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~Absolute Powerforce - Everlasting Burning Soul~


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@Shadow: I believe I'll ignore that comment for the moment.


@Black: ...Wait wat. Melvin has been your brother even since you joined YCM? o_O


Stop petting my Repede dammit D: /AndxRepedeobsession

No, Melvin was his character. I mean, a lot like in the way Ulquiorra is now, Melvin was the character he liked to be and make use of in conversation.


Good thing the Andx was in stricken out text because that means it isn't serious. I can handle obsession with the avi/character but when it crosses over to me that might be a bit much.

Character obsessions are fun.

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*continues petting the puppy* =3


Character obsessions can be fun to a certain extent, but there is such a thing as taken it to far.


While I was going to leave you alone, you've continued. And you should know that showing too much affection for a dog can be dangerous. So now you get hit by



... I'm assuming that Black has been alot of characters.


You never know. I could have an obsession for you, Andx-kun~

Only as much as we all have. He just has a tendencies to pick the crazies, lol.


True. Though you're not in every thread I've ever posted in so I think at least at the moment you're doing a pretty good job of keeping a handle on it.

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Actually, only Gaara, Melvin, Blck, Ulqui, and now... *Refuses to speak her name, in fear of his life*


Most members are more than that =/

No8ody really is afraid of medusa. She's just a stupid 8itch with 8ullshit arrow powers.


Whoopty f***ing doo.



@Andx: Dude, you would have loved Bequeral.


Speaking of which *gives Andx slightly irradiated steak*

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While I was going to leave you alone, you've continued. And you should know that showing too much affection for a dog can be dangerous. So now you get hit by



Only as much as we all have. He just has a tendencies to pick the crazies, lol.


True. Though you're not in every thread I've ever posted in so I think at least at the moment you're doing a pretty good job of keeping a handle on it.


Needs moar of Repde's second MA.




...*joins multiple clubs to stalk Andx*

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Needs moar of Repde's second MA.


...*joins multiple clubs to stalk Andx*

Unfortunately that was an American version combo without that attack. But if shadow continues I will search through the depths of Youtube to find the most amazing combo ever to hit him with.


Actually I think you're in all the clubs I post in actively already. But if you had a real obsession with me I'd probably see your user name at the bottom of every page I cared to view saying you were also viewing the topic. Even if said topic was a few months old and locked.

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I already explained that I only picked 4 crazies! D=



I keep posting around the same second as you. >


Unfortunately that was an American version combo without that attack. But if shadow continues I will search through the depths of Youtube to find the most amazing combo ever to hit him with.


Actually I think you're in all the clubs I post in actively already. But if you had a real obsession with me I'd probably see your user name at the bottom of every page I cared to view saying you were also viewing the topic. Even if said topic was a few months old and locked.



I want to see that.



Andx-kun... I'll always be watching you...

Forever and ever...

[spoiler=AND EVER]yuno-gasai-resized.jpg


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lol, everyone's freaking out over Pichu.



I want to see that.




Andx-kun... I'll always be watching you...

Forever and ever...

[spoiler=AND EVER]yuno-gasai-resized.jpg


I think you get to now actually.


...Don't hurt me please.

*pokes the dog in the nose and walks away* That wasn't very nice Aniki. D:

That wasn't nice either shadow. And how are you still standing after taking all that? Never mind, now you get

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While I was going to leave you alone, you've continued. And you should know that showing too much affection for a dog can be dangerous. So now you get hit by



That is all there is to say on the matter. <3



Guess who's back.


Guess who's back?


Back again?


Douchey's back.


Tell a friend.

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