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~Absolute Powerforce - Everlasting Burning Soul~


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I think Crab has left...She has her activity private and I haven't seen her post in forever.She was funneh :(


She voted in the YGT matches today, she's still around.

New mods would be cool, I know a lot of people who would do a great job at modding.

I looked at the mod list too recently and never heard of half of them, and a lot have been inactive.

Active mods I can think of JoshIcy, Flame Dragon, Phantom Roxas, Crab Helmet, Rinne (sorta), MarbleZone, PikaPerson01, Yankee, uhhh..I know I'm forgetting some people..

But what sections do all the active mods moderate at the moment, does anyone know? That would give us a better idea of what needs to be moderated (I'd love to be a Contest Mod personally, but I know others who'd do a good job).

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y did u say so


why are you not ready for me and even


Let me get this straight:

Pizza is just a YCMaker follower and YCMaker does whatever the hell he feels like?


Shhh. D:

*starts to shave beard*

God. This is disgusting. ><


never mind it


because i do not think you are prepared for even


From what I've heard, yeah.


btw, starting to watch 5D's again... I don't know what to expect. xD

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@Arm: Love the card.


And no

I will not reveal my Grannel Plushie to the world >:


Shhh. D:

*starts to shave beard*

God. This is disgusting. >


never mind it


because i do not think you are prepared for even


From what I've heard, yeah.


btw, starting to watch 5D's again... I don't know what to expect. xD






why would you even




Large amounts of crap. Expect that.

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@Zerker: Enjoy your ban. If they give you one.

3 day suspension. >_>


As far as I can tell they can see all that goes on, they just can't post. Though IIRC, the usual mod in charge of this section tends to be harsher (or maybe less harsh, I forget).


If he continues harassing go ahead and mark his posts. His posts, please! If you must mark his account, which I notice several members from the board in general doing, please specifically include what and/or where said rule-breaking occurred. Links preferred.






Speaking of words to inspire flame hate...


*reads the rules for this section*


"1) Clubs needs some form of topic.


What said topic is I don’t care (so long as it’s forum appropriate), you just need one. Topics that don’t have some over branching idea will often get swing wildly from one idea to another with no common link and as such is just general banter. This kind of stuff will not be tolerated."


*reads first post*


"You're free to talk about anything you want."


Err... as I stated somewhere else I'm not the mod of this section, but did you and whoever the mod is come to an agreement on this, or am I reading the rule incorrectly or... what's going on here exactly? I assume it's the first since this topic is stickied or w/e so the mod normally in charge of this is aware of what this club is doing buuut... just wanted to make sure here. *shrug*

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"1) Clubs needs some form of topic.


What said topic is I don’t care (so long as it’s forum appropriate), you just need one. Topics that don’t have some over branching idea will often get swing wildly from one idea to another with no common link and as such is just general banter. This kind of stuff will not be tolerated."


*reads first post*


"You're free to talk about anything you want."


Err... as I stated somewhere else I'm not the mod of this section, but did you and whoever the mod is come to an agreement on this, or am I reading the rule incorrectly or... what's going on here exactly? I assume it's the first since this topic is stickied or w/e so the mod normally in charge of this is aware of what this club is doing buuut... just wanted to make sure here. *shrug*


I think FD knows what's going on here.


Then again, FD did sticky the Random Whatever.

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Err... as I stated somewhere else I'm not the mod of this section, but did you and whoever the mod is come to an agreement on this, or am I reading the rule incorrectly or... what's going on here exactly? I assume it's the first since this topic is stickied or w/e so the mod normally in charge of this is aware of what this club is doing buuut... just wanted to make sure here. *shrug*

Well, MOST of the time we discuss 5Ds, as this club IS dedicated to one of the main characters in said anime.

Other times we just like to examine random things that everyone apparently obsess over.

........Like when Ice(and just about everyone els) went all crazy over the Ben videos.

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3 day suspension. >_>


As far as I can tell they can see all that goes on, they just can't post. Though IIRC, the usual mod in charge of this section tends to be harsher (or maybe less harsh, I forget).


If he continues harassing go ahead and mark his posts. His posts, please! If you must mark his account, which I notice several members from the board in general doing, please specifically include what and/or where said rule-breaking occurred. Links preferred.




Good enough.

I'll mark his posts. I'm pretty sure I did. o_o

Thanks, Pika.


Speaking of words to inspire flame hate...


