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~Absolute Powerforce - Everlasting Burning Soul~


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We need to do this. I'm sure by the time we find a way to stall I'll be back with more evidence.

Here's my shot at stalling then:


There is one person none of us here would think much about simply because he is not part of this club. One who could fire a laser that would match Proto's residue exactly. One who knows how to wield a sword. A true master inventor, one capable of tampering with the blood on the weapon. I speak, of TheCreator94.


He built Proto's body and can mime most any attack he sees. He knows how to fight with a sword and tamper with evidence. He has to be considered.

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Here's my shot at stalling then:


There is one person none of us here would think much about simply because he is not part of this club. One who could fire a laser that would match Proto's residue exactly. One who knows how to wield a sword. A true master inventor, one capable of tampering with the blood on the weapon. I speak, of TheCreator94.


He built Proto's body and can mime most any attack he sees. He knows how to fight with a sword and tamper with evidence. He has to be considered.


I second this suspect. We need to launch a full investigation that will only turn up a scrap of paper now!

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Here's my shot at stalling then:


There is one person none of us here would think much about simply because he is not part of this club. One who could fire a laser that would match Proto's residue exactly. One who knows how to wield a sword. A true master inventor, one capable of tampering with the blood on the weapon. I speak, of TheCreator94.


He built Proto's body and can mime most any attack he sees. He knows how to fight with a sword and tamper with evidence. He has to be considered.





Intelligent assumption. Get Creator to join, now.

I have some interrogation to do.

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Guys, there was a white fabric found at the scene.


Adding it to the court record.


[Victim - Xazeon

Time of death - Unknown 10/ 21/10.

Information - The victim was shot by what seems to be a highly powered laser cannon. It cut a hole through the center of his chest, killing him instantaneously. He seemed to be shot before 3:35, and after 3:25. His room is thrown in a mess, hinting at a sign of struggle. The victim was seen with a crowbar in his hand. The crowbar has been dulled, showing that it has hit something. There is some blood on the crowbar as well as some blood on a sword lying on the floor.]


[bloody Crowbar

Seen in Xazeon's right hand. Bloody and dulled out, probably used in self defense. Blood belongs to nobody, apparently.]


[bloody Sword

A bloody sword seen at the crime. Why is it there? Maybe it was used for self defense? Blood on the side of the sword. Blood belongs too Xazeon]


[Laser Hole

Definitely shot by a laser with Proto's residue.]

[White Fabric

White fabric found at the scene. Kind of like clothes.]

[Calling Card?/Note

Found at the crime scene. It says "The truth is right before you. I'm right here."]

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