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~Absolute Powerforce - Everlasting Burning Soul~


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Aaaaaand I'm bored again.


Well, I'm going to try. Don't know how well it'll work, but I'll try.


No, not school. I honestly don't get too much work. That's pretty much why I am on here as much as I am.


Good luck. Just don't leave us forever, Dane.


Ah, I see.

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Aesir did the time skip. It's social RP time it seems.


I won't leave forever. I have at least three years before I start thinking about a permanent leave.


Yeah, those darn teachers. D:


Considering that my character is pretty anti-social, this isn't entirely a good thing for me. xD


Good. Dun leave us.



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"You think you can drink coffee like a pro?


Bring it, pussy boy!"




Laser Eyes."

"I would like to draw attention to the large white van outside filled with tied up little boys that belongs to Mr. Fondles here!"




....They're just his roommates"





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