*reads the rules for this section*


"1) Clubs needs some form of topic.


What said topic is I don’t care (so long as it’s forum appropriate), you just need one. Topics that don’t have some over branching idea will often get swing wildly from one idea to another with no common link and as such is just general banter. This kind of stuff will not be tolerated."


*reads first post*


"You're free to talk about anything you want."


Err... as I stated somewhere else I'm not the mod of this section, but did you and whoever the mod is come to an agreement on this, or am I reading the rule incorrectly or... what's going on here exactly? I assume it's the first since this topic is stickied or w/e so the mod normally in charge of this is aware of what this club is doing buuut... just wanted to make sure here. *shrug*


By that part of the first post, I basically meant that discussion isn't restricted to Yugioh only. We're usually talking about Yugioh.

Other than that, it's usually other Anime/Games and whatnot or us just having fun.


I can change something if needed, though.

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"1) Clubs needs some form of topic.


What said topic is I don’t care (so long as it’s forum appropriate), you just need one. Topics that don’t have some over branching idea will often get swing wildly from one idea to another with no common link and as such is just general banter. This kind of stuff will not be tolerated."


*reads first post*


"You're free to talk about anything you want."


Err... as I stated somewhere else I'm not the mod of this section, but did you and whoever the mod is come to an agreement on this, or am I reading the rule incorrectly or... what's going on here exactly? I assume it's the first since this topic is stickied or w/e so the mod normally in charge of this is aware of what this club is doing buuut... just wanted to make sure here. *shrug*


I don't know for sure since I just joined here a little bit ago, but the central topic is Yu-Gi-Oh from what I've seen, and, well:

*points to club name*

We deviate from topic, sure, but Powerforce does talk about Yu-Gi-Oh a lot, so that's fine, right?


EDIT: Multi-ninja'd..

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Good enough.

I'll mark his posts. I'm pretty sure I did. o_o


You may have, but there's more to the Report List then meets the eye. Namely, it's not so great. I have no idea if or not I'm supposed to mention specifics about it, but if you have to mark anyone or anything, feel free to include the most information you possibly can.


Though if you want a pro-tip in helping increasing the odds of seeing swift justice... actually I don't know if I should say...


Ok guys this is what I'm thinkin.


Tommorrow, I start a pm with me, YCMaker, and three others. And we hopefully discuss this mod thing.


That sound cool?


Err... I only barely caught the conversation as I was skimming for BLAZING ZERKER's posts, but this is something about increasing the number of mods or something? Not to be rude, mean or snarky (I'm much too tired right now to be either of my three defining traits) but I'd advise you to not hold your breathe on the subject. Though I've seen stranger things happen, so... idk. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say. Just don't get your hopes up.


And now I will depart and never return to this topic ever again, probably. *flees*

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And now I will depart and never return to this topic ever again, probably. *flees*

Wait, you can try to join the club if you want, not much chance of anyone denying you. Cherry likes having mods in the club.

Your choice in the end of course.

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You may have, but there's more to the Report List then meets the eye. Namely, it's not so great. I have no idea if or not I'm supposed to mention specifics about it, but if you have to mark anyone or anything, feel free to include the most information you possibly can.


Though if you want a pro-tip in helping increasing the odds of seeing swift justice... actually I don't know if I should say...


Aaah. I see.

Will do, Pika.


Err... I only barely caught the conversation as I was skimming for BLAZING ZERKER's posts, but this is something about increasing the number of mods or something? Not to be rude, mean or snarky (I'm much too tired right now to be either of my three defining traits) but I'd advise you to not hold your breathe on the subject. Though I've seen stranger things happen, so... idk. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say. Just don't get your hopes up.


And now I will depart and never return to this topic ever again, probably. *flees*


Yeah. We want more mods so a staff member will be always be available for stuff like this.


Thanks again, Pika.



Damn, that was close.

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@Pika I actually thought you were gonna scold me for posting that. @_@


Or am I just too stupid to understand, and you told me not to do it?


Either way, I'm gonna try it. Who would like to be in the pm?


Also: Thanks for all the help, Pika :D



Hey I just remembered something.

Ice was a mod.

Why don't we ask him how he became one and other stuff we're curious about?





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Smesh, that thing is gonna die. ><


I don't think YCMaker answers his PMs. He must get hundreds...


Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


If it's a serious topic, and we state we have a problem, he should (as in it would be a good thing, he probably won't) reply.

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