D's to die in a fire. I don't care what laws of physics they have to bend to kill a show with fire, but I want it done.



There's two.


1: Joey vs Judgman vs Kuriboh


"Overruled. The witness' statement will stand."

"La la la la la~"


2: Extra Scene, Phoenix Wright Parody

"OBJECTION!" *Phoenix Wright*


vs Kuriboh =/= Worthy Objection


And I meant as part of the show, but still Kaiba is an lol Edgy.



Really? I just wanted to impale the show on a pole while trapping it in a time loop to cause it to infinitely replay that action over and over again.

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@LaytonReally? I just wanted to impale the show on a pole while trapping it in a time loop to cause it to infinitely replay that action over and over again.


That would work. Adding on to that, it could take all the main characters, gut them with a rusty spork, then proceed to burn them as they are impaled in a time loop.

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1. I'm in a club for Jack Atlas?


Sorry I must be in the wrong place.


2. There was no OBJECTION in your face, if I wanted to see something like that then I could have gone and watched Judge Judy.


Furthermore, he didn't even Yell he just said "Objection."


To Continue, there is no counter lawyer to argue with


Lastly Judge>Judgeman

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You should post in intro.


Allot of people just goof of there.


Fine. >_>


You're trying to corral a wild beast of a club here, sis.


Anyways, I was just wondering... what is the oddest deck you guys have ever created?


Mine involved bouncing cards back to the hand while using "Degenerate Circuit". xD






Oh, and Flame Dragon has terrible logic.



Stupid Payne.





I feel useful now XD



You took my spot as the attorney when I left.


I applaud you.


Best. Idea. EVAR.


...What about me?


@YGOTAS50 - Aaah, LK, you've still got it. xD


I'm still mad that they barely had any AA references.

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Guys, remember how I brought up the subject of Flat Top having a broke Tagforce effect?


Arm currently wants to try and come up with a build for it.

So I'm thinking:

Armegeddon Knight x3

Mystic Tomato x3

Dark Tuner Nightmare Hand x3

Level Eater x3

Gadjiltron Dragon x3

Gale Dogra

Morphing Jar

Dandylion x2




Foolish burial

Creature Swap x3

Dark Hole

Monster Reborn

Geartown x3

Terraforming x2


Limit Reverse x2

Magical Hats

Call of the Haunted

Mirror Force

Torrential Tribute

Bottomless Trap Hole x2


Cyber Twin Dragon x3

Dark Flat Top x3


Can someone rate/fix this?

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Excuse my absence ladies and gentlemen. I was banned. <_>


What'd you do?


...What about me?





Guys, remember how I brought up the subject of Flat Top having a broke Tagforce effect?


Arm currently wants to try and come up with a build for it.

So I'm thinking:

Armegeddon Knight x3

Mystic Tomato x3

Dark Tuner Nightmare Hand x3

Level Eater x3

Gadjiltron Dragon x3

Gale Dogra

Morphing Jar

Dandylion x2




Foolish burial

Creature Swap x3

Dark Hole

Monster Reborn

Geartown x3

Terraforming x2


Limit Reverse x2

Magical Hats

Call of the Haunted

Mirror Force

Torrential Tribute

Bottomless Trap Hole x2


Cyber Twin Dragon x3

Dark Flat Top x3


Can someone rate/fix this?


Cyber Dragon?

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Zeonark is my true love, but....a small flame burns at the bottom of my heart for Clair.



I guess you could say I'm drawn to her like a magnet: if we were ever torn apart, I'd always be able to find her.







My arch-enemies...












I dun wanna share you... D:

Ladies, ladies.




That is all there is to say on this matter.

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