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~Absolute Powerforce - Everlasting Burning Soul~


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IGNORE HER! That is all that will work.


The need for her/her approval is what's torn you apart, moreso than her leaving. If she truly rejected you, going so far as to call you pathetic, then she is not worth your time. H

arping on this will bring nothing but more pain your way. Even if you still believe her to be the most wonderful person in the world, you have to shake it off. It will just ride you for a long time if you do not, trust me. You need rest from this.


I suggest a 2-Month vacation from work modding ;D


Just kidding. Do as you like with the modding.

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Oh, well yeah, I guess.

It's how sadness works when one is at least trying to get over it. By saying 'I'm fine" when they obviously aren't is one of the first steps, ironically enough.


Also, I cannot get over the truth about the Yatagarasu in AAI.

It's still my favorite part of the game~

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No, no, I mean UNLESS he was emotionless, he can't be over it.


No one gets over heartbreak that easily. They put up fronts, and say they're okay... but, they are not alright.



I concur. But if they felt that it wouldn't work, they would let it go.



I just got lucky.



BTW thanks for your help with her Black. I really appreciate it.

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Does anyone want to rate some cards for me? I have some I wanna post, but I wanna go over them with someone...

Or I could just post them all here.


... Hmph.... that took me a while... I refuse to put that front up when I'm down, oddly.




...Odd indeed.


Ace Attorney Investigations


@Yankee: Your welcome. I didn't really help like everyone else did though. >_>

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So I wrote a random poem o.o


She's mine, she's mine, forever to be mine.

She flies to high, oh my she's a nine.

Up, down, all around, oh how she can fly.

But I soon learned this painful, heartfelt cry.


She felw so high, and met another guy.

One to end her problems and make them neigh.

I pleaded and cried, OH! how I tried,

But soon she was gone, forever too high.


So now I am alone - I just can't try

The sun has set, oh how I miss that shine.

I sit and whine, but it's too late - oh my

That bullets for me, and I understand why...




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So I wrote a random poem o.o


She's mine, she's mine, forever to be mine.

She flies to high, oh my she's a nine.

Up, down, all around, oh how she can fly.

But I soon learned this painful, heartfelt cry.


She felw so high, and met another guy.

One to end her problems and make them neigh.

I pleaded and cried, OH! how I tried,

But soon she was gone, forever too high.


So now I am alone - I just can't try

The sun has set, oh how I miss that shine.

I sit and whine, but it's too late - oh my

That bullets for me, and I understand why...







Does YCM still have thread for poems? Because its definitely worthy.




@Black I'm not going to ask.

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