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~Absolute Powerforce - Everlasting Burning Soul~


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The warn system is a pain in the ass to use. It works, but it is far off from even decent. That's why we want to go back. If it wasn't for that, this would be fine.

I wouldn't say "fine". There's still the issue of Twitter connectivity and what-not. Coupled with that, we can't ban members or effectively moderate what goes on in the status updates. If someone were to post a rather ghastly image or shock site, we can't do much to delete it, other then warn the member in question.


...That's it?

What exactly is wrong with it?


Other then the aforementioned twitter and lack of moderation of statuses, there's the warn system which doesn't seem to really be a way of effectively warning someone. There are many people running about with 100% warning and the system doesn't auto-ban them. Secondly, the warns don't seem to fade. Thirdly, we have to go way out of way to apply any actual punishment (IE, suspending and banning) instead of having it all their when we see it. First click a thing, log-in again, click another thing, type the name of the person you're looking for, hit a few more things... yeah it sounds like complaining about something minor, but the time does eventually add up, and it is rather inefficient. Fourthly, if I recall correctly, banning a member does not automatically move a member to the banned subgroup. Sure, some one may just miss it, but it then becomes an issue of issuing multiple punishments for the same crime.


As I haven't been a mod during the myBB days, I can not tell you how it compares with the current system.


But enough whining to members about other things.




As far as making more mods, I'd be fine with supporting your cause and I've heard that requested multiple times (specifically for the Your Deck section) but since that's not a section I personally frequent, I do not know who exactly would work best there, who frequents it and dispenses valuable or worthwhile enough advice.


If I had any worthwhile knowledge of the section, or even a list of nominations of who should be made a mod for that section I'd be more then willing to investigate, but as it feels I'd just be diving in blindly I wouldn't know where to begin. I asked others to send me a PM in regards for whom they wanted as mod for the Your Deck section, but only got one PM about it.


Please be advised I only speak for myself.

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Ah... now I see the problem. So basically, most of the stuff with warns aren't working and banning takes alot more than it should, right? That makes sense.


Arm! Arm!

... I honestly don't know who would be a good Your Deck mod. Maybe Manjyome Thunder? I don't actually post there alot myself either, so, yeah...

I'm really only concerned with Clubs & Organizations.

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She voted in the YGT matches today, she's still around.

New mods would be cool, I know a lot of people who would do a great job at modding.

I looked at the mod list too recently and never heard of half of them, and a lot have been inactive.

Active mods I can think of JoshIcy, Flame Dragon, Phantom Roxas, Crab Helmet, Rinne (sorta), MarbleZone, PikaPerson01, Yankee, uhhh..I know I'm forgetting some people..

But what sections do all the active mods moderate at the moment, does anyone know? That would give us a better idea of what needs to be moderated (I'd love to be a Contest Mod personally, but I know others who'd do a good job).

All Mods mod All Sections now, dude.




Finale Shot was a mod?! O_O


Well, he's not now, and Glasstin/Huntar! are not around now.


And, my concerned sections are RP, Your Deck, and maybe C&O.

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I do want YCM family too.


Anyone? D:

If anyone else asks for a YCM family Cherry may just have to find some way to make everyone in the Powerforce related. lol


Anyway, I would but anyone who decides I'm related to them for YCM purposes would have some serious delusion problems through an avi/sig based joke.

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Apparently, because of me, people are interested in getting a Why-See-Em family.


Look, all you guys have to do is hug Melvin.

Then you'll get a brother. Maybe.

*Ignores Shadow*


*Sets up Hug Booth. Price: Death* HUG?!




He's been mine since I JOINED YCM >_> Him and Gaara.

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