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~Absolute Powerforce - Everlasting Burning Soul~


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I can post my plan for this one so you know at least what to expect.


[spoiler=The Format for this one]

Welcome. I am your host Striker. Are you good at card making? Are you lucky? If you are, this place is for you. I did this before and it was a hit. If you didn't join during the first one, please read the following.


The Set Up:

This is a 1 round contest where you make a card that requires luck. This contest follows the saying "1st is the worst, 2nd is the best, 3rd is the one with the treasure chest". The prizes will follow that saying. The luck comes in if you manage to grab second place. Pride in getting first has a price, a small prize. So what do you say? Are you in or are you out?


Entry Fee:

15 points. If you don't have enough, you'll be in for free. If you lie about this, you will be reported.


What I'm looking for in your card?

Make a Synchro monster that requires luck in its summoning conditions. Easy, I don't think so.



1st Place: 1 Rep and 125 points

2nd Place: 3 Rep and 250 points

3rd Place 2 Rep and 500 points





End Date: August 20th


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Looks like Scar found someone else to be annoyed at. That saves me a lot of trouble.





I can post my plan for this one so you know at least what to expect.


[spoiler=The Format for this one]




I like that format.

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Scar, why did you do that. That was not called for. Anyway, what do you guys think?


Have something against gay people? Because, if you do, I'll start to call you a Homophobe.



I saw it after Ice's Purple SP said something. I laughed a bit as well.


Call me Purple SP and I'll murder you.

I'm not some Purple Gameboy Advance SP.

He can laugh at himself, that's good at least. ^^


How are you on while Dane's on...?




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