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~Absolute Powerforce - Everlasting Burning Soul~


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Clair's Law has some bugs, I found out.

Apparently, to perfect it, one must use this formula


x - 10.1




Powerforce way = the broken way. xD

10.1? So that explains why it calculated Zero's chances of winning a 7 on 1 fight to be 100%. It wasn't some mathematical excuse we came up with, THE LAW WAS INCOMPLETE.


I'm so glad you found out how to fix it. The universe is in order again.


You're right. Updated version has now replaced the original where I first posted it, lol.

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*shot* *shot* *shot* *shot* *shot*



1 Tuner Synchro Monster + 1 or more "Powerforce" Synchro Monsters

This card cannot be Special Summoned except by a Synchro Summon, its own effect, or by the effect of a "Powerforce" card. When this card is Synchro Summoned, destroy cards on your opponents field equal to the number of monsters used as Synchro Materials. Then, Special Summon 1 "Powerforce" monster in your Graveyard with a doubled level equal to the number of the destroyed cards. If a "Powerforce" monster would be destroyed, you can destroy this card instead, and other "Powerforce" monsters you control cannot be destroyed this turn. If this face-up card on the field is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon it during the End Phase. If you do, you can draw 2 cards.


I'll probably change the picture and effect constantly.

I wanted a Yukari pic, but this can do just as nicely.

I came up with this in a few minutes. xD


Also, because of how the Materials are written, I can actually be Synchro Summoned via Double Tuning with Synchro Tuners.


Oh, and my OCG is wrong about the Doubled Level thing, but I don't care. You guys should be able to figure out what it does.

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10.1? So that explains why it calculated Zero's chances of winning a 7 on 1 fight to be 100%. It wasn't some mathematical excuse we came up with, THE LAW WAS INCOMPLETE.


I'm so glad you found out how to fix it. The universe is in order again.


You're right. Updated version has now replaced the original where I first posted it, lol.




Better. Much better~


*shot* *shot* *shot* *shot* *shot*



1 Tuner Synchro Monster + 1 or more "Powerforce" Synchro Monsters

This card cannot be Special Summoned except by a Synchro Summon, its own effect, or by the effect of a "Powerforce" card. When this card is Synchro Summoned, destroy cards on your opponents field equal to the number of monsters used as Synchro Materials. Then, Special Summon 1 "Powerforce" monster in your Graveyard with a doubled level equal to the number of the destroyed cards. If a "Powerforce" monster would be destroyed, you can destroy this card instead, and other "Powerforce" monsters you control cannot be destroyed this turn. If this face-up card on the field is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon it during the End Phase. If you do, you can draw 2 cards.


I'll probably change the picture and effect constantly.

I wanted a Yukari pic, but this can do just as nicely.

I came up with this in a few minutes. xD


Also, because of how the Materials are written, I can actually be Synchro Summoned via Double Tuning with Synchro Tuners.


Oh, and my OCG is wrong about the Doubled Level thing, but I don't care. You guys should be able to figure out what it does.


those last 2 lines. <3


the powerfooorce waaaay~

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those last 2 lines.


the powerfooorce waaaay~




Umm... your pic's a little revealing...


Other then that it looks good! :D


A bit overpowered but good.


That's why I'm not posting it in RC.

Josh would throw a tantrum.


Also, it was supposed to be overpowered. That's the point.

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@Clair: http://media.ebaumsworld.com/2007/12/GeekTest.jpg

We're awesome. (Works for sci-fi and band geeks, lol)


@Cherry: Fun card. I like it. Now I want to go get the two I made for me and post them, lol. Just give me a minute.

EDIT: I haz them now, lol.

[spoiler=Powerforce Cards. Two for me and the trap you've already seen.]





[spoiler=Lores in order]

When this card is successfully Tribute Summoned decrease this card's ATK by 300 if it is the only "Powerforce" monster on the field. If there is a face-up "Powerforce Black" on the field this card cannot be destroyed by the effects of Trap Cards. If this card is destroyed by battle you can special summon 1 "Powerforce Black" or "Absolute Powerforce Goddess - Cherry" from your hand, deck, or Graveyard.


1 "Powerforce" Tuner + 1 or more non-tuner monsters.

