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~Absolute Powerforce - Everlasting Burning Soul~


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(I was bold italics)



Moron, I didn't do it!

Remember a thing called motives? And the fact that I wouldn't kill Xazeon!

Besides, a piece of cloth? Great evidence.


God, forget about the almighty laser hole that we were all discussing?

Remember the blood? I wouldn't be able to see it, anyways.

Stop making baseless conjectures and actually say something intelligent, PuzzleWhore!

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Hmmph, forget about a certain blood issue?


Remember, I can't see red.


Nor is there an injury on me from the crowbar!


I can't be the murderer!

Who said the crowbar was tainted with your blood, for all we know Xazeon would have gone insane after years alone.


He had killed a random poor fellow with the crowbar before you showed up, a poor fellow who we didn't suspect.


I remember upgrading your visor with a laser a while ago...


Xazeon must have saw you and attacked, you slashed him with the sword but he was still coming so you had to use Coffee Beam on him.

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I was looking around, and as Shadow said, there are many things about your, 'Coffee Beam' flying around.


Next, you don't have to see the blood. Wasn't the blood on the crowbar unidentified, as if it belonged to nobody? If that was the case, it could have been from Xazeon slowly going insane, that blood could have been from anyone.


However, I still don't fully believe you were the person behind it Ice. The evidence may point to you, but there are still others who could have easily framed you, but for now, you are a suspect.


Oh hello, Dahlia.

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What do you want?

I'm busy. Now go arrest the moron.

......Why did you kill Xazeon.


You cut off my arm before and kept it, you would be perfectly capable to use it as a gun and frame us.


I'm not sure about the unknown blood but I'm SURE that you did it.

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......Why did you kill Xazeon.


You cut off my arm before and kept it, you would be perfectly capable to use it as a gun and frame us.


I'm not sure about the unknown blood but I'm SURE that you did it.



What are you, asking me? Not saying the magic words?

Go die somewhere, kid.


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Can you PLLLEEAAASSEEEEE tell us if you killed a Scizor?


Not what I meant.


Stop asking me, kid.




Blah blah blah blah.




It's all riding on you, Proto. She doesn't want you to ask. Confront her! Do what Ice would say if he thinks he knows who the murderer is!



EDIT1: Hint 3 - "DAHLIA, IT WAS YOU WHO_______!"

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Bu-but I don't know how to be mean...


Oh screw it.




Alright you primitive screwhead we know that it was you, so save us your lip-service and tell me where you were between 3:25 and 3:35 before I blow your damn head off and hang it on my wall.


[-------- ]

Screwed up. Try again and look at the hint bro.


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Oh joy. Baseless conjectures. Hmmph, I'll give you a testimony. I'll remove the whole title and the sprites because, you know, this is pathetic. It's more like a fact then a testimony.

Okay, so, let's go with little Proto here.

Motive? There is none.

Framing Proto and Shadow? Possibly Ice? Well, I may have a grudge against them, why would I frame them?

I work with Cherry.

Laser Canon explanation?

Sword explanation?

Blood with no DNA explanation?

Letter explanation?

You have nothing besides a piece of cloth to blame me with.

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