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~Absolute Powerforce - Everlasting Burning Soul~


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@ Cherry

K, so I just watched YGO5Ds 132, and here are my opinions on it.


-Of course Pladico would screw with Lucciano.

-What happened to Placido's stubbornness?

-Since when was Wisel colorful instead of white?

-Jose can beat Usain Bolt, probably.

-Jose, you should know better than revealing that YOU CAN FUSE WITH YOUR D-WHEEL IN PUBLIC!!

-Jose, your cheep with the life recovery - Grannel thing, even for MY standards. That's not good.

-Jack got annihilated.

-What happened with Jack's D-Wheel?

-I forgot, Jose's theme is awesome.


EDIT: @ Aesir

Just checked. It's 42.00309378 on my graphing calculator.

And 42's the meaning of life, the universe and everything, and the answer to the ultimate question, so it COULD be the answer, although your still wrong.

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@ Cherry

K, so I just watched YGO5Ds 132, and here are my opinions on it.


-Of course Placido would screw with Lucciano.

Placido is like his big brother now.

-What happened to Placido's stubbornness?

There's three theories:

A: This Placido is a different version/model that actually obeys.

B: After getting a Class A Asswhooping from Shooting Star Dragon, Placido decides to not be an arrogant ass.

C: Basically B, but he now knows about the power of the Fourth Emperor.

-Since when was Wisel colorful instead of white?


-Jose can beat Usain Bolt, probably.

You beat your ass he can.

-Jose, you should know better than revealing that YOU CAN FUSE WITH YOUR D-WHEEL IN PUBLIC!!


-Jose, your cheap with the life recovery - Grannel thing, even for MY standards. That's not good.


-Jack got annihilated.

After the Atlas Beatdown, the Jose Beatdown begins.

-What happened with Jack's D-Wheel?

I assume that Jack and Wheel Of Fortune are both still airbone.

-I forgot, Jose's theme is awesome.

It's better than Jack's theme.

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@ Cherry

K, so I just watched YGO5Ds 132, and here are my opinions on it.


-Of course Pladico would screw with Lucciano.

-What happened to Placido's stubbornness?

-Since when was Wisel colorful instead of white?

-Jose can beat Usain Bolt, probably.

-Jose, you should know better than revealing that YOU CAN FUSE WITH YOUR D-WHEEL IN PUBLIC!!

-Jose, your cheep with the life recovery - Grannel thing, even for MY standards. That's not good.

-Jack got annihilated.

-What happened with Jack's D-Wheel?

-I forgot, Jose's theme is awesome.


EDIT: @ Aesir

Just checked. It's 42.00309378 on my graphing calculator.

And 42's the meaning of life, the universe and everything, and the answer to the ultimate question, so it COULD be the answer, although your still wrong.


Episode 132?

Im only episode 75

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@ Cherry

- I can imagine that

- A: I can agree with that, although I doubt it because you can TELL he's plotting something else

B: "My prey is Yusei Fudo. I won't use my full power against you." Gee, THAT'S not arrogant.

C: Once again, his plan. So the basic reason is for his plan.

-... true.

-That's a given. He can lift me with his pinky.

-He probably did, but he wet his pants and went tot he bathroom, so it wasn't aired.

-It's called overpowered Anime-only cards.

-Yup. Although Yusei will probably inflict over 5600 damage in one Battle Phase with Shooting Star.

-How long can that thing stay airborn from that altitude? That defies physics. Oh yeah, Jack can jump over 7 feet into the air...


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@ Cherry

- I can imagine that

- A: I can agree with that, although I doubt it because you can TELL he's plotting something else

B: "My prey is Yusei Fudo. I won't use my full power against you." Gee, THAT'S not arrogant.

C: Once again, his plan. So the basic reason is for his plan.

A: That's probably why people think he's a different model.

B: Okay, I didn't mean like that. I meant "MOVE DAMN IT, I WILL DO THINGS THE WAY I LIKE IT!" arrogant.

C: Pretty much.

-... true.

-That's a given. He can lift me with his pinky.

He made Mizoguchi's D-Wheel explode with his fist. Of course he can lift you with his pinky.

-He probably did, but he wet his pants and went tot he bathroom, so it wasn't aired.


-It's called overpowered Anime-only cards.


-Yup. Although Yusei will probably inflict over 5600 damage in one Battle Phase with Shooting Star.

12 Speed Counters, 5 Speed Spells in hand.

-How long can that thing stay airborn from that altitude? That defies physics. Oh yeah, Jack can jump over 7 feet into the air...

He's Jack effing Atlas.


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An OVERPOWERED variation. And the parts are f***ing overpowered as well. I'm scared to see Cubicle...

You do realize that nobody in the anime ever really relys on monster/Spell/Trap destruction, right?

Top's effect only negates something while its face-up. The only reason they went out of order is because its more dramatic that way.

Attack's effect is horribly situational.

Guard's effect is just generic.

Carrier is just a situational Gyroid.


Your argument -> Invalid

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@ Cherry

-A: He just has a new facepaint. I have a feeling that's the only thing. Also, he mentioned ZONE changing, so that could have somehow affected his programming.

B: Oh, THAT'S what you meant. But that doesn't change the fact that he's arrogant.

- Well, Grannel Carrier can negate the destruction of 1 monster once per turn, so if Shooting Star's first attack is negated, he wouldn't just attack a 12000 ATK monster, so he would probably go after Grannel top twice.


@ Arm

1. I do realize that. I realized it since the second YGO anime.

2. That wasn't really an argument... either way, I think cheap would have been a better word for me to use, but just for the Anime.

A-In a world where practically EVERYONE uses Synchros, Grannel Attack is pretty cheap.

G-Guard doesn't work too well, although with the Carrier, it can be a bit frustrating to deal with.

C-Scenario: FINALLY, I GOT AN ATTACK THROUGH! *negates destruction* *frustration*

T-Top... basically... negated... a... face-up... monster... of COURSE the basic effect animation is invalid, but that's still kinda cheap.

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Top's effect only negates something while its face-up. The only reason they went out of order is because its more dramatic that way.

Attack's effect is horribly situational.

Guard's effect is just generic.

Carrier is just a situational Gyroid.


Top - LolDrama

Attack - Absorbs Synchro Monsters if the body couldn't. In the anime, that's actually pretty good. imo.

Guard - ...Wisel is the only unique one.

Carrier - LolRoid.


@ Cherry

-A: He just has a new facepaint. I have a feeling that's the only thing. Also, he mentioned ZONE changing, so that could have somehow affected his programming.

B: Oh, THAT'S what you meant. But that doesn't change the fact that he's arrogant.

- Well, Grannel Carrier can negate the destruction of 1 monster once per turn, so


A: That's exactly why everyone made this theory up.

B: True. Lol.

- You didn't understand what effect I'm talking about.

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- Are you suggesting Yusei's FTK (in a sense) that will sadly never happen?





So gaiz...


I'm kind of bored here. I'm all out of How I Met Your Mother episodes to watch, the servers on World of Warcraft is down and the only active RP that I'm in has no new posters.




Go to TV Tropes.

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So gaiz...


I'm kind of bored here. I'm all out of How I Met Your Mother episodes to watch, the servers on World of Warcraft is down and the only active RP that I'm in has no new posters.




Know Your Meme. ;D


It's the little brother of TVTropes.

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