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~Absolute Powerforce - Everlasting Burning Soul~


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Well, what I was thinking, was since YCMaker gets a PM from 4 other members, he would think it's important. And if he actually replies, we discuss new mods.

You can go ahead and include me if you need the people. Just don't expect me to do much talking unless it really gets going.


EDIT: Yay, ninja'd. Never mind then.

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Nyeh, I kinda noticed but I can only come every so often so I would have to read about 13 pages because this thread is so active...


No, you don't.

Just read the most recent 1 or 2 pages. You'll get an idea of what's going on.


Well, what I was thinking, was since YCMaker gets a PM from 4 other members, he would think it's important. And if he actually replies, we discuss new mods.


Seperate PMs or all in one PM Convo?

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Please include Aniki Smeash.

No there's no need to include me, he's got enough people and I wouldn't contribute much to the conversation anyway.


Again Smesh, only if you need the other spot filled to make the PM look more important.


EDIT@Smesh: I just checked the PM system. Aside from yourself and the first receiver, you can include five people. So you could incorporate me if you wish. So see the sentence above this one for my take on the matter.

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Every Mod says If you ask to be a mod you wont have it granted, but you can add me.


We're not asking for ourselves, we're asking for the whole section.


So, I'll take Andx out cause he said it was fine?

1. YCMaker

2. Me

3. ~Cherry~

4. Tainted Black

5. Shadow Zero


That good?

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There are supers. Period.


Shadius got screwed by some servor issue, so he's here, ubt not a mod ATM.


Rinne is Rinne.


Umbra stepped down.

Well Rinne is like the only one, but never online when I am, Damn time zones... They are all mods of the section, I call the section mods, you can call it what you want it is just what I call it...

Supers control it all, but yeah the forum does need more mods...


Also smesh you can add me

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Rinne does his job, not his fault if people aren't up to snuff.

There isnt really much of a job to do, Every RP has rules, and those who dont follow them usually get kicked by the host... I have only seen Rinne on once ever...I still think it could use mods even though, it sounds like I am contradicting myself, but I am not.

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Someone give me a duel. A GOOD duel.

I want a reason to keep dueling this month.

Otherwise, I'm not going to be dueling again until Starstrike Blast cards are added on.


Whoever wants to duel, Pass is:



And then I got kicked off the computer :/




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