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~Absolute Powerforce - Everlasting Burning Soul~


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Honestly, you all probably have a better life than me.

I had a few friends at school and I'm only actively in contact with one of them. I was an outcast through most of the years.

People never really liked me, I got used to it though.



Card of the day is Grannel Attack.

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So here I was having a great day when I read Yankee's posts. Now I'm sad.


Dude, whatever you do, don't cut yourself or do anything similar, because no girl, except very weird ones, wants to be with suicidal guys. Even if you would stop if you got a girlfriend such thing scares them. Been there, done that.


Also, you know you can come here and get suport. If you would've posted this anywhere else* you would have gotten "Get over it" thrown in your face, but in this club we feel sorry for you.


Hang in there, bro.

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Honestly, you all probably have a better life than me.

I had a few friends at school and I'm only actively in contact with one of them. I was an outcast through most of the years.

People never really liked me, I got used to it though.


Am I the only non-emo, non-self conscious, non-unhappy person in this whole f***ing club?


I mean, come on. You guys HAVE to have something good in your life.

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Am I the only non-emo, non-self conscious, non-unhappy person in this whole f***ing club?


I mean, come on. You guys HAVE to have something good in your life.

Bro, you should know that being a nice person doesn't exactly bring you far in real life.


...And I'm no dick.

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Pretty much.


Other than the internet and this place, not really.


God. You guys have to stop and think for a moment.


*looks for a Godot quote about life.*


f***, can't find one.




Life can't be bad. It's meant to be like a game of chess. You may get cornered one moment, but the next you may be out on top. You shouldn't give up, because no matter how close you are to losing, you can pull through.


Yeah, I'm not a Godot with sayings.

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Nice people will be stepped on by the others so that they can get where they want to be. That's the same thing as being used to me.


In other news, I'm going to be running an experiment concerning DK64.


That's because you guys LET yourselves get stepped on.



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Life can't be bad. It's meant to be like a game of chess. You may get cornered one moment, but the next you may be out on top. You shouldn't give up, because no matter how close you are to losing, you can pull through.


Yeah, I'm not a Godot with sayings.


Regardless, it helped.

Thanks, Ice.


Got a solution to this conflict. Get a Douche, and step on him. Then be a nice person and apologize.happy.gif


"Hey you!"


"Yeah! Lemme beat the s*** outta you!"

"Wait wat"

*one beatdown later*

"Oh... my god... ow..."

"...Yo dog, sorry for kicking your ass and s***. But I was angry. You understand, don't you?"

"Hell no! You just came and beat me up because of your anger issues! You'll be hearing from my lawyer!"



I don't see it working.

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I hate it when sarcasm doesn't make it to the other side of the screen.


It's hard to detect sarcasm when the joke isn't that funny. D:


If Gant comes back in GS5 my head will explode.


"Hello everyone! Have you been swimming lately?"

"... Mr. Wright, who's this?"

"... Apollo, don't freak out when I tell you this."

"Tell me what?"

"That I am your father, Polly."


"Mr. Justice-"


"He's just freakng out over the fact that he hasn't been swimming lately."

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"Hello everyone! Have you been swimming lately?"

"... Mr. Wright, who's this?"

"... Apollo, don't freak out when I tell you this."

"Tell me what?"

"That I am your father, Polly."


"Mr. Justice-"


"He's just freakng out over the fact that he hasn't been swimming lately."



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