Once per turn during your Standby Phase, you can pay 800 Lifepoints to Special Summon one level 6 or lower monster from your Graveyard. An Effect monster Special Summoned this way has it's ATK decreased by 500 and has its effect negated. Every time a monster Special Summoned by this effect is destroyed, decrease this card's ATK by 400. When this card's ATK becomes 2000 or less remove it from play and Special Summon the Tuner monster used to Synchro Summon it.


Activate only when your Opponent declares an attack or activates an effect that would reduce your Lifepoints to 0. Negate the attack or effect. Then, remove all Powerforce monsters in your deck, hand, field, and Graveyard from play. Your opponent takes 1000 damage for every monster you removed from play. If your opponent's Lifepoints are not reduced to 0 by this effect, you can special summon one level 8 or higher Synchro monster from your Extra Deck.




@Arm: FORM OF- A BUCKET OF WATER yeah I got nothing.

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guys, I think I broke myself and/or made an overpowered support card for the archetype's main boss monster:

1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters.

This card can be Synchro Summoned with Synchro Material monsters of any level. When this card is Special Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 "Powerforce" Synchro monster from your Graveyard, regardless of summoning conditions, with its level treated as 8. The monster Summoned by this effect cannot attack. and has its effect negated.


Do I win?

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@Andx: Interesting Necromancer...

I love how I can be instantly summoned by the Tuner, too. <3

Yes, he makes replicas, lol. Inferior yes but fun to swarm with.

Of course. Getting the super broken cards out faster than anyone's business is also part of the Powerforce way. (I respect the person who drew the Repede pic whoever they are. Just because it looks awesome. Not quite the ideal look for a card's pic but awesome.)

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That's the way Absolute Powerforce rolls.

I love the Repede art.


Had to.


You do realize that the effect of my card lets you easily summon your card.


I noticed.

Also, your card is missing the Synchro Tuner text for Accel Synchros.


Still awesome, regardless.

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I showed Proto something that I find extremely hilarious.


Nex may enjoy it too.




Had to.



You do realize that the effect of my card lets you easily summon your card.


I better be in the set.


I mean, only the HONEST and TRUE Ice can be in this set for it to be HONEST and TRUE.

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Also, your card is missing the Synchro Tuner text for Accel Synchros.


Still awesome, regardless.

I was lazy, and didnt photoshop any of the card generator's stuff.

[Rock/Synchro/Tuner] = [Rock/Synchro Tuner]


I mean, only the HONEST and TRUE Ice can be in this set for it to be HONEST and TRUE.

So..... Ice has an Honest effect?

Honestly Ice, you have to have make your own honest card. Honestly, you do.

As its what the rest of us did, as we are honest.



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So..... Ice has an Honest effect?

Honestly Ice, you have to have make your own honest card. Honestly, you do.

As its what the rest of us did, as we are honest.




Oh, we did?


I didn't know that.


But I will make it because it will be the HONEST and TRUE version of me.

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I showed Proto something that I find extremely hilarious.


Nex may enjoy it too.






I better be in the set.


I mean, only the HONEST and TRUE Ice can be in this set for it to be HONEST and TRUE.

Okay show it to me then. >_:.::

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Oh, we did?


I didn't know that.


But I will make it because it will be the HONEST and TRUE version of me.




Is it random Powerforce member card shenanigan time? Cherry, I D:'ed when I saw how powerful yours was, then I :D when I thought about it. Then I :D some more when I saw Arm's picture.

Cherry's card is broke because my card easily spams it on the field :3

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Is it random Powerforce member card shenanigan time? Cherry, I D:'ed when I saw how powerful yours was, then I :D when I thought about it. Then I :D some more when I saw Arm's picture.


I'm the leader.

I should be about five times stronger than Scar-Red Nova Dragon.

With protection for other Powerforce Monsters and a Polar God Revival Effect, I think I'm good.

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@Andx: What a glorious thing you did.

Too bad I won't be able to post one.

It's awesome.

Why not? Can't think of how you might make yours?


... Crap! I want to make mine, but I've no clue what they did...

Time to use the search thread option. I'll see if I can't find them.


EDIT: Black, I found your basic form. I'm not sure if you ever posted the second stronger form.


[spoiler=Your card]

Powerforce Black

Level 6



You can Special Summon this card in your hand if you control a face-up "Powerforce Cherry" or "Powerforce Andx". While you control a face-up "Powerforce Andx" this card's Level is treated as 2. Once per turn' date=' while you control another "Powerforce" monster, if this card would be destroyed, it is not.





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